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Messages - Goon

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Game Discussion / Re: Arokai vs FeralHeart?
« on: October 20, 2011, 06:28:06 pm »

Exactly. xD Sure, they're both fruit, but one is its own thing and so is the other.

No idea why they took it down, sorry. I don't blame you.

Game Discussion / Re: Arokai vs FeralHeart?
« on: October 20, 2011, 06:08:57 pm »

Anyway there really isn't, and there's only really one real Arokai dA group that the team runs. Other than that I wouldn't trust the word of others that Kovu and Super are working together, if anything it's offending when you compair a game with another when that game is trying to be new and unique~

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: mane highlights?
« on: October 20, 2011, 06:02:40 pm »
Mane markings, highlights, etc. would be awesome. And even better if they had their own color choice unlike body/head/tail markings do. I'm all for this. xD

It's in Official Downloads. It's basically FH on steroids, but warning: bonfire island lags more. Despite this it's generally beautiful but... Don't replace your old FH with it.

Yeah it's nice but 2 versions of the game is kinda of... Eh. xD; Anyway you can get it there. That's why wild put up a FH and an FH+ version.

Game Discussion / Re: Your Opinion on Cross-gender RPers?
« on: October 20, 2011, 01:50:14 pm »
I don't really mind if people RP with a different gender. Thought it's a little more awkward when it's a guy RP'ing as a girl. I know this because I've tried. LOL

Other than that I doubt it matters at all.

Though it's completely awkawrd when you're rp'ing and you say "she" and they're like "no I'm a dude." or "I'm a chick..."
Then you kind of feel like a jerk.

Game Discussion / Re: Arokai vs FeralHeart?
« on: October 20, 2011, 03:28:09 am »
Yeah, we don't know, but personally I wouldn't rely on assumptions. If anything the Arokai team doesn't truly like the comparison of the two it seems, and they say they have nothing to do with each other at all. I really believe that.

They're a different team, too. If they did talk to Kovu, they would mention him, but they say they're a completely different team making the game all together. :U

I don't really see a conflict of anything, just the fact that Super and their team are making a game and people automatically wonder if it'll effect Feral Heart, which is natural. I doubt the two have anything against each other since they have nothing to do with each other xD

Game Discussion / Re: Arokai vs FeralHeart?
« on: October 20, 2011, 03:07:39 am »
If Arokai makes a great entrance and gives the community something amazing to play on the first release, then I'm sure Feral Heart will see some troubles.

It's bound to cause the community here to lessen if it's as good as I hope it'll be. If it crashes and burns, well, Feral Heart benefits, because people will come back here. From what I've seen, it's going to be awesome, because there aren't just two creatures you can play as. I just hope the character creation is good as well. >.>

-claps- Nicely done Lizzy <3

Downloading right now. I hope to see it in-game soon~

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Mega Action Idea Thread
« on: October 19, 2011, 03:59:23 pm »
Maybe some more barks, yips, meows, purrs... Stances such as fighting stances and such, maybe grooming, nuzzling, and add a yawn expression with the Stretch action.

If anything more noises would be fun, much more fun for communication since some cats don't roar [such as the cheetah] and others don't meow [like the serval]

If anything, I love the idea of new actions. Maybe a tail swishing/wagging animation you can turn on and off? -dunno-

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