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Messages - Miette

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 21
All of your questions will be answered soon enough as Kerrigan gets back! However, today and tomorrow are the last days to apply, so get your applications in if you're considering applying, and then just wait for her decision.

@ Epik Wolfy (sorry if I got your name wrong): I don't believe you were accepted. However I'm not leader here, but I think that's what I remember.

O_O" ...OH. welp, nvm then! xD

If there are tours, I think it might be helpful to have them a little before the actual rp time, so we don't waste any time or anything. (Not to nag, but my Hyena application was back on page 62 or someting... ^^")

map server overload wont let me on -_-

I don't see anyone in the village... >.>" are you all in battlelands?

Yeah I'll try to later :P

(Sorry, and here's my application for Storm Meter)

Name: Tulia
Age: 2
Rank: Hunter
Gender: Female

Personality: If there were another rank by the name of omega, Tulia's name would be next to it. She's submissive, docile, and not especially strong. She would easily be the one picked on in a pack, and a direct target for any narcissistic hyenas, which isn't a good thing to be in this pack. She easily crumbles under pressure, and will bend to most hyena's will, unfortunately for her. The only times she stands up for herself are when she is told to do something absolutely against her morals, which is most of the time, though not serious enough that she refuses. Being weak overall, and having a lanky, thin stature, she is more fearful towards males. This is partially because she realizes their strength and aggressiveness is more active than that of females in a pack, though she tends to avoid both genders altogether if she can.

Bio/History: She, like others, was the runt of her litter. Dominated by her siblings since birth, submission is no new thing to her. Her thin stature make her more susceptible to wounds and hunger, which is why she relies completely on the support of a pack, which brings me to why she joined this one in the first place. Her previous pack scattered to the wind, she was wandering for days aimlessly, until she came upon the foreboding territory of Storm Meter. Scraggly and weak, she really had no choice but to hope for the best, and attempt to join for the support, protection, and food of the pack.

User name: Miette/Miette

OOPS, forgot to add salami to my sandwitch... ;)

(Sorry to double post! I think my application got lost back in the pages ^^")

*cough*... on a more on-topic note... What would you guys want to do for the next rp? Or what do you have plans to do?

(Sorry, and here's my application for Storm Meter)

Name: Tulia
Age: 2
Rank: Hunter
Gender: Female

Personality: If there were another rank by the name of omega, Tulia's name would be next to it. She's submissive, docile, and not especially strong. She would easily be the one picked on in a pack, and a direct target for any narcissistic hyenas, which isn't a good thing to be in this pack. She easily crumbles under pressure, and will bend to most hyena's will, unfortunately for her. The only times she stands up for herself are when she is told to do something absolutely against her morals, which is most of the time, though not serious enough that she refuses. Being weak overall, and having a lanky, thin stature, she is more fearful towards males. This is partially because she realizes their strength and aggressiveness is more active than that of females in a pack, though she tends to avoid both genders altogether if she can.

Bio/History: She, like others, was the runt of her litter. Dominated by her siblings since birth, submission is no new thing to her. Her thin stature make her more susceptible to wounds and hunger, which is why she relies completely on the support of a pack, which brings me to why she joined this one in the first place. Her previous pack scattered to the wind, she was wandering for days aimlessly, until she came upon the foreboding territory of Storm Meter. Scraggly and weak, she really had no choice but to hope for the best, and attempt to join for the support, protection, and food of the pack.

User name: Miette/Miette

OOPS, forgot to add salami to my sandwitch... ;)

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