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Messages - caiktin

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((Made a slight change to Noah's application. He's no longer JUST a mercenary, he's a mercenary thief, meaning a thief for hire. He's paid (often substantial amounts of money) by clients to steal valuable and treasured things. His vocation term is now "thief", though, not mercenary.
And where did everyone get to? D8))

The conversation seemed to make less and less sense as time went on, Noah having absolutely no idea about what he walked into. It seemed to him that the ginger-haired lady was more-or-less leading the whole thing, and the familiar-looking mage was working alongside her. There was a slip of parchment that was the current topic of conversation, and it was printed with something that the unfamiliar male could not read. Add in something about an escort in Rien... or was that being escorted to Rien? Noah knew which one he preferred, but as for the conversation, he was totally lost as to what the whole point of it was.

He should have known that the snapping of the twig underfoot would give him away, for almost as soon as the steed of the more royal-looking woman glanced over in his direction, so did the mage, and his eyes narrowed. He didn't know of her ability to sense him before he was seen, but there was a little inkling within him that told him that he had been found out. However, the snide comment from the mage made him smirk, and he slowly stood up from behind the bushes to reveal himself. "Well, sweetheart, you never did accept my invitation for a drink last time we met. I thought perhaps a slower approach would work better on your charming self," he replied with the same devilish grin he gave all women he flirted with, stepping in between the two bushes to bring himself into the clearing, barely sending a nod of acknowledgement over in the direction of the other female and Alistair (much to Carina's disgust).

As Noah brought himself closer to the mage, his own memories began to make a return to the front of his mind. She was most definitely the one who's life he had saved quite a long time ago, when he was younger, still new to his abilities. He'd had plenty of practice getting used to them on his travels, as he had attempted suicide in the most dangerous of ways time and time again, not to mention purposely putting himself in life-threatening situations just to see what would happen. Back then he didn't have much of a care in the world, and he still didn't, but he felt somewhat wiser this time round.

His first encounter with Raven had gotten off to a flying start. The mercenary had heard the sounds of a scuffle not far off from where he was passing through, and his curious self had gotten the better of him, so he investigated. He found quite an unexpected sight, and when most people were confronted with a pissed off elf knew their fate... and it wasn't a pretty one at that. There would have been little hope for the mage of Noah hadn't come blundering in, quite mindlessly if he would admit. During the fight he had died a total of one time, but in fact, the severe stab wound to the thigh had hurt a lot more. As the fatal wound had only been a strike through the chest, it didn't take him long at all to mend himself and resurrect what should have been his dead body, and then cleanly kill the elf before it could kill the mage. The task had been easy enough, and more than that, he had even managed to strike up a deal with Raven. Although she was incredibly unwilling, he had pressed the matter that he really did save her life, and she owed him one. She still did owe him one, and this was how the second encounter became very handy indeed.

"Pleasure to meet you again, Raven. You wouldn't believe how coincidental this is, I'm sure you have at least a vague memory upon who I am." Noah had made his introductions last time, and believe it or not he didn't much like the sound of his own voice, so didn't bother to repeat it a second time round. Now that they were interacting, he was eager to lay down the laws and bring up the topic of paying off her debt by giving him a bit of a helping hand with something. Perhaps "laying down the laws" was the wrong terminology, as the task would involve bending them, rather than abiding by them.

((Waiting for JD to post before I do x3 If it takes more than a day or two, I'll be making Noah's post alone.))

((After talking, Katsa and I have decided to insert our own little mini plot into this. If anyone would like anything altered or changed, please let me know so I can do so. I don't intend on stepping on any toes here ^^; Also, Noah's post is coming first this time, but you'll see why.))

It took Noah a while to reach the place where the trio were located, but by the time he heard the faint sound of voices interrupting the eerie silence of the forest, he was mildly relieved. Switching between walking and running over the forest terrain had provoked a burning sensation at the back of his legs, and the skin exposed on his chest had a slight glisten, the result of a small amount of sweat. He paused a little way off, placing his hands on his hips while his chest heaved, catching his breath, before continuing at a walk for the small clearing where Raven, Alistair and Carina were located. His tactic was to stalk around the clearing, gradually getting closer and closer, until he had a visual and audio of the small group. The mercenary was merely curious as to what was going on here, and he didn't quite expect to stumble across what he did.

