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Messages - rocky

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Game Discussion / Re: same character names eg:2 shadows
« on: December 10, 2011, 04:56:24 pm »
Shockingly there are alot of Rockys . I might of been,key word might, one of the first people with that name-eer lion but but I noticed it caught on quick, its nice to see it xD just aslong as there is no charc stealing, I saw it happen to a friend once,wasent pretty xD.

Screenshots / Re: Password's Screenies
« on: December 06, 2011, 08:29:31 pm »
Heya your on my youtube vidio! (Randomness on FH by Aneasvega)
who me ?

I do agree they have more bigger "fish to fry" if you will xD and the things they want to tackle on to do I agree with completely however this would be a nice addition as an after affect once everything else gets fixed I think :3

The manes we have are good but there isint much of a variety. I think we should have maybe on like mufasas or maybe another one like scar had to. Then maybe another one slick back and a little sticking up in the middle sorta like my pic in my signature  has it.  Maybe another that looks more like simbas xD.

Like for example :

Now no of course im not saying copy them exactly but maybe those can help give us a little more of a variety to choose from,you get me? I personally would love to have one of these manes.What do you think? You think adding some new manes would be a good idea?

Mufasa Simba Scar pics and charcs (c) Disney

Rocky pic and character (c) me

Game Help / Would anyone happen to have the circle of life song file?
« on: November 29, 2011, 01:15:16 am »
We added some new songs to my map file but we want the instrmental for cicle of life and all the ones I find gltich so is there any chance anyone has one that works?

Game Discussion / Re: EQUINE ADDITION IDEA!
« on: November 26, 2011, 10:32:44 pm »
as cool as that would be kov only wants feline and canine, the games really inspired by the tlk as to were the main characters were carnivores. I actually spoke to him myself back in the summer, he told me hes not adding any other models. 

Game Help / Re: Can you add more then one song file to your map?
« on: November 26, 2011, 08:45:15 pm »
thanks bud, well try it out, I really appreciate it

A friend and I are working on a new revamp map and we kinda want to add some instrumentals to it that we liked and feel fit our rp. Im curious can we fit more then one mp3file or more then one instrumental to the map .Also if you ad rain lets say, how can yous top it from going threw objects, for example, when it rained in my old map the rain used to go threw the den,is there anyway to stop that ?

Rocky the lion

News Archives / Re: It's time something is done about this
« on: November 14, 2011, 03:09:16 am »
how do you know he is even working on the facebook game anymore.


I don't even wanna bother with this anymore but I know i feel like I need to.
And okay, game developer person. I've said more than what you think I have. And everyone's different. What you may think takes a week may take a month for someone else.
Heck, what everyone thinks takes a month could take a year for another.
How do you know what's going on.

And why was this whole post even started? I'm sorry but honestly. If you have a problem with someone go to them, don't start an entire rebellion against that one person.

It gives off bad vibes. And not to mention now because of this I can tell as soon as Kovu logs into fh there are going to be LOADS of people running up to him and complaining to him.

In my opinion, Kov's a good guy. Doesn't take everything too seriously like a lot of people tend to do.
And another thing...
It's not like Kov gets paid to do this.
There's no profit.
He made the game for fun because he likes the lion king.
So what's his drive to keep building on the game if people fire against him and no one supports him?
I get everyone tried to help. Maybe he feels he doesn't want it.

Where in the MMORPG rulebook does it say a game creator needs a team. Where. It's probably recommended, but im 99% positive that Kov has all rights to do this on his own and hold up as long as he wants.

And now look what it's turned into.

You have a good point Jarei but so do they, in the end we need to come to an agreement and sort things out, what we should do is try to organize a list or note to come up with an agreement with kovu to try and straighten things out once and for all, this forum is good to get everyones ideas out thier but in order for change we need to take action, kovu is a good guy and he probably dosent realize the effect of his absence on everyone, I think that we should collect everything in a formal note,message,whatever, message him and try to compromise something. Now idk if you guys all agree on that but in my opinion I believe we needa say something in order for things to be done.

News Archives / Re: It's time something is done about this
« on: November 13, 2011, 02:39:51 am »
AMEN Red, Amen. <3

Kovu. Either you need to hire someone that is capable of fixing the problems, or hand the game over to someone else if you're just going to leave us here. I've never seen you on the forums except probably once, when I viewed your profile. If it is too much stress for you anymore, try as I suggested.

and about your FaceBook game.

WHY are you making another game when your current game, FeralHeart, which has become a complete HIT, needs attention? You ignore it like a dead animal! Along with your players! Does FH not matter anymore? Would you like it to die just as IT did?

I was driven back to Impressive Title because of Feralheart's condition. I consider Impressive Title better than FH's condition. Just my opinion. This needs to change, and it needs to change now before you lose more members, or even lose FH altogether.

To tell you the truth, Kovu. You need to face some facts. I and many others don't see FH surviving after the release of Aro'Kai. Sorry bud, I realize you have a life, but is it that hard to hop on the forum once in awhile to at least post a bit on the forums? Just to let everyone know you haven't totally ABANDONED us? Because that's what it sems like to me at this point.

You've abondoned us, Kovu.
well said feather but to be honest I don't believe everyone will leave FH for AK when it comes out. FH has alot of loyal members besides myself that will stick by its side, Me and a alot of others have been here since January when FH first came out and I mean look threw all the hardships FH had and everyone is still here trying to make things work. All were asking for is more structure kov, a game like this with its growing numbers can get a bit crazy and juggling both a game and real life can be hard, we know, trust us,but all we ask is for you to be a more active and here for us to help and give updates when needed. We all need help once in awhile and as hard as it must be to ask for it for alot of people,trust me I understand that, sometimes its necessary at least for a bit just to straighten things back to normal. This isint an attack kov,we just love FH and we want to keep it alive for as long as possible.All of us, admins,mods,citizens  are all here showing are passion for the game and to keep it around. Some things just need to be taken care of.

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