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Messages - Binks

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Help / Re: Confusing problem..
« on: August 22, 2011, 07:23:16 pm »
Sounds super confusing!!! Now what you should try to do is PUT them ON  your block list, then take them off.
You should also log in as a different user and look for your friends, i dont know exactly what the problem is is but maybe we can try to get clues as to how to solve it so one of the form hero's can come and save the day for us.

Game Help / Re: pleeaase help me!!! I cant get in the game!!
« on: August 22, 2011, 07:02:59 pm »
Well when does it say "failed to connect"?
Right when you log in or after you chose your character?

Game Help / Re: How do you make textures
« on: August 22, 2011, 06:55:23 pm »
This sounds more like a "how do i add certain  textures to certain objects" kind of question.

that should help a bit lol

Game Help / Re: Others can't see my exported Presets Ive sent them
« on: August 08, 2011, 03:49:10 am »
So, when i signed up on here my username was "Binks" and when i exported my latest preset in-game i saw that it read "binks_8.fhp". before i could get it to work i had to log into the game with the b in Binks caped, then export it so that the preset read "Binks_8.fhp". but it WORKED!!! :D Thanks ruby you helped a ton!!!

Game Help / Others can't see my exported Presets Ive sent them
« on: August 07, 2011, 06:37:50 am »
I made a preset today and nobody i sent the ".fhp" can see it.. i can see it fine but the four other people i sent the ".fhp" to see nothing. i find this annoying and, not cool. Ive tried re-exporting and sending it but nobody seems to be able to see it. my computers a windows vista, I dont know what graphic card Im using but i hardly think that matters on something like this. Ive made changes to the code but only to allow putting a different marking on the right side of the preset.

Again i can see my preset on my wolf just perfect but others never seem to be able to, no matter how much i send it to them, or how many different times i export. Ive tried saving my preset pictures in "png" and "jpeg" and no luck with ether one, even though they both work fine for myself. if anyone out there has any idea of what could be wrong or if theirs anything Im messing up with id be thrilled to hear from you!!  :)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Realistic Wolf Fur Texture + Mods
« on: May 29, 2011, 12:23:13 am »
Ive downloaded the wolf mod and I'm having issues.. i don't think the eye mask is working right because, well, the eyes and eyelids on my wolves are completely white UNLESS I'm looking at a wolf that's underwater, the eyes work then but only then. please help. :(

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