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Messages - canadianxbacon

Pages: 1 [2]
Introduction / Re: HI THERE :3
« on: January 10, 2011, 01:21:56 am »
Hi there Waffle! two can make a perfect breakfast [You know...Waffle...Bacon? Ha right...]

Welcome! =]

Forum Games / Re: *~*~ Rate the Avatar ~*~*
« on: January 10, 2011, 01:18:44 am »

So beautiful...makes me want to cry...such a masterpiece...ok, being pathetic, but it looks good ^^. History is awesomeshauce

Introduction / Re: Everybody RUN!
« on: January 10, 2011, 01:02:23 am »
Quote from: Luane
I have two sons
When I first read the first line I thought it said ^that^

And you're German? That's so cool! I think German people are so cool...I have a German friend in real life, but I haven't talked to him since...March lol...I've always wanted to learn German D=

Anyway enough rambling...welcome! I hope you have fun on the forums =P

Guten tag!

Introduction / Re: Zomg it's a bacon =O
« on: January 10, 2011, 12:55:57 am »
Yay for feminineness!

And yes, you may eat me. I enjoy being eaten. Especially when I'm alive and conscious during the process. o.o

Introduction / Zomg it's a bacon =O
« on: January 09, 2011, 05:26:11 am »
Howdy! I'm canadianxbacon [that's not my real name, of course]. I'm new to these forums, but I've been stalking the FeralHeart progress for several months now. I played Impressive Title for almost aslong as it was out; my characters were Sarabell and Genzel.

A little about me, I'm a girl [=O] and I looooovvee lions...and foxes. But I love lions a little more xD. I speak English and French; my first language is English, but I think to myself in French. Since I'm new here I'm not going to give out my yeah lol

My characters on FeralHeart will be Tunguska and Sarabell, for all of you to know in case you are just dying to meet me ingame ;]

Game Discussion / Re: Lion or Wolf?
« on: January 09, 2011, 05:13:57 am »
Lions are my favorite animal, so my answer should be pretty obvious xD

I mean, I like wolves and all, but they're not my type of animal. I loooovvve foxes...but you know that wasn't one of the choices in the poll xD

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