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Messages - Wolfgirl777

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Discussion / Re: Rude people.
« on: January 02, 2012, 10:23:55 pm »
No, my block button was spazzing out at the time so there for, it could not of been resolved.

It takes alot more effort for you just to move than a whole pack as we all know, people are alwayss geting lost. Yes its not right to claim a spot right in front of a portal, but some people cant download maps.

Game Discussion / Re: Rude people.
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:00:01 pm »
Well, i think it is kind of annoying when some one just comes and interrupts an rp, but i don't think its right to just scream at them, whisper them and ASK them to leave first.
I personally HATE it when someone starts trying to get involved with out asking first. I remember once i was in a wolf rp, i was just rping and then some one came along and started annoying us. They were ok at first but... eventually they asked to join. They were a bright blue and red but as it was realistic, they didn't meet the requirements to join the pack. I told them that if they wanted to join, they would need to edit there char... they refused (i was the beta). As we were rping in local they tryed to join in but i told them they needed to edit first. Soon i asked them to leave and they just sat there. they were constantly trying to join in and i found this VERY frustrating. i didn't shout, i asked them over whisper if they could leave. But no. They sat there. Everyone else was beginning to get annoyed. Soon a fight broke out and we had to move because of it. I mean, the guy was probably 8, they were REALLY stupid. they didn't even know what the name of a group of wolves was, they spelt almost every word incorrectly and were swearing there heads of at the end of it. We also lost ALOT of members that day (it was a long term rp) including one of our well liked and well know original members who was always keeping the pack under control (The pack fell apart after she left).
I think that you are being rude by interrupting an rp but there was no reason for them to act like that. Yes, if they didn't want you there, they should of asked you to leave but... i wouldn't recommend trying to join an rp all ready under way, maybe try going around it in a different way. It is EXTREMELY frustrating when some idiot comes and kills your rp,  But still, there was no reason for the screaming and godmodding.

Meshes / Re: Updated!! Feline AND Canine Claw Meshes, for YOU!
« on: September 25, 2011, 09:04:35 pm »
Will these cost? im really unsure...

Hey could i apply for the family?

Sorry no pic
Rank:Children minor
Rank job:Fighter
Personality:venus is quite bossy and loves to push people smaller and/or weaker than her, she also loves a good fight (and yes she is good at fighting).
Role play sample: Venus looked at the small new born with an evil smirk on her face, she could almost taste its blood! but she did not want to kill it, she only wanted to give it a quick bite to enshure she was dominet of it. she opend her jaws and sudenly "VENUS WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" she turned around to see her parents, she was in DEEP trouble...
Ingame/forum username: Wolfgirl777

i will join the family!

No pic sorry...
Rank:...Posible to be minor children?
Rank job:Fighters
Personality:Venus is fast to snap, she is also kind of small but she is like a jack russle when she attacks- goes for the windpipe and never lets go until the victim stops shaking...
Pets: none
Image/Form username:Iona or Wolfgirl777

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