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Messages - Refuge

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The Three Packs
« on: January 06, 2013, 07:18:24 am »
In-GameName: Checkered Caique
Name: Bijou
Gender: Female
Pack: Rising Night Pack
Rank: Alpha Female
Bio: Bijou will never be afraid to speak her mind. Although she is not the largest wolf, but she packs a punch! Bijou is very confident, she hates being told what to do and she loves to use other wolves for her own good fortune. She calls other wolves by nick-names unless she highly respects them - which is rare. Flirty and smart, Bijou will always try to get what she wants. However, if you work hard to get on her good side, she will respect you and a playful side of her will start to emerge.
ThemeSong(Optional): Hell On Heels - Pistol Annies
In-GameName: Refuge
Name: Rin
Gender: Female
Preset?: I'm thinking about it...
Pack: Blue Meadows
Rank: Alpha
Bio: Rin is very outgoing and will try to help out packmates as much as she can. Although when she has to stand in front of her pack and speak her fun and nice behavior goes away. That behavior is replaced by an authoritative and strong personality. (This will probably change in-game. I'm tired right now. :/)
ThemeSong(Optional): I can walk on water I can fly
Other: None

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The Three Packs
« on: January 06, 2013, 07:13:26 am »
~The Ranks+Rules~
Each pack has its leaders the Alpha pair. The Alpha pair submit to no one and uphold the peace and law within the pack by constantly keeping aware of the social status of each wolf. The Alpha also keeps charge of the territory,ensuring no one intrudes. Alpha's express their feelings through dominate postures such as raising their tail high like a dominate flag, ears always locked ahead, eyes keenly aware of the surroundings. Alpha's also force other wolves into submisson, keeping peace within the pack. Without the Alpha;s there wouldn't be a pack. There would be no leadership and no one to uphold the rules and enforce them. The Alpha ensures the pack is safe at all times and upholds the law and order. Wolves submitt on occasion to the Alpha, showing respect and affection to the Alpha, considering a wolf pack is a nightly knit group of family members (and in our case friends as well).
The beta is naturally known as the second rank or second in command should something happen to the alpha(s). If something where to occur or happen to the alpha(s) such as illness/death/weakness then the beta(s) would step in. The beta is a strong natural leader, the right paw of the alpha willing to servewhere needed and do what he/she can for the pack, to ensure a better home and environment for all.
Elders(Any)Male or Female elder is wolf of age (min 5yrs old) and experienced,and can give advice to the Alpha's and or Beta's, there opinions are thought of highly, and seeing their experience as an old wolf. There eperience helps to teach the Young and the old alike. The elder is a wise and trustworthy wolf. The elders teach of their experiences of their life, their wisdom, and teach the next generation. They were involed in not only advising adults but also were the ones to educate the children/young. Elders teach the young in the pack customs so they get used to the life ahead of them. In this manner the elders hope to teach wisdom and understanding to the children/young as well as important skills such as hunting this is important for their pack society when they get older to know of their customs. An elder is knowledgeable and wise.
They are the wolves within the pack that execute the same principals as the scout. But the Guardians are more inclined to be with the pack and protecting the pack boundaries, staying with the pack in time of need or suspicious activities. The Guardians of the pack usually scout out the territory but not far from the pack. Guardian wolves show a keen spirit to protect the pack and a strict attitudeand seriousness that carries to the pack, to help keep it's unity. The guardians are responsible for informing the Alpha(s) and/or Beta(s) should something new arise, a new scent, problem etc. The Guardians are respected within the pack for their bravery and chivalry to guard the home in which they love and would defend with honor and pride.
The Scouts are the wolves who look out for the pack and well being. He/She is responsible to keep strangers in check, ensure there are no wolves who intend to cause harm to the pack and wellbeing of the pack. The scout is
incharge to meet the new wolves if the Alpha(s) or Beta(s) are not present. Scouts are also much like Guardians. They ensure the pack is safe from other intruders. They as well go out and scout the territory ensuring there's not a change, perhaps ensure that no other outside wolves have marked over boundaries etc. Scouts are familar with neighboring packs, and are to report any changes with that pack to the Alpha(s)/Beta(s).
Wolves kill only to eat- to survive. Because wolves usually hunt for large animals, (although wolves are opportunistic and will eat smaller prey) they work together to catch their prey. Wolves will eat a healthy strong animal if they can catch it.(Wolves need an average of three to ten pounds of meat each day). After prey is detected, wolves may split
up to search through brush, travel on ridge tops searching for the prey below, or test herds looking for signs of weakness. The lead hunters go on ahead and can enlist wolves at their side to determine the best means of attack, start a hunt, teach the young essential hunting skills and be a mentor to their packmates.
The head caretaker also known as the "Shaman" are looked upon as being a medicine healer. Shamans usually beings males where individuals who could call upon the spirits to help them perscribe healing herbs for sickness and injured members of the society. The caretaker of a pack are the wolves who pledge their heart and soul to care for the well being of other wolves and the pack. Should a wolf become injured in anyway, the caretaker ensures that the wolf is healed and taken care fo properly. Caretakers tend to keep the pack in a healthy state.
Subordinates consist of both males and females. Includes pups, adult members, and the omega. Subordinates submit to the higher ranking wolves such as the alpha and/or beta. Usually by submissive postures.
Pack Pups
Pack pups are either born or adopted into the pack. Pups are age rom newborn to 12 months.

