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Messages - Lady_RavenRose

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~TEC~ The Kreptic Circle ~BL~ / The Kreptic Circle Halloween Party 2016!
« on: September 24, 2016, 02:57:51 am »

Hello again everyone!
Weren't we just planning a summer party not that long ago? The months fly am I right?
Well that means it time to grab your favorite pumpkin, Find your witches broom, and Fill up a bowl of candy, because
The Kreptic Circle Halloween Party 2016 is right around the corner!
The date will be announced in a short while so keep a look out for that! We hope everyone in the Feral Heart community will be able to join us for this event!
Everyone is invited so tell your friends! Down below in this post is more information about the Times, Map, Downloads, Events and prizes!


The party will officially be starting at 2pm Central time! So the times for different areas will be listed below.
Pacific Time: 12pm
Mountain Time: 1pm
Central Time: 2pm
Eastern Time: 3pm

Map Link, Livestream, Preset Links

TKC Presets Download:  TBA
Map Download:  TBA
Livestream:  TBA
Movie Stream: TBA

If you want your preset to be seen during the party Please send me or ~Lavi~ , your preset VIA PM and we will include them into a download so everyone can see it. :D


Whats the Pumpkins name?, Find the upside down ghost, Find the Demon pups, and find the items!

For the find the demon pups game its very easy, Scattered across the map there will be demon pups that we have hidden in 10 areas of the map, First person to all 10 of them wins! To win and prove that you found ALL of them you will need to either send them to me on Skype (maddie.reese2) or some other forum to show me Screenshots of you next to the pup, So we know you weren't cheating! :) First person to send all 10 screenshots Wins!

Whats the Pumpkins Name will basically be played like hangman! Each person will get a chance to say a letter and eventually solve!

Find the  item's game we will have about 1-2 our members with invisible presets on and they will have a single item and they will be running around the map with it. Your job is to find the item we call out first before 10 minutes ends! To win this game you must have the least amount of time to find all 10 items together. So for each item I will start a stop watch and take down the times for everyone on how long it took them to find it! So Find them quickly! Once you find the item run away quickly so no one else sees you next to it and we will have you go back to a starting point on the map we will tell you during the party. I will be announcing in general chat when the item is out and time has started and once 10 minutes is up the person with the item will leave! ALSO YOU MUST HAVE NAME TAGS OFF! It would be WAY to easy if you had the name tags on!

Our last game which we always have will be Find the upside down ghost! Which is pretty simple, Just run around and try to find the only upside down ghost in the map!

Winners Of The Games!

First Person to find all 10 Items In the least amount of time will Win a Preset
First Person to Find All the Demon pups hidden in the map with Screenshots proof will win Preset
The one who guess's the snowman's name right will win a drawing of their character next to the Pumpkin
Winner of Finding the upside down ghost gets a Chibi drawing with their character and the ghost in witch hats

Towards the end of the party Jinxx will also be hosting a livestream to play a movie! Which movie will be played will be posted closer to the party!

More Info

During the Party We Will Be Recruiting! So If you wish to join just whisper any higher ups from TEC/BL and let us know if you feel like joining! This is also an open event (Just in case you didn't figure it out yet x3 ) Meaning EVERYONE in the community of FH is invited! We look forward to see everyone and we hope you all can make it to the party! Also If you are having issues downloading the map let one of the TEC/BL members know by either simply whispering us during the party or post it here on the forums!

ALSO, Feral Heart Rules Still Apply In The Map! We do not want to see cussing, harassing, or spamming! Please be respectful and follow the rules!

A Little More Info About The Kreptic Circle

Just for all those who wanted to know a little bit more about us and what we are. The Kreptic Circle is made up of a species called Krepti. The Kreptis species is a shadowy entity that is trapped in a realm between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Because of this type of parallel "limbo", a Kreptis can interact easily with living beings if they choose to do so. A Kreptis is formed when an individual suffers an intense traumatic death or has lived a hard life full of regrets. It is believed that the species exists to wander the in-between until they come to terms with their regrets and passing.

In our group we have two clans/types of Krepti, One which a lot know of is The Ebon Circle(TEC), And Our more newer Clan The Bloodlings (BLs)

If you want to learn more about the Krepti kind please check out the link Above! It has all the info on them :) Also just to check out the rest of the site just go to .


Hello again everyone!
Weren't we just planning a summer party not that long ago? The months fly am I right?
Well that means it time to grab your favorite pumpkin, Find your witches broom, and Fill up a bowl of candy, because
The Kreptic Circle Halloween Party 2016 is right around the corner!
The date has been set for October 29th! So mark your calender's!! We hope everyone in the Feral Heart community will be able to join us for this event!
Everyone is invited so tell your friends! Down below in this post is more information about the Times, Map, Downloads, Events and prizes!


The party will officially be starting at 3pm Central time! So the times for different areas will be listed below.
Pacific Time: 1pm
Mountain Time: 2pm
Central Time: 3pm
Eastern Time: 4pm

Map Link, Livestream, Preset Links

Map Download+Presets:
Movie Stream: TBA

If you want your preset to be seen during the party Please send me or ~Lavi~ , your preset VIA PM and we will include them into a download so everyone can see it. :D


Whats the Pumpkins name?, Find the upside down ghost, Find the Demon pups, and find the items!

