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Messages - Wolfish Grin

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((T^T But what am I supposed to do...? 

And sorry I haven't contacted WhiteLightHeart yet, I've just started some all day summer classes that's all day all week, for two weeks, and it's so tiring when I get home late, I don't have time for much. ;n; I'll see to it over the weekend. x.x

-le dying here jkjk- ))

((Oh, I didn't realize that it was... D: But, Draco's been pretty much on absence, and I thought we were just going to let her post when she could? Aah, sorry about that guys, I thought it was my turn to go ahead and post... :c

So, what are we even doing anymore? Seems like everyone's just moping around the thread like zombies, not really doing much. :I And I take responsibility for some of that myself- I'm not as active or on top of my posts as well, but we have to keep trying! Although it's hard to keep posting up regularly, and even harder now to get new members, that doesn't mean we have to give up, does it? I mean, I still want to continue the RP, but I don't know how long we'll be able to keep it together. :c ))

((:c I'll go see if I can contact Tomas through dA, and if I don't see Draco in-game, I'll note her too. But don't give up! We can keep this RP together! :u We've stayed alive too long to fall apart like this, just by one little thread being closed and a couple absences!))

((Lol, I spent awhile listening to that. xD Who you gonna call?

Btw, has anyone seem Tomas? I can hardly remember the order now, but I think it's his turn. No rushing or anything... ^^'' And what about, like, Re, and Buio? Anyone seen them? .-. I've seen Draco a little bit in-game, but I don't spend too much time in-game at one time so... I dunno. Everything's just all hectic, but my offer to PM WhiteLightHeart and see about our RP stuff still stands if you guys would like me to do that... ._.))

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 25, 2013, 02:31:50 am »
Wow, and I keep telling myself that this is all going to calm down, but I see things still aren't fully settled yet. -.- I really do agree with all that Sura's been saying, so try and be understanding of things. And Mello, I know you keep saying you're not trying to be rude, and I understand that you're really not, but you keep repeating what you've been posting just seems to stir things up more.

And don't get me wrong, I'm still against the removal of general. But what I've been saying now is that I'm even more against the way the community has been fighting over it. I do not like general being gone, but I do respect the staff, and so it's time that we just try to understand and respect their decisions. If that means waiting this thing out, then that's what we'll have to do. Changing isn't against nature, nature is change- as the quote goes or whatever. The staff have been chosen for a reason; and as a loyal member of this community, which includes the staff as well, we should trust them. I know it's difficult to advertise, and it's hard getting members and all that, but that's how it is for now. The staff will choose when and if they want to bring general back, or it they want to keep it this way. You can still have your opinions, of course! And it's still your right to voice them, but in the end you'll have to present them in a level-headed, civilized manner. And even then, the staff still has the right to choose to act on it, or not. While earlier on I was tired of people saying this, but now I have this mindset as well: If you don't like this change, either wait it out with us, or move on somewhere else. I know it sounds harsh, but when it comes down to it, so is the truth and so is life. We'll just have to deal.

No amount of arguing with the staff, no amount of throwing fits or insulting, pointing fingers or noncooperation with the staff is going to help you prove your point. I'm pretty certain they know the pros and cons already, as people have countlessly shoved them in their faces since general was removed. It's just really ticking me off how people are treating each other. So, as I'm sure a couple of your mothers out there have told you at least once, quite whining and complaining and go do something constructive.

((Ah... sorry guys... x.x I've really been struggling with my RP mood, and I've been attending other issues as well, so I'm very sorry I haven't been coming back to post. As for the chatango idea, I mean, if you're up for it I am too, but isn't that just a... chatbox? I think we'd need a bit more than just a chat box but, that's fine if that's all we need, I guess...

Another thing, em, since the OOC Chat thread got locked, I believe it was also deleted... along with the character forms and such... :c And how else will we be able to do recruiting now? ._.'

EDIT: And I know this isn't that much of a big deal, but ever since the staff sorted the Offtopic roleplaying section, our thread has been moved to the Animal Roleplays ( old news I know >.> ), but I don't think TS fits in either animal or human RPs, because... we have both? xD If you guys want, I can PM WhiteLightHeart ( whom seems to be the staff member 'patrolling' the Offtopic RP section if you will ) about moving this thread to the Misc. Roleplays section. And while I'm at it, I could ask her about our deleted thread and if it's possible to get any of that information back ( such as the character forms and OPs ).

Anyways, my post's a little jumbled up in direction and such, because I forgot the layout of the building, haha. ^^''))

"Nice to meet you," he said, grinning as usual.

But just then, the young man, now identified as Aster, yanked his hand from Kyler's grasp to swat at his neck. Slightly shocked and confused, Kyler slowly retracted his hand and furrowed his eyebrows in concern. He watched silently as Aster mumbled a handful of things, stood up, and rushed off. He was unable to catch most of his words except for that he had a match he was going to be in, and interestingly, "I hate fighting."

