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Messages - FizzyPaws

Pages: 1 ... 108 109 [110] 111 112 ... 114
Finished Maps / Re: Random Land (Public)
« on: June 17, 2015, 05:17:11 pm »
Oooh, very nice map. It does sound very random heh. I'll consider downloading it! Try to find everyone...

Forum Games / Re: True Or False
« on: June 17, 2015, 05:09:40 am »

The next person knows how to draw dragons well

Presets & Markings / Re: Fizzy's Presets [Taking Requests]
« on: June 17, 2015, 04:43:39 am »
Character Name : Melena
Preset Folder : 11
Reference : http://i62BannedImageSite/2cfxqc5.jpg
Additional Info : Her right eye is olive green and the left eye is light blue, and the nose is black or dark grey. Both sides have the same markings. You can just ignore the blue bandana in the reference picture. xD
(By the way, cute preset you have there! ^^)

Finished! I made sure she was extra floofy!

Since I don't really know how to use mediafire, I'll PM you on how I will get it to you.

Presets & Markings / Re: Fizzy's Presets [Taking Requests]
« on: June 17, 2015, 02:49:55 am »
Character Name : Melena
Preset Folder : 11
Reference : http://i62BannedImageSite/2cfxqc5.jpg
Additional Info : Her right eye is olive green and the left eye is light blue, and the nose is black or dark grey. Both sides have the same markings. You can just ignore the blue bandana in the reference picture. xD
(By the way, cute preset you have there! ^^)

I'll start right away!

Forum Games / Re: Guess the age of the person above you
« on: June 17, 2015, 01:43:31 am »
And I might as well not even try XD

Forum Games / Re: Guess the age of the person above you
« on: June 17, 2015, 01:20:59 am »
How about 16?

« on: June 17, 2015, 12:24:36 am »
Your characters should still be there, afterall, you're logging in with your account!

Forum Games / Re: Guess the age of the person above you
« on: June 17, 2015, 12:23:10 am »
I'm not 13, but your close!
Hmm... are you 13?

Forum Games / Re: Guess the age of the person above you
« on: June 16, 2015, 11:34:59 pm »
For Fox, I am not 16.
For the dumbmutt, I think 14?

Discussion Board / Re: Disabilities?
« on: June 16, 2015, 11:33:24 pm »
Now, I don't really have any disabilities, other than strange hormone issues, so I will have to get blood draws regularly (and to go along with that, I have an extreme fear of needles. I break down in tears, and when they poke me, I feel like throwing up, and I almost passed out once. My mom has to get the doctors to give me a medicine that puts me in almost a relaxed drunken state when I go to the hospital next. I hate going to the doctors now. The sight of a hospital makes me nauseous.) I also have very mild ADHD, so my attention span isn't the greatest, and to cope with this, I draw. It's one of the only things I can keep my attention on.

Now, for family members, my brother and cousin have ADHD and Aspergers (my cousin outgrew his a little), and my sister does as well. My step-grandparents are deaf, but my mom wont teach me ASL, so  I can't talk to them. It's really sad.

My mom works as a school psychologist, so I hear tales of kids with disabilities all the time. She even dealt with a student who was hallucinogenic (I forgot what she had). She would see and hear people who weren't there, and it was driving her crazy.

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