Noah walked in on the conversation as Raven was speaking, talking about the mild threats that had been tossed her way by the other male, and raised an eyebrow in inquiry. Hung like pigs? A master? What exactly was this meeting all about? Though it wasn't uncommon for the people of Lynthia to have masters or superiors, the stoic mage seemed to be particularly serious about this. The mercenary walked closer, managing to crouch between two sweet-smelling bushes where he could both see and hear the group. It was only once his eyes became of-use too that he did a double-take, blueish eyes now widening in surprise. The mage, the one who had spoken, was someone he recognised. He hadn't made the connection the previous two times he had momentarily set eyes on her, but now it was painfully clear. This was the lady, slightly younger at the time, who's life he had saved. The memory was still as clear as day in his mind, how he had been the one to loose his life instead of her, though he had only jumped right back into action when the stab wound in his thigh, and then his chest, had healed.

"How curious," he murmured, leaning back to rest against the thick trunk of the tree behind him, while remaining concealed by the bushes. It was a coincidence that he should run into this mage, who went by the name of Raven if he remembered correctly, at such a time like this. In fact, it was quite convenient, and Noah contemplated this as he watched the trio converse, finding himself more and more interested as the talk progressed.

As he was shifting his feet forward slightly to get into a more comfortable position, a twig snapped underfoot, causing him to wince on impulse. The sound was muted and barely audible, but it became clear that one of the beings in the clearing heard the disturbance... the auburn-haired woman's horse. He scowled at the animal, shrinking further behind the bushes when the princess followed the line of sight of her beast, thankfully finding nothing of interest. Noah was more at risk of being found now, and he hoped that the minute disruption would not arouse suspicion. He intended to stay hidden for the time being, at least until he figured out what he was going to do here.


Remaining silent while both Raven and Alistair spoke, it seemed that the mage had as much of a way with words as she did, and was once again internally grateful that they had decided to work together on this, which was quite something coming from Carina, being as independent as independent can get. The cleric took a small amount of pleasure in the look upon the male's face when Raven brought up the matter of the small scroll she had found, and even more so when the mercenary admitted that he could not read what was scrawled on it. So Mr. Tough and Fearless had some trouble reading, that was interesting, and Carina stowed that knowledge away for possible use in the future, should he ever become a problem.

At the offer of being escorted to Rien by Alistair, the cleric had to stop and think if there was anything there for her at all. It was the biggest area in Lynthia, and certainly the busiest too. Full of noise and bustling people, it wasn't her most favourite place to go, and therefore did not visit it often. Carina had to wonder if Raven would have any business in travelling there, as she didn't have any clue on where the mage descended from, where she had just been, and where she planned to head next. All the unknown factors made the princess slightly uneasy, but it did not show upon her visage. The talk of potentially being put in danger for knowing too much about this man intrigued Carina more than the offer of a safe journey to the party-goer's city, and her brows lowered slightly in a frown. "There are a lot of things about you that don't make sense, Alistair. And that includes the involvement with your master, among many other things that I've happened to... catch a glimpse or two of. I'm more concerned about what you are doing in Lynthia, least of all Zale, when you have such things propelling you through life." As she spoke, the princess kept half of her attention on the blade that the male was toying with, something that put her on edge. "And I have no business in Rien, it's not a city I visit often, nor is it one that I am required to visit often. If you have something else to offer, then please say so."

There was a brief pause in between the conversation, and while that drew out, Carina's gelding nickered and swung his head in the direction of a pair of juniper bushes that guarded a large tree. His ears were perked forward and his eyes unblinking, appearing very interested in whatever was over there. The cleric frowned and peered at the area Vigilance was intent on, scouting for something hidden behind the bushes. There appeared to be nothing, so her gaze returned to Raven and Alistair, but her palomino gelding was much more interested in the bushes, tossing his head this way and that, and shifting his weight from hoof to hoof, as if he wanted to go over there.

((I adore the sound of your character, SoaringAway!))

