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Messages - Kingslay

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Manes for Female Characters
« on: March 29, 2012, 04:39:47 pm »
I was thinking this too, I am always stuck with my female characters either having no mane or having a eyecover mane.

One time, in the fifth grade, my teacher was going to show an example of an ameoba (I didn't spell that right, did I?) so he pulled out a sandwhich bag with water in it and drew a smiley face on it and said "Here's Amos the Ameoba." then later he accidently popped a hole in Amos then told everybody that Amos died and we had a short little funeral thing. It was weird.

Another time we were playing a war game in class (I believe it was a simulation of the Revolutionary War or something) and he told the 'red coats' to wait outside and they did. We all hid and when they came in we pelted them with paper balls for a long time XD

Discussion Board / Story/Film Ideas?
« on: March 26, 2012, 01:30:58 am »
Well some friends and I decided we should make an epical movie thing based on a story..but we can't think of a good plotline...

Got any good main event ideas? I need something clever like the twists in Holes and the amazing plotline in Hunger Games but I need it to be unique, so I can't copy off those ideas.
It has to also have a place below where it can be filmed, otherwise it won't work.
Filming Place Available:
Streets and Alleys

Some Possible Plotlines:

The Transparent People 13 year old Lin goes camping with some friends and eventually gets lost. She discovers a new world of people, but only she can see them. When she finds her friends again, she takes them to the place she spotted these beings, but they are blind to the campers. Lin can't prove she's not imagining it. Her friends leave the next day, but she stays and eventually gets herself sucked into their world. Will she ever return?

We don't have much for cast, but..

My woodshop teacher says the strangest time I walked up to him and asked him where the tape was, he looked at me funny and said "It's on my desk, grandma." and I'm like "I'm not a grandma!" Then he was being awkward and said "Your as blind as my grandma! I'm kidding! My grandma's dead." Then he laughed...

I started washing my paintbrush with cold water and it was weird because he walked in and seemed to have a sixth sense where he knew what temperature water I was using and he asked "Why are you using cold water? Hot water works better." O_o;

Also in reading my teacher couldn't say things right and she said "Charlie in the chocolate box" instead of "Charlie and the chocolate factory." It was weird...She didn't even notice she said it.

Discussion Board / Re: What Shall I do? o3o
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:46:22 pm »
Yeah, most likely I'll just head into the film department, rather than games. I can draw and animate, and my friend is good with editing and such. I might look there. XD

Discussion Board / Re: What Shall I do? o3o
« on: March 18, 2012, 04:43:42 am »
Um...*stares at the 4th and 5th line, not knowing what ANY of that is* XD yeah, I'm still learning to mesh, so if I DID make a game, I'd need help with that department.

Discussion Board / Re: What Shall I do? o3o
« on: March 18, 2012, 02:33:34 am »
Bleh, I'm too lazy to do that kind of stuff. XD

Site/Forum Help / Re: Horizontal Rule color change/Links?
« on: March 18, 2012, 02:22:11 am »
Thank you, Kyugima XD

Site/Forum Help / Horizontal Rule color change/Links?
« on: March 18, 2012, 12:40:54 am »
Is there a way to change the color of a horizontal rule?
(This is a horizontal rule, if you didn't know)

Also, how do you add a link to a picture, so if you click the picture, you go to the specified link?

Last question XD - How do you make the same thing with text? like put "Our Maps" and when they click the text it goes to the link?

Discussion Board / What Shall I do? o3o
« on: March 17, 2012, 07:37:04 pm »
Well, I sort of want to make a game, but I can't code/texture/pay/etc. So should I just make a big, prettiful map-pack with in-map mods and admins or something? Maybe I could add items that go with the map-pack to make it a little more game-ish?

Feedback and ideas are appreciated! :D

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