1.All FH rules apply
2.Do NOT under ANY circumstances Powerplay/Godmod Gary/Mary sue
3.Your Character has to be *realistic* No Sparkle dogs or winged wolves. Just no.
4.If your character dies, its dead. It can't magicly revive itself and live again.
5.When you apply, wait two weeks before killing off your character
6.Don't even think about mate/parent/pup begging. Its just plain annoying.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The Three Packs
« on: January 06, 2013, 06:44:52 am »
~The Packs~
~Falling Sun~
Falling Sun is the most noble of packs, they have plentiful prey in their territory and live in the forest of the valley. They are of average size and fight with ease. Although they do choose words over teeth and prefer talking it out rather then fighting. They do find themselves targeted by Rising Night quite often because of their preference to talking instead of fighting it out.

~Rising Night~
Rising Night is sly and thrive in the darkness. Prey continually gets scarcer and so they sometimes steal prey from the other packs. They will always choose fight over flight and will 'spar' with their packmates in order to hone their skills. Although this results in injury to the packmates and sometimes death. They live in a mixture of mountain and forest and strive to take more territory for themselves. They are larger then Falling Sun and aren't very fast because of it.

~Blue Meadows~
Blue Meadows, as the name implies, live in the meadow and forest part of the valley. They survive on the deer and rabbits that wander into their meadow. They are smaller then the rest of the packs and faster because of it. They sometimes do choose flight over fight but trys hard to prove they aren't the weakest of the three packs because of their size. 

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / The Three Packs
« on: January 06, 2013, 06:41:14 am »
~The Three Packs~
The Packs are complete opposites and each one has their own abilities and disadvantages.

Table Of Contents
Post 1=The Packs
Post 2=The Ranks+Rules
Post 3=The Members
Post 4=Downloads
Post 5=Application
Post 6=Members That Are Gone

Other Games / Re: ~ Rebuntai ~ || A Cat MMORPG ~{In Progress}~*~
« on: January 04, 2013, 11:25:57 pm »
I fit into two of the staff requirements so no staff for me :(. But I will offer support and join the game as soon as I hear its out.

Other Games / Re: Stray
« on: January 04, 2013, 11:17:37 pm »
Stray is going to be amazing, I *cannot* wait for it come out.

If we knock the guys down to -30 does it mean the girls win? -15

~Le bump



Sheila's ear twitched slightly as she recognized her tone. Hmm, hes... different than the rest. A slight suttle grin broke out across her muzzle. The Akita shook her head to try and clear it. "I see, well lets begin" Sheila woofed before trotting to the agility course without looking back. Her eyes landed on the three dogs.  Sheila shook her head again. Something isn't right, I feel... Just plain strangeShe felt something in her chest, something she had never felt before. "Well this is the agility course!" The Akita burst out, trying out a fake smile. Although it just didn't fit quite right on her muzzle and looked rather strange. She quickly stopped the smile and glanced around.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: In the Forest {Wolf Rp!} Now open!
« on: December 15, 2012, 11:07:21 pm »

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