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Messages - Kula

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I feel like such a creeper!  -stalksthethread-

Im back e.e Seeing as no one has yet, ill also be applying for Tojo. (as im sure you can tell i really want to be in this rp :3)

Besides the fact that i want to be in this rp as any charre i can, U deserve to play Tojo as I am think id a good job. I am literate and active and when i am given a set charre I really commit. I 'become' the character as you would say.

My exprience is in previous applications.

Personatily- Tojo meaning Tattoo. Tojo is a very caring and kind lion. As a cub he adopted a bunch of orphaned birds. He us good frirnds with simba and ia very respectful to everyone. I feel as if he is down to earth and laid back aswell. Tojo is empathetic and a bit of a cultz as he gets injured  quite a bit.

Yes, iive had a look around, hope you dont mind :L its great by the way! Dont woorry to much about me, I wouldn't hurt a fly.. Unless it majorly ticks me off XD

In case Im not accepted as Kula, I'd also like to apply for Tama. (Big fan of her aswell)

I think I deserve to play Tama because she is an amazing character. Id like to play her as I am litrate and Active. And I think I would be able to portay her well.

Personality- Tama is very laid back and down to earth. She can take the time to sit back and appreciate life for what it is. Tama doesn't seem to hold a grudge however she doesn't like Simba and his antics. She is aslo very good friends with Nala.

Exprience-(Please refer to last application.)

Picture is in link..>>>

(I feel as if her hair tuff is too small worry about but if you wish I can add it :))

Ill be applying for Kula.

"Beauty which captures your attention. Personality which captures your heart" -unknown

Why I deserve this

This is a hard question but I believe I deserve to play Kula as I see alot of herself in myself. Both of us have lost our father and both could've been better people/lion and yet we still love them. And the fact that I adore Kula :3 (imobessed) I've grown up watching TLK and even now, it is still my favorite movie of all time. This group would be what Ive been working towards. I deserve to be her as i feel I already am her and ive always been. As Kiara would say "we are one"


As a cub she was always worried about her firends, but after her run in with Zira she changed, turning into a brat-thinking only Chumvi was worth her time. Slowly she grew out of her old ways. She is kind and caring and can get jeleous like her father, however now she'll stand up for herself. Kula is a cautious lioness. Not much one for adventure but she'd do anything to make sure her loved ones are safe. Her temper short but her patients will go a long way. Kula is loyal, trustworhty, smart, reliable and respectful. Kula loves the safety of the pride lands, however she has a soft spot for outcasts and loners, once she gets to know them. (Ni) . At times she can get out of hand and a little crazy. Kula understands and accepts the laws and rules of the pride lands. She dosent have much of a sense of humor but shes working on it. In my opinion Kula is brilliant, out-going inside but reserved on the outside. She is witty, charming and can be un-predictable. She has a head full of bright ideas and wonderful thoughts. Over all she is amazing.


I've been in a number of Rp's on feral heart and I am an active member.(Every day really) I've been rping.. for 2 years..I suppose (On other sites as well). I also write poems and stories which I find greatly helps with rping (visa versa) I am currently in 2 or 3 long-term and active rps. I am literate, however if ive had a long day then, I dont tend to have long post's (imstillliterate) I am a fast typer and very desrciptive. I started rping on small websites and with friends, moving on to wolfquest and now feralheart. I do not godmod or power play. I think it's safe to say that this would be the rp I've been working towards. Something well-known and amazing.

(I know Kula has Red eyes, but I think green eyes represent more of her can be changed if you want :))

Picture is in the Link>>....

Id be extatic to be accpeted and be able to get the chance to be in this amazing rp. I dont think id be able to vitually hug you tight enough if you gave me this wonderful opportunity. I dont even think I'd be able to thankyou.

I know I will make an excellent Kula.

Lol ! I like the tree.. Its qwirky :D and you are more than welcome,you did a fabulous job!! Cant wait to rp :)

Age-15? o.o
Picofcharre-(I cant put pics up so ill put up a link later but for now ill just desribe her) Uzuri has a pale pelt, almost albino but not quite, she has stunning blue eyes.
Personality- Uzuri is kind and caring, she is respectfull and trust worthy but dosent have much of a backbone, if you insult her she'll just stand there and take it in silence. However if you keep at it she WILL lash out.
RpSample-A small bead of spit flew from his mouth and landed on her nose. His yelling rang through her ears, she tired to block it out. All the commotion and fuss had caused a semi-Large crowd to form around them. Her muscles twitched in anger as he continued to put her down. Her tightly shut eyes had opened. In a flash of rage, her claws quickly unsheathed and were sent flying his way. With a 'humph' her former king fell to the ground. Blood dripped down his face, the same blood now stained on her paws. Taking in a shaky breath she looked at the others as they tended to the fallen lion. Uzuri kicked up the dirt behind her as she ran towards the horizon.
TimeZone-Auzzie Oi Oi Oi.. (dont stalk me)
Timetorp-Afternoons (can differ)


RankDesired-Scout but if i could, id like to start as a rouge :3
Bio-As a cub he was lived and adored by his mother and father, but his father being a rouge soon became restless of pride life and of Sinas constant nagging. The night after Sinas father past, Safiri left. He told his son, "you only need look at the horizon and ill be there" Sina was horrified that her mate had left her, upset yes but above all embarassed. Sina began to neglect her son and with that Riku became angry, and violent. One day he lashed out his little sister, he didnt mean it, he loved Sarafina but this life was too hard for him. After that he ran away, he ran from his pride, his family, he ran from his pain and sorrow, he ran from everything just like his father.. and went to start new.

RpSample-The wind blew through his cramel pelt. The dry grass crunched under the weight of his paws as hw walked further out to the horizon. His unsheathed claws hid in the long grass, sighing he looked up at the sky as the suns rays beated down on him he fell out of exhaustion. He laid their for what seemed like days. His name was Riku and this is his story.
(little dramatic but eh)

Tried the map and its awesome!! However there is a tree in the lake o.o

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