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Messages - FrostWynd

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Other Games / Re: Feralia Aquius - Minecraft Server
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:16:19 am »
Ghostings the server master, so we'll have to hear what she has to say.

Alrighty then, let me know what the answer is when the chance arises. c:

Other Games / Re: Feralia Aquius - Minecraft Server
« on: September 25, 2011, 10:13:42 pm »
Minecraft server for FH members? Awesome. :o
Sounds like you guys have been having tons of fun. Would it be possible for me to join in the fun too? xD

Well, the old maps would just make FH crash for me after the update when I tried to log onto any characters that were in them.

Apparently maps now all get put in exports, but for the old ones I don't know if they still work. I assume not... ^^;

@Cady ~ Huh, sounds a lot like what happened with me. After one of the updates that altered how maps are dealt with. Instead of placing maps into various folders in media, they now get placed in an exports folder.
Which I wasn't aware of at the time after I came back to FH.

Is it characters within old maps that no longer work?
JayFeather55's solution was to delete the old maps from FH and get back in, where they would be in a black world, and I could just click on home to get out. It worked perfectly for me.

@GamerGirl/BookWorm ~ That would be awesome! <3
Yay, Katarina has a sibling now! :3

Bookworm! *glomps* <3 I missed you! ;w;
So does that mean you'll be creating an Adilah babeh? DO EET! >w>


Name: Katarina Asha
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Parents: Valerius (Father) x Lavena (Mother)
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Personality: As a decendant of the original Kai, this female cheetah shows a few familiar traits that he once had. Katarina is just as kindhearted as he was, as she deeply cares for all her friends and family and is willing to do just about anything for them. Regarding any other, she tends to wait before allowing strangers her absolute trust. Because she is very proud about what she does for a living, any sort of insult that just crosses the line won't ever be taken lightly. Despite being related to Kai, she isn't as forgiving as him. So it's pretty much not a good idea to get on her bad side, the same applies to even any cheetah that holds higher ranking from her. While Katarina is more than happy to be respectful and polite towards others, you otherwise won't receive any shred of respect from her if you don't deserve it. Despite being able to hold a grudge for quite some time, she is very much level-headed and calm whenever she doesn't get provoked. While having been taught to always offer others kindness and fair judgement despite whatever they may have done, she tends to disagree with her family teachings. And will therefore only tolerate so much before lashes out with either claws or her sharp and sarcastic remarks, which will ruffle someone's fur the wrong way eventually.

With Katarina, everything about her job she tends to take a little too seriously, and will go the extra mile to tend to those who need her help. As caring as she may seem, she isn't very open when it concerns to whatever is on her mind or how she feels, but whenever she does decide to talk to others about whatever is on her mind, she expects them to listen. As for when it comes to the other way around, she doesn't mind lending an ear to listen to whatever others want to say, as she makes the effort to try and offer advice if possible. Hard to say though if this at all generally makes her seem 'nice', as she refuses to hear any mention of being nice or kind. As she finds it both annoying and embarrassing whenever somebody mentions it.

Ingame Username / Forum Username: FrostWynd
Desired Rank: Medic
RP Sample:
If it's really necessary, I'll provide a sample. But you've already seen how I've RPed before... Right? /isfeelingtoolazytowriteasampleatthemoment >>;

Game Help / Re: Characters Stuck In Map
« on: August 26, 2011, 04:42:07 am »
@JayFeather - Ahmaigawd, thank you so much~ <3
It worked perfectly, I really appreciate your help. c:

Game Help / Characters Stuck In Map
« on: August 26, 2011, 01:49:17 am »
Okies, so I haven't come onto FH for awhile now. Apparently some things have changed regarding maps now?

My problem is, I had characters which I left in some maps for those few months, and now since the update I cannot log into them without FH crashing.
The question is, how do I fix the problem and get them out of there? I would really prefer to not delete and remake them if I can help it. D:


Name: Tariro
Gender: Female
Parents: Razek x Zara
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Everything about this little cub just oozes out adorableness, at a young age, the typical cub nature of being energetic and curious is prominent, being very innocent whilst remaining blissfully unaware of what goes on beyond her own little world. But as energetic as she may seem, little Tariro is a rather softspoken type of female. Out of many other cubs that like to cause trouble somehow, she tries to be a bit more sensible. Considering all of that, this cub is surprisingly rather shy, never wanting to really be the center of attention, it's cute in a way when she feels the need to hide somewhere. But she means well, as she does have a very kind heart.
Previous Mentor / Previous Trainee: None
Ingame Username / Forum Username: FrostWynd
Desired Rank: Cub
RP Sample: Muscles were tensed, as her hindquarters wriggled in excitement. Her blue-green gaze stared out at something fuzzy moving around occasionally, she didn't hesitate to suddenly pounce on it. Paws made contact as it was quickly pinned, she let out a chirp of happiness. That was until it suddenly moved yet again and escaped her clutches, she was surprised when it turned out to be another cheetah's tail. "U-um... I'm sorry." Her head drooped as she expected the cheetah to scold her, but instead she heard a chuckle. Looking up, the cheetah was smiling as he nudged the cub, encouraging her to go play. She let out a happy purr as she turned and ran off to find something else to do.

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