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Messages - Deino909

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How'd you know he was a Scottish Fold kitteh as a feline


(he's actually a striped hyena on FH XD they're equally adorable~)

Hurr. Applying a different character. Vyle (going by his birth name Caleb) has since defected from the Family, we'll say, and is probably much hated as an enemy 8D

[picture coming soon]
Name: Beck
Gender: Male
Rank: Normal Minion
Rank Job: Extra Warrior
Personality: Typically quiet, soft-spoken; but when he does open his mouth it's either sardonic or brutally honest.
Pet?: No, does not want one
RolePlay Sample: You know how I do it >0> but if you want one I can add one. XD
Ingame/Forum Username: Deino909/Deino909

Code because I rock:
Code: [Select]
[picture coming soon]
Name: Beck
Gender: Male
Rank: Normal Minion
Rank Job: Extra Warrior
Personality: Typically quiet, soft-spoken; but when he does open his mouth it's either sardonic or brutally honest.
Pet?: No, does not want one
RolePlay Sample: You know how I do it >0> but if you want one I can add one. XD
Ingame/Forum Username: Deino909/Deino909


Need a picture change of Flaxy since I changed her markings to the custom ones I made...


The markings are up for download on dA, too, and there's a link on my CF media thread. Since you'll need the pack to see her. :P

Rawr, warrior.

Gender [Female] |::| Age [20 moons]
Health [96%] |::| Apprentice [.x.]
Mate [.x.] |::| Kits [.x.]
Parents [Wheatstripe x Starhawk]
Username [Deino909]

Code: [Select]
[b]Gender[/b] [Female] [color=#d90000][b]|::|[/b][/color] [b]Age[/b] [20 moons]
[b]Health[/b] [96%] [color=#d90000][b]|::|[/b][/color] [b]Apprentice[/b] [.x.]
[b]Mate[/b] [.x.] [color=#d90000][b]|::|[/b][/color] [b]Kits[/b] [.x.]
[b]Parents[/b] [Wheatstripe x Starhawk]
[b]Username[/b] [Deino909]

Uh, Breeze, you mixed up a detail I wanted modified XD

FLAXFUR'S parents are Lemonfur x Raysting--NOT Thistletooth :P

Could you change a detail on Flaxfur for me, please?

I was thinking over some of my OCs and realized these parents would suit her more:

Lemonfur x Raysting


You need an RP sample, Miette X3

Also, here's Thissy's new pic: http://oi56BannedImageSite/30ucs5l.jpg

As a heads-up--I'm making Thistletooth a preset, because the king cheetah 2 marks do not live up to my standards for Classic Tabbies :P So I'll likely need the link posted someplace for people to download... is there a section for such on the CF forums?

I'll also do free presets for other peoples' cats c: They're fun. But that's it--just SunClan characters! And only if they have such special markings that can't possibly be emulated in the Creator.


Hey, can you add a little something to Thissy? c:

Thistletooth is a mute. I was brainstorming and decided that, hey, let's have him not be able to speak at all! |D This makes two of my SunClanners who have disabilities. Hm.

He can make some sounds but that's what they are, just SOUNDS--he cannot manage to form feline speech. Born wit some funky vocal cords, poor fellow.

Here's Sabes' app.

Gender [Male] |::| Age [8 moons]
Health [98%] |::| Mentor [Owlstar]
Parents [Inkface x Sleetfoot]
Username [Deino909]

Code: [Select]
[b]Gender[/b] [Male] [color=#d90000][b]|::|[/b][/color] [b]Age[/b] [8 moons]
[b]Health[/b] [--%] [color=#d90000][b]|::|[/b][/color] [b]Mentor[/b] [Owlstar]
[b]Parents[/b] [Inkface x Sleetfoot]
[b]Username[/b] [Deino909]

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