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Messages - Wolf_Memories

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13
Game Help / Re: WHAT I DO NOW?!?!
« on: August 08, 2012, 10:10:33 pm »
*Giggles* I wont, lie.. For a moment, I thought you were asking that seriously, like...
What would you do in real life, if you were in a black room :O. -Gives you a teddy bear-

I have had the same thing happen to me in the past,
and like good ol' Ouka said, it was because the map I was in I deleted, and or was deleted ^_^;
So all you must do is press...

Find: The Golden Feather, that is in between the star- and roaring lion  
Click: The Feather, and look for "home" in the choice bar
Click: Go Home :D - If you have the map you are in set as home, press reset home!

~Memo <3

Game Help / Re: Map is not working!
« on: August 08, 2012, 10:01:32 pm »
*Tilts head* Oh, how I despise the fact that I am unable to help anyone with map making or preset making questions! xD

It seems Kayla, has you covered for the most part :o -High Paw-

Some Videos That MAY Help: Uploaded by cationproduction Uploaded by MoonKitty26

~Memo(Goodluck dear!!)

Game Help / Re: Umm..a little help here?
« on: August 08, 2012, 09:52:04 pm »
~ Oh dear. I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble downloading the game(?) sweetheart!
I will try my best to help ~<3.

~ Also, to both Thierry, and RavenScar. You can get a virus from anything really o_o;
Sometimes, it just happens! And I truly hope neither of you, or anyone on FH ever have to go through, with trying to fix everything after an attack! It is truly a horrific thing ;-;
However, in all honesty ANY thing posted on FH- by any of the higher-ups(or any members, hopefully), I would be almost 100% certain would have NO trace of having any viruses on them. FH, is a safe game, and place -^^-

~ Now, to Mira, if you are trying to download the game, let me see if I can lend a paw<3.

Go To: Downloads at the bar at the top of your screen.
Find: FeralHeart Game Setup
While HOLDING down the CTRL button- Click Either: Download,  or  Torrent(I always use Download, it comes easier for me^^) -
Click: Save

~ Memo (Hope That Helped, At Least A Little Bit! ^^)

Goodluck in school sweetie!!
:D Keep your chin high, and your spirits even higher!!!
I'm sure you will do fantastic!

Ask Me / Re: Ask Wolffox c:
« on: August 08, 2012, 06:21:19 am »
If you could give anyone in the world, anything...
who would you give it to, and what would it be!?

^-^ Wuv You Wolffie.

Game Help / Re: Download
« on: August 08, 2012, 05:54:44 am »
I am quite sure mediafire is safe dear<3.
However, if your anti-virus picked something up, I would trust that!!
You may however, if still unable to find a way to download what you are trying to download- to try once more
and to see if your get the same warning!

~<3 Ouka, also gave REALLY good advice ^-^ *HIGH Paw*

Game Help / Re: Trouble Logging In- HELP!
« on: October 30, 2011, 07:52:15 pm »
I'm having trouble logging in as well.
And I've been playing for some time.
My best answer to your question is ether..

have you gone to your E-Mail? To see if you have any e-mails from FH?

You have your password, or user name wrong. (Double check that you are typing it in right, Cap letters, numbers in the right order.. etc)

have you tried restarting your computer, or restarting the game. [ When in doubt boot out ;D ]

You also can try running the game as administrater. [ Right click over icon]

And if all else fails, contact a MOD, or re download the game.

I wish you luck dear ^^

Game Help / Re: New Patch
« on: July 13, 2011, 07:21:15 pm »
Aye! I am having the same problem, but when downloading the 'old' patch just to see if it would work, it still says "Please download the new patch on Feral" So.. v-v You are not alone, and I'm left wondering when it will be fixed. -Sad- xD

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Markings by Hamilton
« on: June 24, 2011, 02:59:08 am »
No DownLoad D':

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: March 21, 2011, 12:36:30 am »
I would like to send my thanks to Olwen as well.
I am very new, and Olwen and Blodwen both helped me,
A great deal with being a new comer (:

-Bows- I thankyou two very much.

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