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Messages - SpecialK42293

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Forum Games / Re: Eat, Marry, Kill
« on: August 05, 2015, 02:24:59 pm »
Mawwy. :3

Crate of bubble wrap?

Forum Games / Re: Words game
« on: August 05, 2015, 02:23:21 pm »

Ask Me / Re: Ask Toasty - Anything!
« on: August 05, 2015, 02:22:42 pm »
See you like dinosaurs...~Which Dino do you like?
carnotaurus. I play Primal Carnage on steam and always seem to play that creature or the Dilo. C: Raptors are awesome too. ;u; It's kind of hard to choose a favorite.

I'd love to ask! <3

1- Do you like living around nature and mountain? O:
I love to live around nature, I don't live near any mountains sadly, but would love to one day! After seeing so much photography of large mountains and the beauty, it's hard to resist! <3
2- Do you like going to school and learning?
At the time I did enjoy school and learning, Literature and Science. I enjoyed my senior year of high school only because I had the most awesome teachers. <3 I may not have been a straight A student, but I did succeed.
3- What do you think of junk food?
To me junk food is something I occasionally snack on,  sometimes they can look healthy by the product but not entirely a meal to be made out of a bunch of small processed snacks. To me I cheat on some chips/pretzels, but I still keep a moderate and balanced diet.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Toasty - Anything!
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:58:45 pm »
Hmm I get asked that a lot and frankly no. xD people also ask me if I like Ketamine, which is also a no. Special K is actually a nickname I was given back in middle school by a friend I no longer see/keep in contact with. The numbers represent my D.O.B. :3

Ask Me / Re: Nidhogel's Corner of Questions
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:33:37 pm »
1.] Are you currently binge watching a show?
2.] Who is your idol?
3.] Favorite Fictional character(s)?
4.] What type of foods do you despise?
5.] Are you allergic to anything?
6.] Favorite season?

Ask Me / Ask Toasty - Anything!
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:30:00 pm »
Please feel free an ask me anything out of the blue, I'm open to tell truthfully.
Of course follow the site rules & guidelines so that you're not asking something that is forbidden! ;)

I don't bite, I'm willing to answer anybody. c:

Member Bio & Journals / Meep
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:10:09 pm »
Feminine | Heterosexual | American | Literate Role-player | Photographer | Gamer

So I think I'll start off with some general basics that everyone would know. First and foremost, I was never a forums person until around this time, I was more preoccupied with the game and making friends. I was very active around 2011-2012, so I ran around without wings and without new map additions. However I do remember a lot and I can say I remember the constant lag when Ascension island was implemented and it was the word for everyone to climb and then fall and RAGE. I was like that as well, because of the computer my parents had and never really upgraded and so I vanished! *Gasps!* Yet I have returned since I kept coming on once in a while for whatever reasons and have allowed myself to stop drifting and start making new friends - since my friends-list is um, rather full with inactive or no longer interested members. I had fun times with the people on my list and refuse to remove them, just in-case they return...just in case. ;_; Over time I have matured since I felt reckless and even know how much I have changed by learning and knowing when to stop acting who I'm not really am.

I am in-love with my new characters I have created ever since I found out (finally!) about the mass markings and Legendary pack of items. I always have seen people looking like marshmallows and decided to actually download the files provided and go from there. Annnnnnnnnnd I was not disappointed! It was the best decision I have ever made and have made non-stop characters and even gave several a makeover. My main character is Nightshade, she looks like a shaman with horns and the tribal tattoo markings, you'll see some screenies of her on my da.  I cannot seem to understand how to make a preset and even the tutorials don't seem too fitting for my mind to handle. xD

Any who, my name is Kelsey and I'm 22 years old, so you figure I was 18 when I joined, sheesh doesn't time fly? Well, I kind of wish to o back in time personally but at the same time I wouldn't be where I am today. I have been diagnosed with a disability called Bilateral (meaning both) Optic Atrophy; I am near-sighted and have some double vision that doesn't often make me see duplicate things or people, my brain somehow recognizes how to function but it's really hard to explain this, so I won't confuse anyone any longer. :s But here's a note: I can never drive, so that's a obstacle I have to some how maneuver and not allow this to get in my way as far as transportation goes! I still live at home in the southern state of New jersey and enjoy the Autumn and Winters here, I despise the summers only because my energy is drained and the humidity is not fun to be exposed to - for my anyways.

My hobbies consist of taking strolls to video games and of course my favorite of all time, photography. \o/ I am a nature photographer and take pictures of animals, plants, sometimes people and a lot of sunrise/sunset shots. I have been doing this since the end of 2012 where my parents gave me a (crappy) Kodak camera and I'd say it was a beginners source and eventually my brother was upgrading his Nikon DSLR and so he gave me his Nikon D3000 this passed Christmas and have used it tons. Just recently I ordered another lens that is set for macro shots, motorized with a 70mm-300mm. o/
All of my pictures are found here on my deviantART:

My thrills in life are as listed: Gaming | Photography | Cooking meals | Italian Cuisines | Giving my hospitality to the elderly | Taking long strolls | Having a small selective group of people that I know to trust | Finding a special someone for my life (I am taken - 2 years. c:) | Loving the presence of my two favorite domestic cats | Still able to play kids games with folks or friends | role-play canines/felines - roughly realistically and literate! | Creating a flourished amount of OC's | Steam game sales | Many light and dark colors - mainly greens, blues, purples and browns | Wearing skinny jeans o/

My detestation(s) as listed: Liars | Aggressive and selfishness | Pity on life | People who don't often lend you anything in return for doing them a ton of favors | Being used for only a few things | lack of communication | Worrying over what goes on in my body that is odd (O.O) | Sweating so much that I get icky | Getting allergies every year. @_@

Other places I may be found: DeviantART - SpecialK42293 | Transformice! - Specialkness | Steam - Toasty (Ask via. PM) | Lioden - Smudged #2762 | Twitch - Savorymuffins | Minecraft - Scenery | iscribble - KMC93 | WQ - Glossy (Previously SpecialK42293)

I found out about this game from WolfQuest. o/

Well that should be it to include some for now, until I want to add more, I'm sure you'll enjoy the time reading! <3

Honestly it feels like I just made another introduction but in the wrong category. :u I didn't wanna make another but what the heck, sorry but enjoy your reading!

Forum Games / Re: Wolves or Lions :3
« on: August 01, 2015, 12:11:42 am »

Game Help / Re: User-name Recognized But Not Found? [Solved(?)]
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:32:26 pm »
Which I did, I also tried doing it with the other account I was having an issue with but of course that email is still somewhere! ;-; I guess because I'm on the computer that doesn't have FH installed might be the cause of the problem, but not sure. Thanks for the help! I'll message you prior to anything else you could provide me with about the game. :)

Game Help / Re: User-name Recognized But Not Found?
« on: July 31, 2015, 10:56:17 pm »
One more question I might add that is off topic. If I changed my password (as an updated password) for this account I'm currently on, will the next time I go to play the game and type in my pw, would it let me in? I can't access my user panel when I try to log-in again (That large area where you want to access your personal depth) won't allow me to. @_@

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