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Messages - jay warfang

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I've never directly met anyone famous, I've met people related to famous people however. My short list includes Avril Lavigne's uncle and some kid I met in a hotel swimming pool who's family friend was the drummer (or was it bassist?) for Headly.

Game Discussion / Re: Revenge of the Rejects?
« on: January 13, 2016, 08:04:36 pm »
I've never had someone try to kill me after I turned them down. I did however have one cub who decided to start cussing at me when I turned them down. If I recall I was waiting for a friend by the lonely cave entry in Ficho on my melanisitic leopard when a tiny black and red cub came up and sat between my characters legs then looked up at his chin. I figured they just wanted to say something to me so I opened with some variant of "Hello. Can I help you?" which is my go to line when not actively Rping, tipping my characters head down to simulate eye contact so they knew I was speaking to them. They opened immediately with "Can you be my mom?" now I respect cutting to the chase but this was a tad unexpected so I ended up going with my first gut response and said something like "No. I'm sorry I can't. I'm waiting for a friend of mine to pop in, not to mention this character is male". Now I have not been in scenarios like this often and was unaware of what type of response I should expect but it was most certainly not what I got! This cub immediately launches into a fit of swearing, threatening and just general abusive language, now maybe because they were playing a cub my brain decided they must be a young person and I figured I'd sit there and passively take the abuse rather than provoke them. Eventually they ran whatever it was out of their system and left me alone.

 My thanks to the person who swept in to protect me from the verbal abuse. I do not recall your name but I am thankful for what you did for me.    

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Map Ideas?
« on: December 14, 2015, 03:24:08 am »
I'd love to see something tropical or maybe kinda marshy. I feel we have a bunch of European or North American forests and more plains type maps then one could shake a stick at but I don't really see any thickly forested jungle type maps. I know this is likely because it can cause havoc on some computers with the sheer amount of models but I think if done well it could look pretty good.

Game Discussion / Re: Players rude to younger players?
« on: September 08, 2015, 07:25:26 pm »
Though I've seen this I never really understood it. Who cares if someone is new to the game? At some point we all were, and we more likely than not will be "Noobs" again on a different site\game and I can say with certainty I don't ever wanna join a community only to be treated like a sub-human idiot because I'm young or new. I'm also pretty sure that the vast majority of these bullies would loath to be treated the same way they treat others.

 Frankly I've never been able to understand intentionally bullying someone whose new to a game either. If you create a community that is toxic to new players guess what? You won't be getting new players and your community will stagnate and more likely than not eventually die.

 I switched to another tab for a bit and forgot where I was going with this... Just pretend I made a point.

Game Help / Re: How do I install this?
« on: September 04, 2015, 01:08:04 am »
If it's just a graphical mod that won't affect coding then you should just be able to copy and past the new textures over whatever textures you are replacing.

If I recall the files you're replacing should be in your feral heart folder>media>Terrains>textures. I'm not super familiar with the mod you're talking about but again if you're just replacing textures just pasting them over should work.

Man this looks really good, I might just download it and bring my Hyena or my Leopards around... And since I'm normally far to lazy to bother to get around to downloading maps that's a big deal for me.

Game Discussion / Re: I have literally never came across a "Mate Beggar"
« on: August 29, 2015, 10:13:47 pm »
Yeah no, I've never seen one myself... At least not a particularly fervent one. I mostly encounter people who want me to be their mom and swear at me when I refuse.

Game Discussion / Re: First FH preset?
« on: August 20, 2015, 02:39:07 am »
If I recall the first ever was just a red wolf (Who I named and gave a basic story because I can't not) whom I threw together to try to learn how presets worked, it turned out pretty okay as I had read any number of tutorials and watched a few video tutorials.

The first who was actually a thing was a brown wolf who was blind in one eye called Decker, it may be hubris but I feel that that one turned out pretty well.

I won't miss the heat and humidity, cause those are completely unbearable for me ;-; I prefer Spring and Fall, where it's a perfect mix of warm and cool, but at about 80-100 degree weather it's just terrible to be in. Some people enjoy it, but I would much rather prefer faceplanting into the nice cool snow than sweating out at the beach while its 100 degrees out.

Yeah I won't much miss the heat either, Thanks to genetics I sweat a lot less than I should and as a result my body is not able to vent heat properly leading to a proneness to heat-stroke and a tenancy to light-headedness  on hot days. I also tend to forget to eat and drink a LOT more in summer for some reason and it sucks. Over all I'm looking forward to my first snowy winter in about four years.

Also my brain went ahead and assumed that when you said degrees you meant it in Celsius and I had to do a double take.

Game Discussion / Re: What's your Feralheart story?
« on: July 31, 2015, 04:44:45 am »
Man you all got such great stories.... All I've got is the saga of mediocre computers and laziness... I don't remember how I found this site I think I was like eleven at the time (thus explaining my poor username), anyway I got online made a typically bad character (I'm not kidding, she was exactly the type of thing an eleven year old would think was cool) sauntered around saying nothing as the socially awkward weirdo I was (and still am). But yeah no... First time I was playing I stumbled upon a ring of people standing and siting around something, super curious I made my way over and was almost instantly stupefied. Two players were in the center of the ring of people with everyone watching with the same fervor a person watches a slow-mo car crash (I'm over dramatizing) as we were all made privy to one player "dancing" over another who would just kinda look at us while laying on their back.

 'Bout ten minutes later my father said he has seen most of my friends hanging around the woods near the church parking lot and I went out to hang with them, after that experience I could not get my computer to run Feral Heart till about four-five years ago.

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