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Messages - RisingLife

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Looking at all these replies it reminds me just like the real world, where there is always those people who do not let things go. The girl who always gives you that look for crushing on her boyfriend, or that guy who always closes your locker on 'accident' because you are a nerd. That group of friends who always giggles when you walk by because of what you are wearing or the paper thrown at your head for answering the wrong questions. I realize I might be overly dramatic with my comparisons but that is what all these stories remind me of.

The other person would do it a different way. I'm thinking, "So what if my friend's style is different from yours? You can still read it, can't you?" She kept going on, and on, and on, about how her RP style was wrong, so I finally said, "If you don't like it, you don't have to RP with us." She got angry and said, "FINE! You guys are idiots! I'm going to find a mapped RP where people really know how to RP!" and then she left the group. Good ridance.  ::)  

This is the girl angry at you for crushing on her boyfriend. A small Leicester of nothing, and it gets blown out of proportion because THAT girl is a drama queen. So what if your friend uses "-"? So what if YOU don't do it that way? This is a free, open game were creativity can flow and people SHOULD accept each others differences.

Me: The she-wolf slowly put her headdown on the cold muddy ground. She sighed, her sides heaving.
RP owner: Excuse me! She-wolf doesn't have a hiefin and our ground isn't muddy! Its grassy! You are out of here stupid!
Everyone else was cheering for the RP owner...

This is the guy always shutting your locker because your a nerd. They don't care about your personality and they don't care a out your feelings. One bad move and your labled and tossed away. JUST because a person makes ONE mistake does NOT give you the right to label them and ruin their self-esteem. And even if you are not the one breaking them down and calling them names, it is still not right for you to cheer or agree. You cannot judge someone on one action, but rather than their actions in a whole.

The people who run around correcting and criticizing other peoples' grammar are real snobs. I don't know who elected these select individuals as Grammar Gods but the discrimination better come to an end.

Now these are the girls who giggle when you walk by because of what you wear. They think of themselves as perfect, flawless grammer and just FH's gift upon us. So much so that they think they have a RIGHT to correct us or laugh. Not thinking about your feelings at all, they tear you down and point out every wrong thing about you and just leave. This is HORRIBLE and WRONG and no one has the right to do that.

Hmm i nearly didn't pass a rp sample when i typed two lines, they said i didn't type enough and i didn't put in enough detail.
When I join a group I always ask if an RP Sample is required. Most of the time I'm rejected because I forget the ' in don't or something like that.

Someone misses some punctuation, or some capitalization, and they get their butts chewed off by their group, who then mention it in General. Then General becomes a big lecturing ground for other little things involving grammer [/color]

And here are the people throwing things at the back of your head for answering a question wrong. They take the advantage to hit you while your weak, magnifying your mess up into a crime. Its the little things they see and do not forgive, and its the little things that they base you off of. It sickens me to think people do that.

All of these replies have gone way too far into peoples feelings and what is accepted to be civil. If I ever RP with someone not too literate, ill give them, if they accept, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism on how the could fix it. I don't embarrass them or yell at them I try to help. Any. Beyond that I consider too far and harsh. Also if I do see anyone being harsh, you can bet on you pantyhoes ill be right there defending the person being attacked

That is all.

Art Gallery / Re: RisingLife's Entry
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:59:23 am »
Thanks :3 yeah appearently I'm a very good Color picker XD God luck to you too

Art Gallery / Re: Talon,.,'s Entry
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:58:49 am »
Np ;3 its a great drawing

Art Gallery / Re: Talon,.,'s Entry
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:42:28 am »
So much emotion in the drawing ;u; I love all the detail here from the fur to the shadowing. The character designs are great and I love the scars over the eyes. And the fact that the wolves look so well together is great. Awesome drawings in your DA too and great presents. Good luck in the contest!!

Art Gallery / Re: ~Wildtail~/Alchemical's Entry
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:36:35 am »
O M G I love this picture sooooo much ill start with the dogs first. I love how its so easily seen that they are amazed and happy. And just their design is awesome. Then the background....*o* I love space and stars so I just want to merry that background. AMAZING drawing and good luck in the contest

Art Gallery / Re: TN-King18's entry
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:30:37 am »
Nice picture :3 I like how you have the wolf and lion on the same team, which you don't see a lot in-game, but the idea still represents FH. So great job with that :3 I also snipped around on your DA and I must say your horse drawings are AMAZING good luck in the contest!!!

Art Gallery / Re: Yecurzos cluttered and messy doodles
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:24:37 am »
I'm not sure if I'm good enough for contests yet

PFFTTTT trust me I think  you are ;) amazing art and I love the blue and white painting. Cant wait to see more!!

Finished Maps / Re: Bridgeston City Ruins! [PUBLIC]
« on: January 06, 2013, 09:03:44 pm »
This map is perfect for a character i was thinking of making! Love all the details btw, and I respect how you either used the objects from the game or made your own :3 cant wait to rp on here

Finished Maps / Re: The Forest of Lights [Public]
« on: January 06, 2013, 08:56:11 pm »
amazing map! I like all the details on beautiful scenery, cant wait to explore it on my own character :3

Art Gallery / Re: ThePallasCat's Art Yay
« on: January 06, 2013, 08:21:35 pm »
*rubber arm flail* photoshopppp I really need to buy it...but I'm broke...but thanks anyways X3

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