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Messages - Smilodoncat

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some FH Ideas
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:32:09 pm »
Ya, the south pole currently is very...plain? Meh, I don't really know how to describe it other than like you said, just portals and snow. Maybe there could be ice caves in it as well, or something like that to make it more than just snow.

Game Discussion / Re: Nice and/or Amusing Warrior Cat Names
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:39:49 pm »
I wrote a parody of warrior cats once with the main character named Awesomeheart. I'm tempted to make him as a character and make a group called Epicclan (his clan in the story).

Game Discussion / Re: When I first joined I.....
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:31:49 pm »
I was surprisingly literate and made well-devolved non-sparkletard characters when I first joined. However it took me more than a month to figure out the controls.

1. Thought there was a north pole along with the south pole and spent hours looking for it
2. After I found out there was no North Pole, I thought there was only 4 maps, not including lonely cave (south pole, bonfire, ficho, and flourite)
3. Got lost in the south pole and had to add wings to my character cause I didn't know how to climb the hills
4. Didn't use WSAD (Still don't...I just prefer the mouse)
5. Didn't know how to sprint
6. Didn't know how to use mini-map, always got lost cause of it
7. (Probably the biggest fail.) Thought there was hunting like WolfQuest and keep looking around for prey...

Game Discussion / Re: How did you find out about feralheart?
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:17:50 pm »
I use to play WolfQuest when I was younger, like in 4th/5th grade, back before you could raise pups and all that. Then I just kind of forgot about it. Then earlier this summer a friend of mine started playing WolfQuest. I remembered the game fondly so I went and found it to download it again. While after that I'm talking to my friend about Wolf Quest. She asks me if I play Feral Heart, because it's like WQ. I told her I think I may of heard of it on the WQ fourms. She tells me to go get it, so I do. And then I ended up here.  That's basically it.

Discussion Board / Re: Your favourite animal EVER?
« on: December 28, 2012, 02:05:18 am »
I've got so many, but my favorite has to be bears.

I also love hyenas and jaguars.

Discussion Board / Re: Weirdest thing you ever did in school?
« on: December 28, 2012, 01:53:22 am »
My friend and I got in a (fake) fight over whether unicorns or fairies owned neon glitter (whatever that is). We then took a poll, we asked our classmates, teachers, and random people in the halls we didn't know. Fairies won. Evil fairies.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: ~The Hunger Games~ MAPPED
« on: December 28, 2012, 12:32:24 am »
Can I join?

Name in Game: Smilodoncat
Character name: Xenon Bearclaw (Female)
Age: 15
District: 5

Game Discussion / Strangest Role-play Groups?
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:47:46 pm »
We all know of basic lion and wolf role-plays, and even horses and dragons. But what are the strangest roleplays or groups you have seen on Feral Heart?

I once saw a group roleplaying as personified (dogified?) internet browsers, like Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Safari and such. That's probably the weirdest one I've ever seen. 

I've also seen MLP, Hetalia, and various other roleplays based on animes/shows.

So, whats the weirdest roleplay group you have ever encountered?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Some FH Ideas
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:20:15 pm »
I've had a few fairly simple ideas for a while. They're kind not related at all, but I didn't want to make separate threads.

1. Choose your texture in the character creator. So I know you can make your own texture on presets, but I don't always want to use a preset. The canine texture is always for long hair but what if you want to make an character with sleeker fur like a doberman, greyhound, or other short-haired character. Same with the feline one, what if you want to make a snow-leopard or a Persian cat, you can use tufts but they are still not that realistic. I think you should be able to choose your fur texture, it would be an option in the character creator. They would have different types including long-haired, medium, sleek, hairless, and more. This would help allow you to make other non-wolf/lion canines and felines more realistic.

2. Auroras in the south pole. That's all to be said about this.

3. I know you can make mods, but that takes a while. This is just a simple suggestion, but make the night sky more realistic. Feral Heart is meant to take place in the wilderness but the night sky looks like what you would see in the city. Many more stars should be added, possibly arranged the way they are in real life. Maybe even add in the milky way, I think it would make the game more realistic and also enhance the feel of the game at night.

Here's some pics to give you the idea:

Probably not that many stars, of coarse. But still something like that.

That's all for now. I may add more ideas to this thread later.

Characters / Quanta (My Main Character)
« on: December 21, 2012, 10:44:44 pm »
I might add my other characters to this thread later, but for now I"ll just do Quanta, my main character who your most likely to see me as in game.


Full Name: Unknown, it has 57 syllables. Quanta is a nickname that comes from her species name, everyone calls her Quanta.
Species: Quantum Spirit (An original species of mine, more information below), she's usually in the form of a tiger
Age: About 13.75 billion years
Personality: Quanta is fun-loving and very hyper. She is mischievous and loves to annoy people, all in good fun. She is always coming up with crazy, eccentric schemes. Others ether find her extremely annoying or think she's really cool. However despite how she seems, deep down she is very wise. She is 13.75 billion years old, after all. She is also a very loyal friend, if anyone is lucky enough to befriend her they will have a friend for life (Just as long as they don't take her sunglasses. She loves her sunglasses.)

On Quantum Spirits: Quantum Spirits are a rare species. It is said there are only 17 in the entire cosmos, however there may be many more than that. All 17 were born at the big bang, the start of the universe, 13.75 years ago. They have a variety of "powers". They may seem like powers to normal lifeforms however to the 17 they are perfectly normal. Instead of following the basic laws of physics, they follow the laws of quantum physics, this enables them to be in multiple places at once, communicative over long distances telepathically, teleport, and simply float in midair because gravity has no effect on them, among many other things. This can also serve as a disadvantage, it makes it much harder to interact with normal creatures and objects. Quantum Spirits, being spirits, can also can take any form they please, in Quanta's case this is usually a tiger.

To see Quanta in game download here:

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