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Messages - gnmurphy

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7
>__>  I'll be on in a half hour AT LEAST.  I'll show ya around then xP

damn, and go ahead xp  I didnt make the meshes though =/   

I am logged off atm, but tell  me what you think of it if you can get in :)

Aww :(  I'm really sorry about this guys, I'll see what I can do about it in the morning :(  In the mean time, i need some rest and take my brain off frustration. 

Can you guys wait till morning? 

any updates that if you guys are able to get in?   

0___0  WHY U NO WORKING MAP *que troll face from map* DX

Okay, there will be a new download link.
And I believe so.  The new download link should WORK.  If not, I have no bloody idea what is happening. 

No mentors YET so hunter would be good ;D

Acceptedish..There really isnt a place for lone wolves in this map/rp, but do you mind if you're in the Mystic Wolves?  They're a pack that controls the elements.  Your choice though, I can try to find a place for loner.  
@Copper4me: Hold on, I might have to redo the file lemme check...

:P Then why the heck did I make three places XD 

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