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Messages - Laughless

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Finished Maps / Re: Animal Testing Facility (Complete [TRAILER!]
« on: August 20, 2012, 07:33:09 pm »
I kind of want to add trees to the really huge open space >.< Oh well =P Nice job on this though! I rp on here alot <=P Thank you for saving this for us all!

Heh, I get it =P It'd be kind of like the map maker in a way. You'd have the markings and such, and then you go through and click that (1-2-3-4-5) button and you'd get to whatever part you wanted to color, and do it. But I could be getting this all wrong ^-^

I think you should be able to turn the head markings one color, and then the body markings and tail markings different colors if you wish, that way people's characters could be more detailed.

I'm not sure about that many maps, it could lag out the entire game. Players should make a list of maps , and already created map updates they would like to see in the game and the admins and the map makers should pick the ideas they believe to be most useful and creative, and adapt them into the game for the enjoyment of players. However, I also like the idea of a map just for advertising groups and role plays, because doing so on general in Fluorite  is annoying because you have to search through for the one you like. This could have been a problem on that group/RP map, but you're idea for having posts that say so is a good idea. They should have a large wall, with things that look like signs. Of-course this could lag the game because of the sheer amount you would need for every RP people create, so maybe instead, people describe and speak about their role plays, on stage meshes? You know how like in College they have the stands for joining Sororities, or at the places where you sign up for internship? Like that, and you can rent out a stage for...a half an hour or so. Then people can walk up and down the aisles to find one that fits them. And after half an hour, you can't rent another stage for an hour, so other people may have a chance?

I like it! Nice idea! If we have another big map like this, role-playing realistic wolf rps would work great! And if need be, maybe they should make a savannah map, for the realistic lion rps? The mountain one would also work for people role-playing as cougars, lynx's, foxes, etc.
I agree all the way!

Forum Games / Re: The Cutest or funniest thing your pet ever did?
« on: August 13, 2012, 07:49:15 pm »
My dog Zoey, sometimes rolls around on the ground, flipping over and over, and ends up belly facing the ceiling, ears flopped over, and head tilted, growling like crazy. Both Zoey and my other dog Ozzy do the same thing that Anais' cat does, except Ozzy uses his nose.

Forum Games / Re: The Cutest or funniest thing your pet ever did?
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:49:54 pm »
My dog Sophie has this thing about tall men, so whenever a tall guy walks into the house she flips out and starts biting their feet XD She also has this thing where, if you're roughhousing with her, she may start licking your face. We we're roughhousing this one time, me and my brother that is, and Sophie attacked me, knocking me off the couch, and she lept on top of me and started licking my face XD She also sits on the couch arm like a gargoyle.

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:13:18 am »


Name: Nair
Title: Blood Trust
Reason For Title: Has a knack for getting in close with others quickly, and then killing them, but distances himself from his pack-mates as much as possible.
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year (Magic Prodigy much?)
Rank Requested: Magician
RP Example: A light blue aura flooded  through the den, all of it emanating from one wolf, who currently had his paw hanging limply over the body of another, who had a long scratch going from it's neck down to it's hind-leg. "Trainees these days." Grumbled the wolf, watching as the gash slowly closed itself up. Once it was closed, he shook his paw, and the silver wolf stood. "Get lost." He muttered to the Trainee, who had scrambled up, but was currently frowning at him.
"Your the same age as me, and most of the others! You've got no right to tell us what to do!" Growled the Trainee. Inwardly, the blue-eyed wolf groaned, and the recently healed wolf jumped at him. Rolling his eyes, as the wolf came closer, he slashed downwards, and sliced open the Trainees belly.
"Get someone else to heal you this time."

Timezone: EST =P
I'll post a picture later on, when I can.

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