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Messages - dragonlover6

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 17
Art Gallery / Re: **Kyu's Art**
« on: August 14, 2011, 09:29:01 pm »
(... Okay... o.0)

Art Gallery / Re: **Kyu's Art**
« on: August 14, 2011, 09:03:06 pm »
Oh no... Kuta, it's just a word! Relax... Don't make me get the leash. XD

Btw, nice pic Kyu!

Screenshots / Re: -- Zaroque's Screenshots [1/July/11]
« on: July 31, 2011, 12:57:21 pm »
Aw no problem. ^_^ I do like screenshots, can't wait!

Aww you get a nuzzle too x3

Screenshots / Re: -- Zaroque's Screenshots [1/July/11]
« on: July 31, 2011, 12:51:34 pm »
ZOMG the horror D: XD These are funneh.

Leaving / Re: Only For a Week or So :3
« on: July 17, 2011, 01:09:35 pm »
Thank you! cx

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Howling and Roaring
« on: July 16, 2011, 04:22:05 pm »
I agree with you on how the howling starts too early... I noticed it right off the bat and it annoyed me slightly. It would be nice to have alternate howls, though. However, I really don't mind the one we have now. It's kind of basic, y'know? :3

The roaring I agree with. Although the sound is overused, it's a good sound in my opinion. I did notice in Impressive Title there are different roars, and that would be a very nice addition to the sound. However, I think that in the future there would be more updates to the sounds; just not now c:

Leaving / Re: Only For a Week or So :3
« on: July 16, 2011, 02:21:18 pm »
You'll survive with out me for a few days anyway xD

Leaving / Re: Only For a Week or So :3
« on: July 16, 2011, 02:14:42 pm »
*Hugz* I promise I'll be back as soon as possible c: Besides, you got Axel, right? He'll keep you company while I'm gone :3

Leaving / Re: Only For a Week or So :3
« on: July 16, 2011, 02:08:45 pm »
o.o Kyu it's okay! It's only a week D:

Leaving / Only For a Week or So :3 [Back!]
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:35:57 pm »
Vanny's going to summer camp! It's a sleep away out in the country, and I won't bring my laptop along. So, from the 17th to the 24th/25th, I won't be online to bother everyone. c:  Hopefully the rps I'm in won't die while I'm away, hopefully they'll still be active... Eh I already post on this site too much, anyway. XD I need a life D: Miss you guys!~

Vantani over and out (tomorrow. XD)

Edit: Well, I'm back! It was lots of fun but I'm really tired... Anyway, I've returned to pester you all again! >:3

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