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Messages - lugailover

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i have to go for a while now ill send me your emails on pm for safety so i can send em

sure already have one made

also before i put the link up do you awnt other people to use it?

ok coarse i need your email though to send it to you for i have no websites pm me for it

FINISHED! quick eh? i couldnt do blue eyes just plain stone tell me if you like it or not ill happily make another one its fuun here it is

                           STATUS/CLOSED free to all and may use for yourself! i am getting to many preset requests so im gonna open in soon when ive finished the presets

i can only do pure presets with pics on them i can make a lava preset sand preset etc etc so request here
also can anybody give me a website to put these files on? anyone can use the preset and ill even put the pcis up so you can use them aswell but ONLY if the requester allows it


Forum Polls / Re: Karma
« on: April 20, 2011, 12:17:27 pm »
I think we should, or give users the option to switch it on/off. So the people who want it on can have it on, and those who want it off can have it off.

well what if someone says somethin rude they will then turn off theyre karma and maybe bite people and turn it off before they can bite back.
whats karma for anyway?
just my opinion

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ideas for game and Character edit
« on: April 20, 2011, 07:53:37 am »
you got 9tails and 3tails from pokemon didnt u still i likeyanyway great actions id use them anyday like if i crawl out of water i click that and water would come off

do you have many friends online? Are they inseperable? you can talk about how much you are friends in this topic just some rules

1. DONT SAY LEWD NAMES IN THIS TOPIC even if they are your best friend cursing allowed rude behaviour you guys know not to do that anyway
4.if someone has a friend lets just say cheesewheel (randomly) dont turn around and post back that you hate he/r
5. no saying anyone you hate this is FRIEND topic not ENEMY topic

i think best way is to vote 1 to 10

have fun!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: April 20, 2011, 07:36:04 am »
even so many people want wings (i voted wings) you cant blame kovuLKD its HIS game HE can do what she wants with it so even though i really want wings so badly if he says no HE MEANS NO kinda like clay for example mould it into a perfect shape then ur friend comes along and asks you to put wings on cos itll be more fun. you love the mould its your best one ever and you dont wanna ruin it. think how kov feels.


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