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Messages - Kula

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Hello Simba! I'd love to play any character that is needed! I promise Im literate and I know the movies like the back of my hand. I'd die (notacctually) to be in this rp! Please if you can, see what you can do :) (May I add the map looks completely amazing!) If you can send me a message (Kula) when you put up the next char needed. I can't wait!! Heads up, ill be stalking this thread.. XD Also wondering if you were going to have a Kula? I <3 her so much, fav charre and I'd love to rp as her..XD

Also wondering If I can have more than one charre for the rp :3 If not thats totally fine :)

Can't manage to put a pic up -.- Ill be a sentinel, have you made the group yet? :3

Game name-Kula / Forum name-.::Meemo::.

Pic will come later but ill just describe anyway-Blue eyes, pale cream pelt.

Personality-Sina is a very proud lioness. She doesnt take crap from anyone. She is kind and caring at times and usually very private. She'd di anything for the ones she loves, she is also very trust worthy and reliable. If you show her respect she will respect you.

RpSample- The dry grass crackled under the weight of her paws as she trotted through the plains. On the search for food she kept her eyes sharp and ears alert. Her blue eyes gazed down at the lake before her, the suns beams danced upon the water and the wind blew through her pale pelt.


Pic will be up later.

Age-Young adult
Rank-Sentinel/Omega (Omega if i feel like being an underdog :3)
Personality-Gypsy is hard-headed, proud and stuborn. She stands up for what she believes in and tends to get into fights. Beyond that she is kind and caring. Shes had a hard life so she is also sympathetic.
RpSample- The ice crunched under the weight of her paws as she walked deeper into the snow covered woods. This was her first winter alone and she was on the hunt to find someone to share it with. Her grey fur was ruffled vigerously as a cold gust of wind blew frost coated leaves. Gypsy needed to find shelter and fast.

I'd love to join!

I can't get a pic right now but ill put one up later (soilljustdescribefornow)

Age-1 year
Personality-Rose thinks she's all that. With a younger crowd she can be immature but with adults she'll try to show off. Under all that she actually very down to earth and sometimes wise. All she really wants is to be accepted and to have a home.
Background-Rose os a pure bred husky. As a pup she was put out for adoption. She was last of the pups to be taken to a new home but that wasnt that last of her problems. Her new owners complained that she was too jumpy and hyper so again she was up for adoption. Her next owners loved her greatly and never wanted to give her away, her new family had to move for work and she was forgotten. After roming the streets for a day a scary man picked her up and took her home. He abused her and wouldn't feed her for days on end. One day she got sick of it and lashed out at him. She ran away but before she could get anywhere the dog catchers got her. (andthennowwiththeplot :3)
Misc-..? She HATES Water
Do you agree to the rules-Nu! Jk course I do :)
ClanRank-No idea..I like being scouts and such but that doesnt really suit my charre.. Maybe pup sitter or something?
Description- (causeicantgetapicrightnow) Ill make this easy and just say she looks like jenna from bolto.

Game Discussion / Re: Can't download.
« on: December 30, 2011, 09:48:54 am »
Yeah it works now, tys xx

Game Discussion / Can't download.
« on: December 30, 2011, 06:10:03 am »
OK so Fh was playing up again, no issues. I uninstalled it and deleted everything, getting read to re-install. As soon as I click on get the game it said >> 404 Not Found. The requested URL was not found on this server.

Which is weird seeing as I've never had issues installing the game ever. Only the patches :3 Wondering if this is just me? Or Fh is doing some work.. Any idea people?

Fankies xx

Game Help / Problem with F3
« on: December 30, 2011, 12:58:42 am »
Yes my problem simply is I can't f3 -.-

Any ideas?  Fankies

Game Help / IT WORKS
« on: December 28, 2011, 06:30:35 am »
Guys it works!! I can get into cape!! What you have to do is uninstall it and delete everything, all your folders. Then reinsatll it and BAM! Hope it works for yall :3

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