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Messages - Airavail

Pages: 1 [2]
Site/Forum Help / Re: "Session Time ran out"
« on: June 30, 2012, 05:54:14 pm »
I've had this many times. What I don't understand is that I have "forever" selected on my log in time, yet it still does this.
Actually, you don't even have to restart your browser. When my session ends like this, it still shows me being signed in. Just log out, and then back in, and that should work. If it shows you being logged out, simply log back in. Make sure to copy your post first, as they said.

Feel free to post, guys!

Other Mods/Creations / Lookinf for Certain Mods
« on: June 29, 2012, 12:10:05 pm »
I decided I wanted to update my game with all of the realistic mods, but there are many I have looked endlessly for. For example, Ardiga's Nebula mod it seems is no longer posted in it's usual place, and I can't find the realistic terrain mod anywhere. Could anyone provide me with these downloads?

Game Help / Stranded Character
« on: June 25, 2012, 12:14:14 am »
So, I downloaded the Darklore Territories pack (if you are familiar with it), and the thing didn't want to load very often at all. I got stupid and said "Hay! Why not I take my group leader over and explore?!" Bad idea. Now my tiger is stuck there and tells me it will not connect to the server. I deleted the start file, and it still will not work, so I'm at a loss. I can't really afford to remake her since my group is formed with her, and I don't have all of my members added as friends, so they would have no idea what had happened. Is there anything else I can do? Or is Eramathe doomed to a lonely fate? D8

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