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Messages - DarkendStride

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Discussion Board / Re: i need help
« on: January 13, 2012, 01:41:15 am »
I'm not a huge expert on fax machines. But, is it giving you an error or is the page simply not being returned with your registration being accepted?

Sometimes it'll take awhile for a registration by fax to go through, I know from experience.
So, just give it some time and check again?

Also... ITR?
Nevermind, I suspected that... :#

Game Help / Re: FeralHeart's slowing down my internet.
« on: January 13, 2012, 01:32:43 am »
To get proper help for this, some useful information would be...
Was the internet slow with FH on your computer, when it was running or when it was not running?

Any internet game ran alongside another internet application can slow down your internet, because they both have to share the same line of communication to the outside world...
It's like cutting a pie in half, essentially; If there was one person, he would get the whole pie. If there are other people, each of them gets a piece! As more people (Or in this case internet applications) join-in, they're slices get smaller or in your case, the speed at which the data is uploaded/downloaded.

My recommendation would be to surf the internet when you're not playing FH!

Hope this helps,

Game Help / Re: Another patch after 1.12?
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:37:24 pm »
Quote from: Sarah  link=topic=15466.msg209445#msg209445 date=1324766155

You should be glad wings even got added to the game, and that the staff have been updating the game lately. You should go start a new thread with your complaints elsewhere.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! ;) I know the problem will get fixed when it needs to.

You should be glad wings even got added to the game, and that the staff have been updating the game lately.

the game was fine as it was, BEFORE they started destroying it with their recent updates.

Okay, lets not start a fight here...

Anyways, a new patch was just released; Maybe he fixed the wings, ya? :3

Game Help / Re: Another patch after 1.12?
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:35:35 pm »
Quote from: Sarah  link=topic=15466.msg209434#msg209434 date=1324766053
Quote from: Sarah  link=topic=15466.msg209426#msg209426 date=1324765826
it sucks anyway! i didnt want wings to start off with, but the wings just look awful! the character doesnt move up and down fast enough in timing with the wings! ITS ALL WRONG! not only that but i cant go in any public maps! I hope the next patch his him removing the wings!!

You are an example of the "Disappointed 1/3", have fun.
On another note, Just wait for him to fix it...
He can't wait forever.

i never wanted them. i liked FH as it is. Kovu himself said he didnt want FH to turn into another IT. well guess what? he lied. this is like IT, and it sucks. He wanted FH to be more realistic, not THIS! *not happy* not only that but i cant play now even though it says theres 50 odd people online, because it tells me i havent downloaded the recent patch even though i have 5 times now!

And guess what? This is the wrong place to complain about it. :#
Try the "Opinions" forum, no one reads those. ;D

Game Help / Re: Another patch after 1.12?
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:31:54 pm »
Quote from: Sarah  link=topic=15466.msg209426#msg209426 date=1324765826
it sucks anyway! i didnt want wings to start off with, but the wings just look awful! the character doesnt move up and down fast enough in timing with the wings! ITS ALL WRONG! not only that but i cant go in any public maps! I hope the next patch his him removing the wings!!

You are an example of the "Disappointed 1/3", have fun.
On another note, Just wait for him to fix it...
He can't wait forever.

- Cuts in front of everyone else -
Dun like the back of the line... :3

Game Help / Re: Another patch after 1.12?
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:28:45 pm »
He might just be trying to keep us off the servers for a bit while everyone downloads the patch. :#

Stories / The wolf of Italy Hill
« on: November 15, 2011, 05:29:06 am »
For those that we love, we must... Get away.~
A story by Kekitan, or rather, myself; I hold all copyright to this story and you may not reproduce, modify, or repost it without my permission. Nor claim it as your own, at any time.
If you wish to share this story, please redirect them to this post.

I'll be updating this periodically. When I have time, of course.


"Shall we tell them the story of Italy hill?" A gentle voice asked, as gentle as the breeze wisping fur, and twice as beautiful.
"I would 'supose..." A gruff voice replied, his tongue moving like sandpaper over the words that he spoke. Withering them away into dust.
"It is a story of many twists and turns, well, not really. More like a legend told to kits during they're first nightfall, one they will not soon forget."
"Anyhow, there is a wolf on Italy hill. You may call him, a guardian. Some call him the lost traveler. Others, well... They just tend not to associate with him."
"Yes, he's quite interesting..." Came a third voice still, he made jest and merriment out of this sad story in telling, and as he said it. His voice slowly drummed off into laughter.
"Mind your manners!" The second voice snapped, gruff as ever with a edge like that of the sharpest claws. "You cannot use this for your merry making!"

The voice continued to laugh and laugh, as it slowly faded into nothing. It was as light as a feather, skipping on the breeze.

"Anyhow..." The first voice continued, "Some tend not to associate with him, and for good reason. He is like me, kind... And he is like him, as gruff as sandpaper on fur. He sits on that hill, waiting to be found."

"For, it is the hill of the lost!" Interjected a forth, more knowledgeable sounding than the others; A crowd joined to meet him at this.

"Quiet down... Quiet down... Too much commotion and we might wake him!" The first voice called to the others, and they all quieted in respect.

"Now, where was I? Oh, yes... He is waiting to be found! Italy Hill is the place where lost souls are ensnared. Those poor, lost souls..." The voice trailed off as another tattered into existence

"They're obviously not poor enough! They're not dead yet..." This voice sounded gruff and wet, like a river of hate that slowly wound though the trees in a forest of sorrow. He was, indeed, Misery.

The first voice sighed, "Misery, your part is well played. But, not yet needed." It said and was soon snuffed out.

"Why ever so not?" Asked Misery, no reply was heard. "Oh, right..." He snickered. "I shall continue the story then!"

The other voices gasped at what he had done. No one dared say anything however, the fits of the one above could be felt throughout they're small, bleak realm.


Game Help / Re: Bad Token
« on: November 15, 2011, 12:23:38 am »
its just annoying... I wish I knew all about porgramming and computers.. I'd love to work on fixing all the glitches xD

Same here. :P
Hopefully Kovu will be back and get it fixed in a short while. ^^

Game Help / Re: Bad Token
« on: November 15, 2011, 12:18:23 am »
There is no problem with your game or computer at all, it's just how it works and sometimes that "Glitch" happens.
Sadly, you just have to keep trying until you can get in, from my experience.

I really hope that doesn't deter you from the game, it's really a great place when it's up and working properly. ^^
Also, I haven't heard about any fixes for it yet. But, there might be one out there somewhere! Maybe try youtube?

I hope you have fun in-game,

Game Help / Re: Every time I edit or go into my map it crashs
« on: November 14, 2011, 04:16:51 am »
Could you possibly give more details...? When you were trying to fix it, you may have inadvertently messed something up.
Was it working before you downloaded these meshes? Where did you put them?

It sounds like a error in the game to me, where it couldn't find needed files. (The "FileNotFoundExcpetion")
Also, does FH only act up when your trying to edit a map? Or when you actually startup FH?
Also, when does the error occur?

Just need some clarification before I can help in any real detail. But, I hope I can. ^^

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