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Messages - dawnfeather1012

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Game Help / Re: OpenGL No Longer Working?
« on: August 20, 2016, 02:00:26 am »
Oooh okay, so I opened it up and this is what I can see:

Render System=Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem
[Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem]
Allow NVPerfHUD=No
Floating-point mode=Fastest
Full Screen=No
Rendering Device=Monitor-1-Microsoft Basic Render Driver
Resource Creation Policy=Create on all devices
VSync Interval=1
Video Mode=1600 x 900 @ 32-bit colour
sRGB Gamma Conversion=No
[OpenGL Rendering Subsystem]
Colour Depth=32
Display Frequency=N/A
Full Screen=No
RTT Preferred Mode=FBO
VSync Interval=1
Video Mode=800 x 600
sRGB Gamma Conversion=No

Above where it says [OpenGL Rendering System], should the "Render System=OpenGL Rendering Subsystem" line be there? I noticed that I don't see that in my ogre file. :o

Game Help / OpenGL No Longer Working?
« on: August 20, 2016, 01:50:32 am »
   So I've randomly run into an issue and was curious as to if anyone else might be experiencing it or if anyone had a better idea as to a fix for the issue. I've been running FeralHeart fairly well for almost a month now, and this afternoon I started up my computer like normal, and tried to start FeralHeart. I always run it on OpenGL because when I run it on the Direct, it lags too much to function. OpenGL has always done great for me, but suddenly today it is no longer functioning. It's popping up the infamous phrase "Feralheart.exe has stopped working..."

   With that being said, I HAVE checked my particles folder for any extras and there are none. I have also tried reinstalling the whole game, folders and all, and the OpenGL still no longer works. I've already done a good bit of searching for a fix to my problem, but nothing is helping so far. I already know my computer isn't the best to run anything, but I do KNOW it is capable of running FeralHeart, it has been smooth sailing for a month now like I stated before. My computer is also up to date on any software, etc.

   If anyone has an idea to try or knows of a fix to this problem, please let me know! It would be greatly appreciated.
                                                                                                                                                                   Thanks, Kana'ti ~

Finished Maps / Re: ~Snow Leopard Valley~
« on: August 12, 2016, 04:37:27 pm »
I totally agree with you there, Vamp. Even if the animals don't move, it still gives that realistic feeling about the map and it's environment. :D  I really appreciate you checking it out! Let me know how it goes for you!!
It went well! No lag and I like the size of it. It's not so big that I get lost in it

That's awesome! Thanks for letting me know how it went for you! I'll be working on some more maps pretty soon, hopefully they go as smoothly as this one :D Enjoy!

Finished Maps / Re: ~Snow Leopard Valley~
« on: August 11, 2016, 02:47:24 pm »
I totally agree with you there, Vamp. Even if the animals don't move, it still gives that realistic feeling about the map and it's environment. :D  I really appreciate you checking it out! Let me know how it goes for you!!

Finished Maps / Re: ~Snow Leopard Valley~
« on: August 11, 2016, 06:48:16 am »
Thank y'all! Let me know if there's any issues with downloading it, I tried the download myself and it worked out fine, but if there is a bug that pops up just let me know and I'll try to get a quick fix for it! I appreciate the compliments! :D

Finished Maps / ~Snow Leopard Valley~
« on: August 11, 2016, 04:57:54 am »
Hey all, so after a long few years of being totally computer-less, as I spoke of in my re-introduction post about a week ago, I'm now officially back into my map making game! It's a very heavy addiction for me and although I'm still a novice at it, I enjoy my work that I do. Another plus to the maps I create: They're low-end computer friendly! My computer is not in tip top shape honestly, so if my computer lags on the map, I know there are others out there that would suffer the same if they were in my situation graphic card-wise. I like to keep it simple when it comes to map making and keep the lag at a minimum so no worries there about struggling to play on this map.

A real quick and super important note: All of these meshes that I have within my map, other than my little rocktex7.jpg file that I've included to make your mountains the same color as mine if you wish, are meshes I have searched for endlessly on DeviantArt as well as here on the Feral Heart Forums! None of these meshes within my map are mine and I, in no way whatsoever, stake any claim to them. If anything, I would like to thank everyone else for their marvelous hardwork in converting and creating the meshes they uploaded; if it weren't for them, my cute little map wouldn't have been possible! Thank you!!

