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Messages - cocokit

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Forum Games / Re: Girls! Lets count to 40 before a Guy post!
« on: June 28, 2015, 05:58:35 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Girls! Lets count to 40 before a Guy post!
« on: June 27, 2015, 09:55:31 pm »

Presets & Markings / Re: ? Vyxen Preset Boutique ? 1 slot OPEN!!
« on: June 27, 2015, 07:14:05 am »
I hope you don't mind, I liked the other preset so much i wanted to request another one!

Username: cocokit
Preset #: 12
Email: [email protected]
Species: Canine
Male/Female: Female
Texture: Could you possibly use CoyoteMange's texture?
Type of Eye: Slit
Bi-eye: Yes
Two-sided?: Yep.
Private/Public: private, please.
Mane?: Yes~
Wings?: Yes~

One other thing, she has a scar over The swirl on her shoulder c:

Forum Games / Re: Girls! Lets count to 40 before a Guy post!
« on: June 27, 2015, 04:12:47 am »

Request a Preset/Marking / Could anyone do this for me?
« on: June 26, 2015, 09:46:20 pm »

 I've been wanting a preset of this gal for a while but haven't found anybody to do it. I hope she isn't to complicated!

if your willing to make her, here are a few things I want~

Glowing eyes.
She's two-sided.
I want a semi realistic fur texture, but the original canine texture will work as well.
It doesn't show on the reference, but i would like a small scar over the swirly marking on her right shoulder.

I would be sooo grateful if someone could do this for me, thanks!

FeralHeart Username: cocokit
DeviantART Username: Cocokit
Permission for public display: sure~
Character Name: Zin
Preset Folder: 12 please!
Wings/Mane?: Yes, both.
Character Reference:
Anything else: Ah, I forgot to add on the reference she has a scar over the symbol on her shoulder.

Is that all? wonderful presets by the way!

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: June 26, 2015, 05:25:41 am »

Presets & Markings / Re: ? Vyxen Preset Boutique ? 2 slots open....
« on: June 24, 2015, 04:44:19 am »

Please excuse my terrible attempt at drawing ;_;
Blue for the back legs and red for the front legs
The light gray appeared much too light when I saved the image so please darken it up on the preset ^^

Username: cocokit
Preset #: 5
Email: [email protected]
Species: Canine
Male/Female: Female
Texture: realistic ^^
Type of Eye: Slit
Bi-eye: Yes, One eye a bright red, the other a pale-ish blue
Two-sided?: nope, only for the eyes.
Private/Public: Private please
Mane?: Yes
Wings?: yes, they aren't shown on the reference because i would like them to be invisible.

Is that good?

Username: cocokit
Character Name: Fadedstripe
Character Rank: Warrior
Clan Wanted: Shadowclan
Why do you want to join our roleplay?: I would like to join because this roleplay looks fun and just looks really exiting...
Activity level: (Scale of 1-7)   5.5-Im on most of the time in the afternoon after school

Roleplay Sample: Fadedstripe jumped through the tall grass, disliking the feeling of the wind on her fur, she preferred the marshy Shadowclan territory, where she could hunt frogs and birds, but she could go back now,The clan had scented Windclan on their territory, And they needed to speak to the Windclan leader, Soon she stiffened, seeing Windclan cat's race down to them,"What are you doing on out territory?" A large tom growled."We have to speak to your leader," Fadedstripe said, trying to stop her neck fur from bristling. (VBHBHhbcdsdh It's horrible, I know ;-; Just so tiredd)

also, i have a question, how do you get a mane for preset 2?  it doesn't have a mane and thats my only open preset spot that hasn't been used, and I thought you might know. thanks :)

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