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Messages - JustDance23

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Arianna furrowed her brows and slowly pulled herself to stand and look into the dumpster, quickly covering her nose to block out the horrid stench. After gathering herself she spotted the girl and huffed before heading back to her backpack which was on the ground beside the dumpster. "I ain't usin anything from that dumpster...probably get sick and die." she brushed away a strand of her black hair while grabbing her backpack. "I need to find shelter...and some food." Arianna muttered, her insecure and distant side breaking through. As much as she wanted company she wouldn't be able to handle anymore death at this point. She began rubbing at her arm, the one that had a faint but visible scar running along the inside of it, something she did when she was nervous, irritated, or feeling discomfort.[/b]

Arianna nodded and gently grabbed his arm for support before heading towards the dumpster in the alley. She bit down on her lip, with a hard pressure to keep from whimpering, it also transferred some of the pain from her leg and head to her lip. "I need stitches..." Arianna grumbled under her breath, more to herself than anyone but she said it loud enough for Raven to hear. Once they had made it to the alley, she released his arm and slumped against the wall to slide into a sit. Every move she made caused a wave of pain and now some nausea to hit her.(Accepted! ^.^)[/b]

"First, tell me your name." Arianna shifted her backpack to the front of her and pulled out a water bottle that was almost empty. She opened it and drank what was left, "You can call me Arianna, or Ari.." she stared at him for a moment before limping to the bench to sit, the aching of her leg and head to severe to keep standing. The sound of growling and snarling snapped her attention towards further away from the park, there she caught a glimpse of what looked like a herd of zombies. "Somethin's down there..." Arianna stood and limped back over towards Raven, "We gotta get movin." she stated referring to both the wolf and Raven.[/b]

Arianna turned to face Raven and rose a brow, "I am perfectly fine." she stated with an eye roll. As much as she wanted to continue to be cocky, stuck up, and ignorant... she really did miss people and would hate to just turn her back on them and go her separate way. "Arianna, my names Arianna." the raven haired girl crossed her arms and gave a sigh laced with defeat. "Fine, and I ain't gonna give you a body check." again she rolled her eyes, "Guess I could use some help, jacked up my leg pretty good...also hit my head." Upon remembering her head injury she winced and gently touched the tender and still a bit bloody bump.(Oh, and yes you can have more than one character.)

The gun lowered to her side, her face still stern but if you really looked at her eyes you could see fear pooling in them. Arianna glanced between the two before giving a huff and walking back towards the bench she had set her backpack on. She grabbed the half empty bag and slung it over her shoulder before sitting to adjust the bandaging on her leg, "Yes, 'ya really look that bad." she stated a sly smirk making the ends of her lips curl up. Arianna pulled her pant leg back down and then stood, making sure she had everything she needed before turning away from the other two, attempting to spot the best direction to head in.

The much shorter, and petite girl jumped slightly at the new voice. Her gun was now aimed at Raven, she had two strangers to deal with and she really didn't feel as comfortable around other people as she previously thought she would. Her eyes looked Raven over before glancing towards his dog and back towards the figure that had approached her before Raven. Arianna narrowed her eyes at Raven, "How am I supposed to know your clean?" she questioned in a harsh tone, a thick southern drawl dripping from each word. "You could be lyin, 'juss to save yourself from gettin shot." Arianna glanced between the two strangers and the dog, she was unsure who to settle her guns aim  on.

Oh yes! My apologies, you're accepted. ^.^ Go ahead and post whenever you'd like.

Arianna paused, the sound of footsteps made her draw the gun from her leg holster and aim it at the stranger. "Who are you?" she hissed in an un-kind nature, she wasn't fond of strangers nowadays and almost always drew her weapon on them. "W-Why are you here..." Arianna furrowed her brows at her own question, it was a dumb one and she knew it but she hadn't talked to another being in forever and it felt good to speak to more than herself. Her bright eyes glanced past the stranger to assure she wasn't being surrounded, seeing no other immediate threats her attention was locked back on the figure before her.

Arianna rummaged through the black camping backpack she had obtained at one of the local stores. After searching for a while she pulled out a reel of gauze and a alcohol wipe. She ripped the wipe packet open with her teeth and cleaned the wound, jaw locking at the sting that the alcohol caused. Arianna inhaled deeply and continued tending to her wound, cleaning it, bandaging it, and then wrapping it with the gauze. "Sick of this..." she snapped, although in more of a hushed way in fear of attracting one of the many dangerous creatures that lurked in the shadows. Arianna swept a strand of her raven hair from her face and pulled her pant leg back down before standing, having not noticed the being approaching her at that very moment. Her wounds, and worry of the flesh eaters always seemed to get her into chaos.

Emptiness, that's all that came to her mind. The sound of her own heart, pounding in her head  woke her from her slumber. She had been asleep for who knows how long, how? Arianna had been knocked unconscious running from a herd of the flesh eating freaks that thrive after humans. Luckily she had just made it to a safe spot, somewhere high before slipping and hitting her head..
She reached to rub at her sleep blurred eyes, a pained growl slipping past her lips. Arianna reached to touch the side of her head, it hurt and she could feel a knot beginning to form. She withdrew her hand from the bump and glanced at her fingers, the familiar crimson liquid painting the tips. "Bloody zombies, I swear I was never this clumsy before." Arianna exhaled and shook her head before standing, using the wall beside her for support. Her leg was a bit sore, but none of her aches and pains compared to the one on her head . She continued forward, climbing off of the slab of concrete she had gotten atop to escape the flesh eaters. Blues eyes, scanning the area before her to assure it was safe for her to start her trek to find food, shelter, and possibly others. Arianna had been out her alone for a while, slipping, falling, killing... getting into more trouble than she had ever before. The raven haired girl stopped at a nearby bench, the pain in her leg was starting to reach a level worse then her head injury. The bench was located outside of the cities park, not a safe place to sit around at but she needed to check her wounds. Arianna lifted her pant leg and examined the bloody mess, a deep cut causing all of the pain. It looked as if it were becoming infected, "This is just wonderful." she rested her head in her palms and gave a huff laced with concern, anger, and a bit of dismay.

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