He opened his mouth to say something- good luck, good bye, or anything- but the young man had already hurried away. Kyler watched him move quickly out of sight with analytic grey eyes, and Mirrie hobbled dazed around his food tray at the sudden flurry of motion. She chirped confusedly, and cocked her head and different angles as she too watched Aster depart.

"I don't know," Kyler mumbled as confused as she was, "I didn't think there were any matches today as well..."

Almost as if they had heard them, a female voice over the intercom came on and announced the participants in the upcoming match. Kyler turned his head and strained to listen above the hubbub of the cafeteria, and his frown deepened when the announcer confirmed the name "Asterian Ni'Tiari."

Slowly, Kyler leaned back in his seat, unusually wary and seemingly tied all of the sudden. While he had made a dent in the pile of food he had served, the rest of it sat untouched and forgotten, for he had no appetite now. Bringing his hand to rub the bottom of his chin and lost in thought, Kyler's gazed fell across the table. A large, dark object to his right flagged his attention, and he realized that it was Aster's weapon. His eyes shot open and he scrambled out of his seat to retrieve it, reached across the table to grab it quickly but carefully. Mirrie fluttered out of the way, surprised in his sudden lunge.

"-Removed by Moderator-, that boy needs this!" Kyler took a split second to admire the blade and it's casing, before tucking it underneath his arm and grabbing his tray. "Come on, Mirrie, we gotta get this to Aster before he starts his match!" She warbled worriedly and flew onto his shoulder as he moved across the dining area to dump his tray into the trashcan. Looking around frantically for the spot to place used trays, he gave up and shoved it into an unsuspecting, nearby girl's arms.

"Here, gorgeous, would you mind putting this away for a troubled young man, thanks!" Kyler asked hurriedly already backing away. Without waiting for a response, he winked over his shoulder and moved away to exit the cafeteria. As he reached the doorway, he let out a relieved sigh and gripped Aster's weapon in his hands now, determined to find him before he entered his fight. Without anymore than a second's pause, he dashed off in the direction of the arena teleporters.

He knew he didn't have much time as he rushed along the hallways, trying to reach the teleportation room, and just as he reached the closed door, the tv monitors set up along the building flashed to life of the multiple arenas. He pushed against the locked doors, but he knew they wouldn't open- the participants had already been teleported to the arena. The battle had already begun.

Kyler cursed under his breath, and slammed a fist against the thick doors. "Damnit!" He took a breath and stepped away from the room, clutching the blade in his hand. Mirris chirped worriedly, trying to comfort him. He sighed, and glanced at the nearest screen and tried to identify the combatants they were showing. The announcer said two names, neither Aster, so he continued walking off towards the main lobby. He sat down there on a couch there, his eyes fixed on the monitor above him. When Aster's match came on, he sat up and listened to the announcers as they pointed out that he had no weapon with him. Kyler clenched his teeth, and moved the blade to his lap, watching as Aster simply sat with his companion near the battle field's forest. What the heck was he doing?

Once the battle unfolded, Kyler watched eagerly cheering the boy on as he proved himself against his armed opponent. As the odds turned in Aster's favor, a grin spread across his face. His opponent made a simple mistake while wielding his heavy blade, and once Aster caught it, Kyler knew he had the fight in the bag. In a matter of moments, the other combatant was on the ground, clutching his jaw beside his frozen companion.

"Oohoho!" Kyler muttered excitedly, glad the fight was over and delighted with the turn of events. He was impressed with the way that Aster was able to bring his opponent down so fast and efficiently, as the other arena battles weren't quite over yet. He was relieved that Aster had won the battle with ease, but in the back of his mind something made him feel a little uneasy. Unsure what that was about, Kyler shook his head and brushed the feeling aside, standing up with the young man's blade still in his hand. 

"Alright, Mirris, let's go find him now," he said, stroking his companion's furry head, and headed off towards the medical wing to find Aster and return his weapon to him. When he reached the infirmary, he noticed a hooded figure walking out accompanied by his ice dragon creature in her large form. Breaking out into a grin at the sight of them both, Kyler gestured to get the couple's attention and called, "Hey, Aster!"

He moved over to join them, and patted the young man's shoulder saying, "Wow, congratulations on the crushing victory! I got to hand it to you that was a really great match- the both of you." He nodded towards Sesthilis as well. "Oh, yeah, I believe this is yours." He continued, extending the sheathed weapon to Aster, "Sorry I couldn't get it to ya before the match started, but you obvious fared fine without it!"

