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Messages - WildWolf#1

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News Archives / Re: Spring News Update
« on: April 05, 2014, 01:06:43 am »
Well, thanks for the Spring update WhiteLightHeart! (Its currently the Autumn here in Australia).

I'm very, very disappointed that I will be unable to attend FHORD this year V___V My ban isn't up yet.

I be sure to look out for Please Delete threads and report 'em to you guys~

You guys have fun without me, I'll be missing you here in the forums~! </3  :-*

Discussion Board / Re: Terrified...
« on: April 04, 2014, 10:29:07 pm »
I may need an operation on my back soon since I have horrible back problems and bad posture. I have been walking around with a back brace for the past two months and I am terrified, trust me. My doctor isn't very assuring but he is quite old... which is a good thing but I'm fearing a lot of things. My half brother who lives in the UK has had a knee reconstruction, and he came out fine. After a month or two he was fine and walking around like normal (my dog has recently had a knee construction too because he pulled a ligiment). All I'm saying is, stay strong floof c: It'll be over before you know it and you'll be out fine. Look forward to your future. Imagine not having this surgery and living the same way all your life. These are all my thoughts. Just remember, we're all here for you floof and we'll support you <3 +Floof

Game Discussion / Re: FH is... Changing?
« on: April 04, 2014, 10:07:13 pm »
Well. Entering a new era or not, many people are concerned and annoyed about calling the younger and newer players "Ill-literate" or "noobs". Personally, I prefer the terms unexperienced or "newbie". But, I guess you could we are entering a new era, but we have been all along! All of us, as members have all helped each other reach this point *le pats every ones backs*. Yes, I have noticed less lag in bonfire and less "newbies" strolling around. But, can't stop the them. They ARE new players, and without them we'd be nowhere! But I couldn't say I have seen more literate people either. Just more damned wolf speakers... *face paw*

Game Discussion / Re: How Old Are The Floofs In FearlHeart?
« on: April 04, 2014, 09:53:44 pm »
I am 13. I began FH when I was 10 or 11. I'll be turning 14 in march next year

Game Discussion / Re: Greatest FH memory?
« on: April 04, 2014, 09:48:11 pm »

Game Discussion / Re: Greatest FH memory?
« on: April 04, 2014, 09:34:52 pm »
Favourite FH memories... when I discovered SP (first map I ever walked into), met my closest friends, met someone from my school who I never knew had FH (it was amazing), learning how to make those perfect canine characters with the contracted slit eyes and all. Yas. OH, and my third year on FH :3

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: April 04, 2014, 09:30:20 pm »
7/10 I've seen you around quite a lot, you busy person :3 Awesome YouTube channel btw!

The picture of what a wolfspeaker would actually look like cracked me up big time xD Great post. I completely agree, when I am in a group with wolfspeakers I feel like I've just flown out of Australia... They drive me to THE edge because they are so ignorant and pushy. Ugh, I really want them gone. Once, out of boredom I looked up some of the vocab they use in a dictionary and COMPLETELY different meanings came up under their words. I'm not gonna go and say "I HTE WULF SPEKARS I WUSH DEY WUD DIYYY" -derp- but I really don't want them to be in my face all the time.

Game Discussion / Re: What are your favorite names for characters?
« on: April 04, 2014, 10:21:02 am »
I absolutely love these...
-Skylar <--- I love this for both genders

Game Discussion / Re: OOC Drama and Twisting Words
« on: April 04, 2014, 09:56:05 am »
Even if you did get mad, you handled the situation better than I would've ever done. I would either back away slowly and leave the group or I would have an absolute riot and would probably get myself banned. Ergh~ I can't deal with situation like that very well. Hopefully someone can take hold of the situation and help you along c: Wish you luck! Chat with me in game if you'd like (when I can get back on, currently trying to desperately finish some assignments): WildWolf#1

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