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Messages - Kalaban

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13
Discussion Board / Favorite Weather?
« on: May 21, 2016, 02:01:06 pm »
I've been traversing around, and found that my favorites are much different than most people.

My favorite type of weather is before a large thunderstorm. The electricity in the air, the cold front, the big winds that go right through your clothing, the howling like music to my ears, and then when you hear "BOOM" in the distance. I also love the storm (we have a porch we sit on when good ones come up) and I myself dance in the rain, not giving a what about getting struck by lightning because it is /beautiful./

(What is your favorite type of weather? "Eg: before/after storm, hot afternoon, warm night, etc.")

Ask Me / Re: Ask Oli!
« on: May 21, 2016, 01:53:26 pm »

How did you learn to draw? I am a very /very/ inexperienced artist that is only two steps ahead of drawing stick figures. I find that learning how others got through the trials other than lots of practice. (Working on it, I have a busy schedule.)


What is the silliest event in your teen/kid years that may or may have not embarrassed you for years to come? (Mine was getting my period.. *shudders*)

Game Help / Two Preset Mane Questions (FIXED)
« on: May 21, 2016, 01:49:38 pm »

Seeing from the beautiful display of pictures above, I have two /minor/ problems.

This is my first preset. I've had the help of tb's free preset maker. (Beautiful helper for organizing things) And my encouraging friend about 95% of the way. He is asleep right now. :) I just finished working on the mane. I am unsure if the code was incorrect after so many years (the topic was made in 2013) And that was the reason for it being see through? so I have come here.

Adding on to that, I have questions on how to fix the white blocks.

Please tell me if you need screenshots of the coloring/etc.

Art Gallery / Re: A Goat With A Tablet || Requests OPEN, 5/15/16
« on: May 17, 2016, 02:24:21 am »

Finished Kalaban's request!

Thank you so much!

Game Help / Re: Mod/item download trouble
« on: May 15, 2016, 07:30:20 pm »
Did you replace the markings.cfg in the main FH folder? Also, did you exit and load FH once more?

Requests finished for Kalaban! Enjoy them, they are all yours! :)
(PM Me if you want them transparent.)

Beginning on Enoki's piece now!

Thank you!

Discussion Board / Re: favorite quotes
« on: May 10, 2016, 05:09:36 pm »
Beware, cursing ahead in these quotes!

And one my best friends, an old lady I knew as a child, said. "Life gives you many troubles and kinds of people. Therefore, hold on to those you love and connect with the most; but leave grudges, fiends, rivals, and enemies in the dust. There are too many people in the world when you are young to connect with them more than once unless it is fate in the future."

Other Games / Re: The YKW Revolution
« on: May 10, 2016, 05:03:00 pm »
I love this c:
I didn't understand the point of Yo-kai when I first saw it but I do enjoy the characters c;
- Pandeer Nuzzles , Pandeer Sticker To The Snout -

For your question about Yokai, it means "demon." I learned it while watching an anime called Inuyasha as a young teen. XD

I have reopened!
yey :3

Welcome back to the request world! I've got two for you to do??? I don't mind the time it takes, haha!


(Choose between #1 or #2)Signature OR Headsot? (Or both?): Two side headshots. Merle's snout pointing to the right direction. (skinny female with blank eyes) and Prince's snout pointing to the to the left. (the one with odd brown head fluff.)

Mood (for example shy): Merle can keep the same expression, but Prince needs to have a bit of a sad look with the ears turned down. :)

Anything else(Optional): Please make sure to get it as close to them and your style as you can! And you don't have to rush with it!

Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: May 10, 2016, 05:29:16 am »
I've been getting obsessed with a relationship that hasn't even started, with a square relationship between only two people in masks.  ::)  :P

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