((Holy sheet, didn't think I had that much RP in me... Man, took forever to type that up, though. e3e Ah, well, it could've been better but I'm glad I was finally able to write it down. Sorry for the wait and the fact that I haven't really RPed with anyone else besides Aster. D8 Everyone's just so... spread out or absent, and who knows what's going to happen with any new RPers... ;n;))

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 24, 2013, 01:03:34 am »
I joined a role play today due to watching movies, proof it works. I know for a fact people looking for groups to join normally hang around stone bridge and NZ too. I don't see how general being gone can effect advertising so much other then now we don't have to have bickering in general flooding away the ads and if we don't want to see ads we don't have to.

Maybe someone should make a "I'm looking for a group centre" lolololol.

Nathan, some people can view movies, while some others can't. I myself have encountered this problem before. Not all the time- but it happens every now and then. You have to be considerate of others whom are having issues, even when you yourself are not. And also, I would appreciate it if you took other people's concerns more serious, as "lolololol" seems to hint that you aren't really interested in a serious solution.

To be honest I don't mind. (Couldn't care less really.)

At least it's in private maps guys! You can still RP! And it will encourage Map RPs and maybe a little less den claiming and hoards of lion king prides at the fluorite bridge!

But all the bashers are getting to me, I actually like this update. But it makes it more difficult to interact with people via General. And I kinda miss the spam, there were some funny topics in fluorite at times.

And as for what Nemena said (Wont let me quote), it's really not that hard to advertise groups and RP's, really, it isn't! Make RP advertisements with movies! It floods the chat less as you can choose to view the video if you are searching for an RP.

But what about those who cannot download maps? You have to put in some kind of consideration for them. I can download maps with no ease, but for some of us we just simply cannot download them.

Others have also pointed out in this thread that some cannot view videos because they get an error,  constant spamming, or they click the wrong video that is not even related to a role play at all. Every time I get on Movie is flooding my chat box to the point that I have to cut it off. I also have two four times click or three times click and sometimes scroll back up to the video I wish to view... sometimes that video you want to view can be a RP or just random none sense. 

Altogether it is really annoying with the movies... But we have no other choice but to deal with it until this mess is squared away.

I completely agree with iHolly, again. Thank you very much dear, for considering those whom cannot download maps, or like me, have issues downloading maps. My computers just simple cannot handle them sometimes- especially the large, multi-mapped ones that serious, long term RPs tend to have (and those are really the only RPs I'd be interested in joining). It just becomes too much of a hassle sometimes, so I have stuck with mapless RPs for quite a few months or so now.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 23, 2013, 04:12:48 am »
I'll have to agree with Katsa.

As of now, we know how useful general is/was, and I think the Mods have understood that point as well. The only thing we can do at the moment is vote for it back (or not vote for it, if that's your opinion) here, and in the mean time find the best alternative to recruit members for RPs while we wait for their decision on whether they are going to bring it back or not. Some people have already suggested ways to do so; and I'm not saying they are better nor worse than recruiting on general, but it's what we'll have to deal with for now.

I would also like to agree with iHolly, she made many good points in her post.

Game Discussion / Re: Just to see the numbers... (General Chat Poll)
« on: June 23, 2013, 03:22:25 am »
Hey, Katsa! Long time no see!~ :D

You're right, if we want more people to vote, we'll have to advertise it somehow. But I bet what'll happen if we advertise it in game, people will only latch on our backs for our opinion and support (or unsupport if you could call it that xD). Oh well, if you want an opinion, be prepared to defend it, eh?

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 23, 2013, 03:04:12 am »
I really don't think anyone should be throwing around numbers without credible and complete calculations here. As I was trying to say in my last post:

The best way of calculating that number would be by adding a poll for all active users to participate in. And for that to work, you'll have to make sure that everyone can see it- the best place would probably be here in the News/Updates section. BUT, what about those users who do not check the forum regularly or at all? Maybe they've come in once or twice since general's been down, but if you add the poll now, where will they be? How are you going to get them to vote so that it will be fair? I do not like the idea of the servers being closed for a week or so that all users can be informed, but if that means everyone gets a fair change at voting, then how else can we find what the majority thinks, and the best solution? I'm up for better suggestions, but at the rate that this seems to be getting handled (and I don't think it's being addressed very well at the moment...), something should be done soon and for everyone.

I'm really pushing for a poll, but if- and only if- everyone can vote on it so that it accurately and fairly represents the active FH community. Not just those who go on the forums all the time, but those who play in game as well, because it affects them just as much!

Without accurate numbers, I will disregard anyone's claim as to if 'most,' 'the majority,' 'only a few,' 'a lot,' etc., or any numbers or percents that someone throws around regarding like or dislike/support or defiance against the removal of general because there is no concrete proof to represent these generalizations that are most certainty biased at this point.

@Thantos: Haha, no worries! Besides, that darned, simple arithmetic always tends to screw things up. xD But I do commend you for making the effort to work out the numbers, because although people keep tossing statistics around, there was no evidence given for it. ^^

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