For the find the demon pups game its very easy, Scattered across the map there will be demon pups that we have hidden in 10 areas of the map, First person to all 10 of them wins! To win and prove that you found ALL of them you will need to either send them to me on Skype (maddie.reese2) or some other forum to show me Screenshots of you next to the pup, So we know you weren't cheating! :) First person to send all 10 screenshots Wins!

Whats the Pumpkins Name will basically be played like hangman! Each person will get a chance to say a letter and eventually solve!

Find the  item's game we will have about 1-2 our members with invisible presets on and they will have a single item and they will be running around the map with it. Your job is to find the item we call out first before 10 minutes ends! To win this game you must have the least amount of time to find all 10 items together. So for each item I will start a stop watch and take down the times for everyone on how long it took them to find it! So Find them quickly! Once you find the item run away quickly so no one else sees you next to it and we will have you go back to a starting point on the map we will tell you during the party. I will be announcing in general chat when the item is out and time has started and once 10 minutes is up the person with the item will leave! ALSO YOU MUST HAVE NAME TAGS OFF! It would be WAY to easy if you had the name tags on!

Our last game which we always have will be Find the upside down ghost! Which is pretty simple, Just run around and try to find the only upside down ghost in the map!

Winners Of The Games!

First Person to find all 10 Items In the least amount of time will Win a Preset
First Person to Find All the Demon pups hidden in the map with Screenshots proof will win Preset
The one who guess's the snowman's name right will win a drawing of their character next to the Pumpkin
Winner of Finding the upside down ghost gets a Chibi drawing with their character and the ghost in witch hats

Towards the end of the party Jinxx will also be hosting a livestream to play a movie! Which movie will be played will be posted closer to the party!

More Info

During the Party We Will Be Recruiting! So If you wish to join just whisper any higher ups from TEC/BL and let us know if you feel like joining! This is also an open event (Just in case you didn't figure it out yet x3 ) Meaning EVERYONE in the community of FH is invited! We look forward to see everyone and we hope you all can make it to the party! Also If you are having issues downloading the map let one of the TEC/BL members know by either simply whispering us during the party or post it here on the forums!

ALSO, Feral Heart Rules Still Apply In The Map! We do not want to see cussing, harassing, or spamming! Please be respectful and follow the rules!

A Little More Info About The Kreptic Circle

Just for all those who wanted to know a little bit more about us and what we are. The Kreptic Circle is made up of a species called Krepti. The Kreptis species is a shadowy entity that is trapped in a realm between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Because of this type of parallel "limbo", a Kreptis can interact easily with living beings if they choose to do so. A Kreptis is formed when an individual suffers an intense traumatic death or has lived a hard life full of regrets. It is believed that the species exists to wander the in-between until they come to terms with their regrets and passing.

In our group we have two clans/types of Krepti, One which a lot know of is The Ebon Circle(TEC), And Our more newer Clan The Bloodlings (BLs)

If you want to learn more about the Krepti kind please check out the link Above! It has all the info on them :) Also just to check out the rest of the site just go to

~TEC~ The Kreptic Circle ~BL~ / Re: Event Winners
« on: July 25, 2016, 11:17:14 pm »

Thank you for everyone who came to the TKC Summer party 2016! Here are the winners from the games we had that day! Congrats Everyone!

Winner of Name the Shark: Jinxx TEC!
They win a drawing of their character next to the shark!

Winner of Find the Demon Pups: Moontwist!
They Win a Preset Made by Remus TEC!

Winner of Find the Upside Down Ghost:Midnight TEC!
They win a Chibi style drawing of their Character with the Ghost playing with a beach ball!

Thank you again everyone! We look forward to throwing another party in the future for Halloween and Christmas so keep an eye out!

The Party is starting right now!

Community Activities Hub / Re: The Kreptic Circle Summer Party 2016
« on: July 21, 2016, 10:27:45 pm »
Map download will be added tomorrow! Please keep your eyes open for it :)

Game Help / Re: Exported map, Missing objects + objects different?
« on: July 21, 2016, 01:25:43 am »
Herp. I figured it out xD. God im so happy at this moment. For some reason i had a MyPlants, MyRocks, and MyTree.fho files in the my objects part so i deleted those and it works now! Solved please lock ;w;

Game Help / Re: Exported map, Missing objects + objects different?
« on: July 20, 2016, 11:19:12 pm »
I scrolled down a bit and saw someone else with the same problem and they said the solution was deleting the map folder in Terrains and then reinstalling it. Im not sure exactly what theyre doing when they do that because when i removed the folder SummerParty from the terrians and i go to map maker and try to load it it wont work. ;w; Can someone maybe explain how to go about this correctly if im doing it wrong?

Game Help / Re: Exported map, Missing objects + objects different?
« on: July 20, 2016, 11:02:00 pm »
No I haven't. Any objects i download i put them into my objects and then the .objects file i just place in the place where they all go. In my Export folder all the files are .fho or something along those lines. So when i drop the .object file in there for example the MyPlants.object file It doesn't do anything.

Game Help / Re: Exported map, Missing objects + objects different?
« on: July 20, 2016, 10:10:34 pm »
Nope doesnt work either ;w;, If I do that the map won't load at all/ it would have been gone forever if i  hadnt just dragged it to my desk top instead

Game Help / Re: Exported map, Missing objects + objects different?
« on: July 20, 2016, 09:41:37 pm »
Sadly it didn't work. I re-exported all the items that were missing from the exported map, and then exported the map again and they were still missing. It's really odd because its all the plants from MyPlants section which comes with FH when you download it.

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