((Hope you start feeling better soon, JD! Having a cold is no fun. And I'm happy to post now, Katsa, thanks x3))

There was a slight twang of uncertainty within Carina as soon as Alistair reached over his shoulder to retrieve one of his daggers, fiddling with it and clearly showing he had entire control over it. The princess herself had no training, and barely any knowledge of weapons (save for a bow and arrow set, which she was not currently in possession of), making her more vulnerable than him. That was a position she didn't like to be put in, but the cleric refused to show it, keeping her gaze trained on Alistair's face rather than the dagger, back straight and chin angled slightly upwards.

Alistair was right, there were only three options... with a fourth one being both parties walk away with no new knowledge whatsoever. That idea didn't appeal at all, as Carina did in fact want to know more about the strange elf-man, but nor did the idea of being slaughtered like common pig. Leaving the remaining two, she did have to admit that getting him to spill all his secrets for no favours in return would be tricky, especially considering Raven and Carina were the only two involved in this situation. And that left negotiating, which Carina was good at. With the reins still in her hand, she clasped both her hands behind her back and listened with the respect that Alistair did deserve to what he had to say.

"You assume that I have a dire need to get to know you better, Alistair," she commented first with a dark hum of amusement. "I could very easily call in back-up after your mention of murder, treason and thief, and they would happily make some special arrangements to pry the information out of you." That, of course, was a small bluff. King Jair was not one to be in favour of torturing any soul for information, and Carina was not that sadistic either. But in the times they lived in, torture was frowned upon, but not entirely uncommon. However, it was unlikely  that Carina would resort to such a thing when she had other options. "Alas, your final offer does strike my attention. What are these favours that you speak of that both Raven and I would be performing, hmm?"

Carina took a glance over her shoulder at the mage, not forgetting that she was also present. The cleric had no idea what kind of plans Raven had for herself, or what she can and can't do (or would and would not do), so it was over to her to speak up during the brief silence and state her opinions. If neither party could come to an agreement, they would have to come up with something else that would work, but Carina did have hope that Raven would also be game for favours for the mercenary in return for information... which she knew Raven also wanted to obtain.

((Not posting on Noah just yet, assume that he's still walking.))

((Enjoy your vacation, Wolfy, and I hope your internet is working well again soon! Considering Noah will have nothing to do in your absence, he's going to trail after Carina and Raven to see what's up.))

Carina's expression lost anything remotely close to pleasant as she and Raven neared their destination, visage taking on a placid look. The cleric slowed Vigilance down slightly as they approached the clearing, then halted him so both she and the mage could dismount. Allowing Raven to do so first, she resisted the urge to hold out a steadying hand when she swayed, knowing that they had been riding for quite a while, and she would most likely be stiff and sore considering she was an inexperienced rider. Carina, however, was unaffected by the journey and was able to dismount with a decent amount of grace, clasping the leather reins in her hand to stop her palomino gelding from wandering off.

Stopping a respectable distance away just as Alistair had predicted himself, there was a slight flair in the cleric's dark green eyes at the words of the mercenary. "Feared more than loved, good Sir," came her curt response, tone conveying the air of authority of confidence that never left her side. "So I advise you to bear that in mind when you speak in such a way to your superiors." Carina had little patience for those who tried to challenge her authority or wit, and although she wasn't one to normally force her position upon others, she did it when she felt she had to.

Raven's words spoke truth, too, and the cleric was inwardly grateful that the mage had accompanied her to the meeting. A single man inviting a single lady to a remote clearing among thick forestry didn't scream safety and security, and Raven was able to defend the both of them better than Carina was able to defend herself alone... for the most part, at least. And Carina was aware that the mage had her own reasons for coming along, which the princess respected, and she planned on sharing the meeting.

Carina didn't particularly care whether Alistair was the one to initiate this meeting or not, she was going to be the one to start asking the questions. He was the one with the odd background that seemed to make no sense, and some strange connection to a dog that made the two of them seem uncannily alike. "Tell me something, Alistair," she began, her attention now fully on the male. "When you called this meeting, what exactly did you plan to achieve? I'm the one with the questions, Raven too."


