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Messages - MelRose

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Game Help / ~Solved!~ Please close
« on: January 01, 2012, 01:33:08 pm »
So I've recently posted here asking for help getting my Simplistic/Faster heart running. Its now come to my attention that there is no known way to get it working again.

 Ive already lowered every option possible in the game play options menu & this still doesn't reduce my lag. So now I'm wondering if there is anyone out there capable of telling me how i can further lower the details as Slycan did with the Simplistic. I understand that this probably cant be fixed with a simple download so I'm willing to manually change certain things to make this possible. So long as theirs someone willing to help me out & it doesn't violate the rules.

Here is an example posted by Red:

Highest settings possible.

Lowest settings possible

I'm currently running at the Highest settings possible. I'm trying to get mine to the lowest settings possible.
Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Game Help / Re: Can't get on FH
« on: December 31, 2011, 03:31:11 pm »
                   You should try to completely uninstall FH including any FH related files. Once you've wiped it out re-instal it & that should leave you with a new Ogre file that will hopefully work. A lot of us have been having problems getting FH to run correctly due to all the new updates so your not in this alone. I for one have noticed that one day FH will work perfectly fine then the next day it will give the Oger problems as if a file is missing. Don't give up hope just yet. FH is in the middle of expanding & it would be a shame to loose a player due to temporary problems that are in the process of being resolved.

Game Help / Re: Simplistic/FasterHeart help please ^^
« on: December 31, 2011, 03:22:00 pm »
                   I don't believe Slycan is working on the simplistic anymore so I'd hate to pm him with my problems. I was hoping that maybe someone had the same problem & found a way to fix it. I really don't see why the update would have anything to do with it since things were all peachy til this afternoon. Perhaps your right & maybe i just need to let things cool down but i highly doubt there will be a new release any time soon since the last time simplistic was mentioned was way back in June. I guess ill just wait around & see if someone comes up with another similar solution to turning down the graphics. Thank you for your comment, ill have hope in waiting now :].

Game Help / ~Solved!~ Please close
« on: December 31, 2011, 01:13:26 pm »
                 So i recently had to uninstall & reinstall FH due to the new updates. To my surprise the smudgy Simplistic graphics were no longer on my FH screen. Instead the normal untouched graphics popped up. Normally this wouldn't be a problem because all I'd have to do is go to the download link & re-download the Simplistic mod, problem solved. However this time that wasn't the case.

                        It initially started as if the mod(smudgy graphics) was working but once my character tried to connect to the map, immediately following the Florite plains map music started playing I got the FeralHeart exe. has stopped working problem. I tried multiple times & i got the same results. I also read on the deviantart page that some people cant get it to work for the new update but i don't see why I have a problem getting it to work considering i've had it for months & it was working perfectly fine for me all week (even with the updates). Ive done everything according to protocol, making sure I've deleted everything FH related so i can reinstall everything over again.

                        This is my only hope to ever being able to play FH again since I lag non stop without this useful mod. If anyone has any suggestions or maybe the up to date Simplistic link that would be great. I'm also willing to try out other similar mods. Thanks ^^

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