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Messages - dead-wolf177

Pages: 1 [2]
Where do you save the files into?

Game Help / Re: Feralheart + isnt working.
« on: November 02, 2011, 05:57:43 pm »
Should i delete both games and download FH+??

Game Help / Re: I'm really sick of this. (FH+)
« on: November 02, 2011, 05:55:43 pm »
For me when i download FH+ i cant even get in the game >.< ive uninstalld it and re downloaded it so many times... -.-

Game Help / Re: Feralheart + isnt working.
« on: November 02, 2011, 05:48:53 pm »
Yes ive dowloaded the old version, Ussually the torrent doesnt work but i will try it.

Game Help / Feralheart + isnt working.
« on: November 01, 2011, 11:28:48 pm »
Ive downloaded the FH+ but it says error. And that re-installing it would maybe fix the problem, ive downloaded over 5 times. (each time uninstalling it after.) but it still hasnt worked for me, any salutions? X_X

Stories / Paw Prints in the dirt. (Chapter 1)
« on: October 08, 2011, 09:42:05 pm »
A yowlingt type sopund could be heard from miles away. All the wolves perked their ears and stood like nothing was happining,finally a light yelp entered the cold atmosphere. Gora, a unuassually big male wolf, black pelt with a dark grey underfur. A + shaped scar covering his left blind eye. Layed next to his mate, Kiki. Kiki, a beautiful brown taned wolf with a pure white underbelly and crystal blue eyes. It was about when the moon was at its brightess. That new life, has came into this world.

"Is it here yet?" -a young pup said looking into the den where Gora and kiki layed-
"Be pantient young son." -his mother said with a soothing smile as her light green pelt shined in the moons light-
"But mom~"
"Enough, Anarch"
"Youre mother said be quiet" -a younger female pup with brigth green eyes, with a light blue pelt and a white underfur teased-
"please be pantient young ones" -a elder wolf with a black coat and light brown tiger makings appraoched them.-

The night was pure, the air started to thinkin as this new event had to wait until morning.All the wolves in the IcePelt pack curled up with their young pups and settled in for the night.

Is there any more to teh story? it cant just end like this D: who wins!?

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