Amber and Noah conversed in mere small talk, exchanging "thank you's" and "your welcome's" to make up for the happenings of the previous night, with some added flirting on Noah's part. But the mercenary was already beginning to itch for something to do, as he hadn't done anything productive since killing the last of the expers the previous day. He found himself looking over in the direction where the ginger-haired princess and the mage had disappeared a mere few minutes ago, once again wondering just what the two of them were up to. Figuring that he perhaps wasn't going to get very far in talking with Amber, considering she was taking some time off from her work and most likely wanted to relax, the mercenary took his leave from her company, and made haste for the spot where the two female's had departed from.

Resting a relaxed hand upon the handle of his rondel blade, Noah followed the imprints made in the soft soil left the palomino gelding, intrigued by the direction they were heading in. To his knowledge, there was nothing of particular interest down this way, it was the most plain of compass points to pick for excitement or sight-seeing. Noah was left to wonder if this was a kind of special meeting that he was definitely not meant to eavesdrop upon, which only made it all the more appealing to him. He was currently without a job from any clients regarding mercenary work, and in fact waiting to hear word from a close client in particular, so he had nothing pressing to get done until he received such word. This spurred him to follow through on his decision to track down the two females and find out what they were up to.

The journey was long on foot, but that wasn't much of a bother. Noah welcomed and enjoyed the exercise, and occasionally picked up the pace to a leisurely run to get his blood circulating. One hand never left his blade, though, as the forest could be particularly unfriendly at the best of times, and some of the more dodgy bandits and no-good thieves hid themselves along these tracks. So far he hadn't fun into any trouble, but that didn't mean to say he wouldn't.

((Still a bit undecided on what to do with Noah... I might have something for him to do by my next post.))

((Waiting for Wolfy to post so I can post as both Carina and Noah.))

Keeping her gelding as still as she could in his restless mood, Carina distracted him with gentle strokes to he neck and teases to his flaxen mane while Raven gathered herself and shot the palomino a quick look that the cleric couldn't help but notice and recognise all too well. She made no comment, though, and sat still in the saddle while the mage hoisted herself up behind the princess. Tightening the reins a little once Raven had anchored herself, she nudged her heels into his flanks to get him to walk on. Seeming pleasantly surprised that they were finally moving, Vigilance gave a bob of his head and made haste at a brisk walk for the direction Carina intended to head in. They crossed the clearing at this pace, both so the gelding could warm up and Raven could get used to his smooth, even gait, and picked up the pace at a trot once they reached the fringes of the surrounding forest. Snorting and giving his head a little shake, Vigilance was happy to oblige with the speedier pace, stretching out his long legs to cover more ground.

Being up on horseback was one of the few places Carina really felt at home, and it showed in the way her expression relaxed the slightest bit, no more permanent clenching of the jaws or impossibly straight line of a mouth. Her body too was upright and relaxed, the only thing being tensed were her fingers around the leather reins. Occasionally she would glance over her shoulder to check that Raven was all right, before returning her attention to the front, guiding Vigilance through the thick forestry. Sometimes Carina would slow the gelding back down to a walk for a bit to let him relax himself, before pressing him back into a trot five to ten minutes later. He obviously enjoyed it, with the way he would give a slight toss of his mane, and lurch forward a little too fast so Carina had to rein him in. So far his behaviour was good, and they were making reasonable time.


Noah grinned devilishly at the eye-roll and sarcastic comment, giving Amber a wink. "I wouldn't say I rested..." he responded after a moment, trailing off suggestively, "but my night was certainly enjoyable. How are you feeling? No stiff limbs or lingering black smoke?" Of course, the assassin looked perfectly fine, but as Noah knew very little about the expers that had ambushed just the previous night, he couldn't be too sure. In the short period of silence between answers, the mercenary happened to catch a glimpse of a pale golden colour out the corner of his eye. Turning to look, he saw both the mage and the healer from the previous night delving into the forest upon the back of a young gelding. Interesting, he thought to himself, and had to wonder what kind of mission they were onto this morning. Part of him wanted to exercise his stealth and tracking skills and follow after them to see what seemed so important, but he remained where he was to hear what Amber had to say.

((Welcome back, JD! It's good to hear you're feeling better and you're able to continue now <3))

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