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Messages - Feralia

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Game Discussion / Re: Methods of Starting RP in FH
« on: May 25, 2011, 05:15:21 am »
Now my opinion: I don't like advertisement Rp-s, because they're unknown people within it. There may be too many people around too and I am not the quite person to belong into crowds... And I've already have had tiring memories of a big crowd in other games. I haven't went into a very big crowd in FH. Also I never heard of walk-in RP-s O.o . Well, I think they're better than any stumbling into advertisements. Often these advertisement RP-s never let a wolf like me in. They usually have fantasy characters (Although I'm a wolf, I am a bit of fantasy too). Hyenas, cheetahs, lions, demon wolves have become famous -.- . But RP-ing with people I know is much more like it. Those are people you know. And also, some people I saw here, said we can RP with them anytime. Well, thanks Ringo and wolflynx, and others, feel free to talk with me anytime. I am a friendly sort to good people like you.

Game Discussion / Re: Rant about idiots thread
« on: May 24, 2011, 06:46:25 pm »
Now, I am usually a good person who hates ranting...

But some people drive me REALLY crazy! Like those on General are talking dirty stuff above announcements about new packs and so on... Like: "I am gonna drag you to IMVU and give you a lesson there (sexual lesson o.O)!" So, I usually turn my General off, but it's still alarming. Also... Attention seekers. I hate 'em. Like, when I have a lot of pups and I call one of them 'dear' then other pups think they are discriminated, wander off RP-ing and crying... It drives me mad. I try to explain them I love all my pups like a family altogether, but I get an answer: "Everybody hates me." I leave these 'impossible' pups sometimes because some even can't be helped and always think they're hated and say *cries in real life*. I wonder what are your opinions, people? Then there are guys who pick on other's nerves in a block-impossible game and this is where I use my biggest weapon: Ignorement. When they notice they're ignored, they leave you alone or beg you to forgive them. Well, at least when I forgive them and they are friends to me, at least they had a lesson. So I have problems.

Cool! But about the tiger: White tigers NEVER have yellow eyes, except having both orange and white colors on their coat. White tigers have blue eyes, apart from other tigers. Snow leopards have the same thing. I just looked at the pictures and saw that little mistake. No offense.

Game Discussion / Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« on: May 24, 2011, 06:29:00 pm »
Alex, you're a genius!

Anyways, we can hope for better RP for now. I am strictly following this etiquette now, as I don't want to step on other's nerves.

Game Discussion / Re: Trolls.
« on: May 24, 2011, 06:20:22 pm »
Thanks for posting this!

Now I can identify these guys who are trolling! And at most, I can now identify if I am not trolling o.o .

Game Discussion / Re: Groups dissapearing, nothing new.
« on: May 24, 2011, 06:14:12 pm »
I haven't had any problems with the groups. Not yet. But thanks for information - i'll keep this in mind. Thanks for posting this!
Same words for me. I think if I am to save my groups, I should be more patient...

Game Discussion / Re: Den claiming issue >.>
« on: May 24, 2011, 06:04:53 pm »
These problem issues are incredibly high... One of my wolf's pack has a public territory and we try to protect it and share to avoid violence... But we know this is a public place... We need a place to call our own. As our pack leader can't download maps. I might have an idea how to solve this. Probably I'll ask how does he download, because maybe he isn't downloading from MediaFire where I (I actually couldn't simply download maps myself, but MF solved this) download maps from. I suppose this is a way how to avoid fights and conflicts about turfs (and dens too).

Game Discussion / Re: In-Game torment (I'm venting -_-')
« on: May 24, 2011, 05:59:52 pm »
Easiest Solution: Block them.
Tigg, you're a genius XD . I will keep a more careful eye out when RP-ing or seeing wars. As I don't want to be messed up in trouble. I hate troubles, enemies and hating O.o .

Game Discussion / Re: Just what kind of Game is FeralHeart?
« on: May 24, 2011, 05:54:43 pm »
My vote goes to casual. Although it seems the mixture of all three. But casual is most.

Game Discussion / Re: What will YOU be playing as?
« on: May 24, 2011, 05:49:39 pm »
Everyone can find me as: Wolf Fox Windy, Red Rose, White Snow Wolf, Wargy. I use Windy the most. I barely use my few feline chars.

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