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Messages - ComatoseKatie

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12
Introduction / Re: Hello there.
« on: July 20, 2014, 10:04:57 pm »
Aw thanks you seem like a real nice person aswell Andria :3

Art Gallery / Re: Comatose Katie's Art
« on: July 20, 2014, 10:02:50 pm »
Thank you :D

Other Games / Re: OFF - Anyone Played?
« on: July 20, 2014, 09:58:17 pm »
Seeing this made me spazz XD I LOVE this game! :D *bounces around the room* I just recently started playing this When i first heard of it i was like "not sure if I should play this... I don't want nightmares..." XD stupid silly me! I only started playing it cause i saw Markiplier start playing OFF and i face palmed myself so much for thinking it would give me nightmares XD Then i showed it to my friend and she looked at me like I just committed murder... so i can tell my friend doesn't like it XD So now i can bug her whenever i get the chance :D I'd say my favorite characters are Zacharie and The Judge :3 but yay finally more people i can know who like OFF XD cause I know if i showed the game to any more of my friends they would avoid me and say I was scaring them... My friends are so different from me XD

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: July 20, 2014, 09:50:03 pm »
8/10 cool character looks really awesome.

Forum Games / Re: True Or False
« on: July 20, 2014, 09:48:54 pm »

The next poster has a cat

Art Gallery / Re: Comatose Katie's Art
« on: July 20, 2014, 09:41:03 pm »
thank you.

Presets & Markings / Re: Demon's Preset corner UPDATED [7,11,14]
« on: July 20, 2014, 09:19:42 pm »
Ooh really nice presets. :D

Art Gallery / Re: Comatose Katie's Art
« on: July 20, 2014, 09:09:38 pm »
Aw thank you :D

Art Gallery / Comatose Katie's Art requests open. UPDATED 8/9/14
« on: July 20, 2014, 08:41:06 pm »
Yaaay my art XD

the ref for Comatose katie! Just noticed my typo in the word comatose XD

Oh look I made a gif .3.

I drew this for my Cousin.

the Ref for Serona. (the R key on my keyboard broke so I type it with a pencil *cries* )

(if you have a Deviant art you can send the points to my DA for one. or if you don't i might do an art trade for them oh and the fox and the third wolf are 20 points on DA the middle one is Iffy cause i might keep her...)

and then here's this....

this is Nix.
Here's somethings about Nix
Nix's best friend is Shane who is a Zombie. She doesn't mind her friend sleeping all day unless he's sleeping on the couch. She likes horror movies and bugging Shane when he's really tired. Nix likes popcorn and playing games on the computer. She's often very calm and sarcastic but will yell at anyone calling Shane names. She's very protective of her friend. Nix also doesn't like Shane running her phone's battery done especially if she needs it.

look a zombie character cause why not :D
A bit about Shane.
Shane is a zombie (Duh) and He likes Coffee... he has an annoying friend named Nix (Who is a girl and isn't a zombie.) He is... I mean was allergic to bee's he's often very quiet and sleeps most of the day he severely dislikes people poking him in the face or trying to wake him up aswell. He's easy to get along with if you don't mind him sleeping all day. The only time he's awake during the day is if he's eating or getting coffee or if Nix keeps him awake by dragging him somewhere. Shane is a Fan of Futurama(Just. Like. MEEEEEEEEE!) and usually make's Nix's phone die from watching it all night. He doesn't like Zombie movies or people saying he's dressed up like a hunter from L4D (Which I based his design off of) He does like video games though and is very good at them. Shane doesn't really ever knowledge he is a zombie and once even told Nix he wasn't even though Nix knew he was/is a zombie. Shane is most of the time peaceful but can be a bit rude if he's tired or if someone's is being a jerk to Nix.

This is a ref of a wolf i drew yesterday

he broke your Xbox and ate your dog what now?

I drew the dog eating shadow monster as a human... lovely.. I had to add an outline to this or he'd blend in with the background...

Uboa cat.... why did i draw you? Oh wait cause your friggen CUTE! that's why!

wanna request a picture Just fill this out :D I'd prefer if there was a reference picture or screenshot but if not put a veeeeeeerrrrrry detailed description.
Male or Female: (the character not you ._." )
Anthropomorphic or normal: (I.e a human-like animal or a normal animal?)
Background:(yes or no?)

1.) Devynex (done) -sent by PM-

A link To my Deviant Art:

Introduction / Re: Hello there.
« on: July 20, 2014, 08:08:14 pm »
XD Thank you all :D

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