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Messages - Bawfle

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I apologise on behalf of them for the waiting game. I understand your frustration and I'm sure you'll get an answer eventually. But from what I know with all options tried out it's best to contact them at the end of the day to see what they can do about it. I hope it gets seen to soon so you can play again.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: In-Game Preset Designer
« on: July 28, 2019, 10:59:53 am »
I really like what you're getting at and it's very creative, but I don't think it's the best way to go about it?

I say this because people have their favourite art programs (gimp, sai, clip studio paint, photoshop, etc), and people have already adjusted to like and become very familiar with their art programs. If this were implemented, people would have to get used to a new way of drawing on a different platform which a majority of people have an extremely difficult time doing. I also think implementing this would more or less limit a person's preset making abilities as well, considering special coding like transparent coding, and the limitation of brushes that would/may be available in the preset maker itself.

However, to allow people to use the art programs they want it may be better to just implement a "Sync" button overall instead which a user could press after saving a preset .png image to save a bunch of time relaunching the game and whatnot.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Game Improvements
« on: July 27, 2019, 03:07:19 pm »
Chat Commands
I'm really digging both /clear and the /mod commands. I feel the /clear command will eliminate the time it takes to relaunch the game just to clear a cluttered chat, and the /mod command would help users understand that there are mods around even if they're hidden. I'm not sure I am fond of either /silence command just for whisper because I don't feel there is any good reason for it when there's a block button, but to save people the time maybe there could be a /block or /unblock command if people don't want to struggle to click characters that are lying down ('cause we all know that's a pain in the butt). However, both /w [username] and /g [message] are also really good commands. Also saves the effort of clicking characters that are lying down or submerged in piles among each other. Perhaps a /p [message] could be an addition as well. /info would also be a very productive thing to have, especially if a moderator needed to check out someone's bio when they're offline to check the legitimacy of a report or something. Generally extending variety to those who prefer to use commands rather than trying to click a character, buttons, or clicking through menu options seems rather like a bonus feature rather than it being an attempt to "fix something that doesn't need fixing".

Report System
As for the report system you suggested, it just doesn't seem as efficient enough for what is needed when it comes to evidence. I mean, I DEFINITELY think a report button should be included, however, the idea needs improving (not that your idea wasn't already a really good start). I vaguely understand what Morgra suggested, but from what I understand of it a user could take screenshots of the incident, hit the report button, type in the reason(s) why, and attach the screenshots taken already.

However, as straight forward and efficient as this sounds, it still isn't as close to 100% as it could be. If a report button were included, this means that anyone can make a report. Which of course is great. But my concern lies in those who take screenshots with their General/Local Chat Arrival settings set to 'Character Name' only, and how the actual report will reach the moderator's inbox on the forum. This is where the idea would now need to be improved even more just to prevent possible invalid reports when they could have so easily been valid reports if only the settings were correct.

From the top of my head, the most effective options I immediately see would be to:
  • remove the 'Character Name' option from the 'Local Chat Type' and 'General Chat Type' settings under 'Interface' within the in-game options menu (which might be hard for people to let go of since they like the appearance).
  • make it so when Arrival Chat Types are changed that they also update in the chat's history (a better option, if it's possible). Maybe with this, when someone clicks the report button a "have you remembered to..." reminder pop up list makes sure people are constantly reminded that usernames need to be visibly clear in the chat within the screenshot, thus encouraging the option change and hopeful success that it changes within the chat history, AND people can always change it again after to how they like it. Everybody wins.
  • or a last resort, have the report button take the user to the How to Report In-Game users thread where both old and new users can learn how to report an in-game user if they didn't know how to already and the reporting system can still work the way it does through the forum using the tools we already have.

Chat Tabs
Absolutely yes please very much thank you. I would love these. Though maybe an exit X to remove tabs that you no longer need? Other than that, I would genuinely appreicate this feature.

Smashing suggestions, Deu. +floofing to this for sure.

Leaving / Re: no i'm not going forever you're not that lucky
« on: July 27, 2019, 10:44:31 am »
Thank GOD they're finally leaving

Hope everything goes well with the new job and that your mental health reaches an easier point to deal with.

See you later you nonk.

I think it's time to try get in contact with an Admin then and see what they can do to help. There used to be an e-mail you could contact but I believe that system ended years ago. Perhaps they or a mod could relay it to Raz if they cannot do anything about it.

In that case I'm pretty clueless... usually waiting a minute after logging in it will connect you. But after changing your password is a different story as I've never changed my password and tried to log in right away. Maybe wait a n hour or so and see if the game catches on that you've changed your password? That's all I can think of at this time.

Hold on a sec, actually I just realised you cannot change your password through there. I thought you could once, my mistake. I apologise for the false information! Maybe you can try resetting your password again through "Forgot Password" and make sure every detail is correct. If you can log into here without issue, you should be able to get in-game just fine too.

I suggest changing your password via the user panel found on the home page and see if it works then. Have a look at this tutorial for guidance if you need help with using it!

What method did you use to change your password? Through your forum profile, through the user panel, or through "forgot your password"?

Game Help / Re: Cannot Start FH without it Crashing
« on: July 25, 2019, 05:32:45 pm »
I guess you can try this. I know you've said you have already uninstalled the game several times, but if you follow my steps just to I know you're doing it correctly.

Go to Local Disk (C:) and delete the FeralHeart folder entirely. Once you have done this, uninstall the game from your control panel. After this is done, go to the downloads page and get a new FH 1.17 setup, then re-install the game.

If this still doesn't work, I guess you could try launching the game as an administrator by right clicking the game icon and selecting "Run as Administrator".

If that fails, try right clicking the game icon and follow these steps.... Properties \\ Compatibility \\ Tick "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" \\ then select the most recent compatibility mode. If it doesn't work, try a different compatibility mode such as an XP compatibility mode. This seems to have worked before, it might work for you. Be sure to select "Apply" before trying to launch the game.

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