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Messages - Renochi

Pages: 1 [2] 3
((Finally gonna join |D I've been away making a preset ono))

Duskkit pricked her ears at the sound of a new cat's voice, whom she identified as Rosetail. She shoved her brother off of her, and didn't pay attention to the noise he made when he thumpred down onto the cold ground. "Hi, Rosetail! Me and Treekit are doing well, thanks for asking~" She gave a small smile with her words as she stood up.

((Yeeeeaaaahhhh, she speaks in a kind of... weird way for a kit of her age. 'Cause she's cool like that. |3))

Introduction / Re: Hello, need a mesh made?
« on: January 09, 2011, 03:20:20 pm »
And while things happen, I'll be on the sidelines, silently cheering you all on. |D

(('blazing yellow and roange mix' lolol I think roange is my new favourite word.
D'aww, my brother's gon' die? D:
Hey guys, is Silverkit ever even here? xD ))

Introduction / Re: Hello, need a mesh made?
« on: January 09, 2011, 02:32:51 pm »
Yeah, people tend to dislike their creations after a while once they get more skilled. I still like all of the meshes though~

I think that may be because Zuri isn't online too often, maybe, and since it's her game, she needs to help 'direct' her staff. I'll see what ideas I can come up with. c:

Forum Games / Re: Count to 1000
« on: January 09, 2011, 02:06:07 pm »
142 ono

Introduction / Re: Hello, need a mesh made?
« on: January 09, 2011, 01:57:46 pm »
Ooh, a Stray mesher! I've been lurking around on the Stray forums for about a year or something now, and I haven't registered there yet, but I have to say, the meshes are really cool. I'm on that forum for the reason of checking the game status and looking at new meshes. |3
I'll be sure to ask you for something~ When I think of what I want, at least...


Forum Games / Re: Count to 1000
« on: January 09, 2011, 12:42:32 pm »

Weeeell, if you're still accepting siblings for Runo, I have another sister for him. owo

Her name's Zidan, and she's around three years or so. I thought I should make her look sort of similar to Runo, because of family ties and stuff.

She's an introvert and likes to hide her emotions, but is slightly more friendly to the few friends she actually likes. To family she's always more open, though. |3


((Aaaand that's why I said almost everyone has a female character. :'D And LOL male club. ))

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Skava's Brain Likes Making Ideas
« on: January 09, 2011, 01:52:48 am »
I love the Multiple characters and Form changing ideas. *Nods*

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