Now without further ado: Here are some quick screenies of my map I created for the awesome Leopard group I am in, though the map is open to any who would like to use it as well! :D

Need a little sun in your fur? Relax your little feline self(or canine self) on these rocks and it'll surely hit the spot.

Feeling hungry? Grab a bite to eat at "The Elk Stops Here" drive thru! :D

Awww! Duckies, how cute!

Need a little casual entertainment? Grab your popcorn and watch these bucks go at it. ;)

If you're aching for a chilly swim, there's plenty of salmon under that waterfall to snack on. I hear they're pretty large in size as well.

There's two total den spots on this map. Here is the pretty awesome one in my personal opinion.

This is the second den spot, I loveeeee the ribs. Then again, who doesn't? :D

Last but not least, we have a quaint little abandoned farm as well as an old house nearby. Or is it really abandoned?

If you're totally interested in downloading this map, which I would loveeeeee it if you were, the download link for it is here:

Also, if you'd like to add a little spice to your mountain colors and actually have it match the stony terrain seen in the images above, the download for that texture is here:

A little side note for the Rock Texture: Personally I just replaced the current rocktex7.jpg file in my FeralHeart folder, it was just easier and I enjoy the color of the rocks better anyways. But you're welcome to fix it up however you like!

Another little extra note: You're welcome to send me a whisper on my character Cathasaigh, seen in the screenshots above, and give me a little feedback through her or if you have any questions you can also ask me through her as well. I'm on her pretty frequently so you'll most likely always get an answer from me. Also, if I'm not online at the time, you can ALWAYS PM me here on the Forum website, I check my mail everyday so you can expect a reply within a day at the most. I appreciate all comments, questions, as well as suggestions, so post away! Thank you for your time and hope you enjoy!

                                                                                                               Much love from, Kana'ti, Cathasaigh, and Myself <3

Introduction / Re: It's Been Too Many Years!
« on: August 07, 2016, 02:24:14 am »
Haha, thank y'all! Hopefully I'll run into some of you ingame sometime! :D

Introduction / It's Been Too Many Years!
« on: August 07, 2016, 02:11:57 am »
   Hey all, I'm writing my reappearance post basically, since it's been over THREE crazy years since I've been online! Woo~ Very glad to be back and excited to come back to my RP home with some super awesome updates in store. Congratulations to the FeralHeart administrators and community for maintaining the website and server for FIVE whole years! I'm excited to finally have a decent computer again, so I can join the parties I've been missing out on! (My computer crashing was the cause of my disappearance for so long; and life caught up with me as well.)

   I can say I main as Kana'ti, my lioness, and although I once was part of the Umafisi Pride, they're sadly no longer online. A lot has happened in three years obviously, so I have a lot of catching up to do. I can say that I'm looking for a very realistic lion pride, though I may start up my own if I have no luck. I'm a super friendly and an open person, so send me a PM if you need a gaming buddy or need an extra member for your pride!

   A little info about myself: I'm from Alabama, USA, been living here for 22 years. I'm now happily married and have my first child on the way. (Like I said, life caught up with me too. Lol.) I've always had a love and passion for Lion King, cats, and well probably all animals in general to be honest. I enjoy to read, write and draw on a regular basis, and boy I will talk your head off if I'm given the chance. I'm a stay at home, soon to be mommy, so I find writing short stories and RPing a fun pastime.

    I'm very glad to be back once again, and look forward to seeing you all in game!

                                                                                                                     ~ Much Love, Kana'ti the Huntress

Thank you! Haha though I will say that I noticed as well that my birches, waterfall, and some of my shrubbery in that map disappeared for some odd reason which is very sad to say the least :( And because my other computer has kicked the bucket, I can't go back and edit the map anymore, so that was pretty poopy.

But I am currently working on another map for my pack, and I will certainly post some pictures of it whenever I get it decent looking! <3

@Dundee: I found most of the extra items from Ouka's Bundle of Stuff post and Jayfeather55's Photoness post :D

Finished Maps / Re: First Map: Pridelands! :)
« on: December 22, 2013, 09:30:56 pm »
Thank you all for your feedback! :D I'm back again, had a mishap with my last computer, so I gotta get back to working on everything again lol <3 To map making I shall go! <3

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