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Messages - TheFourLinks

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Ask Me / Ask the Links!
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:24:59 pm »
Yes, just... ask us stuff, and we'll answer. Even if it's stupid questions. XD

Color Code:



Member Bio & Journals / The Links' Bios.
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:21:03 pm »
Hello, people of FH! We are the Links, and here is our derpy bio.

Color Code:
Red: Red Link
Blue: Blue Link
Green: Green Link
Purple: Vio

Hello, people of the interwebs. I am Vio, the 'smart' one. The others dragged me into this... Lol.
Name: Vio
Gender: I'm male. :I All of us are.
Likes: My friends, cats, reading, computers.
Dislikes: Vaati, evil people, Blue, idiots.
Other stuff: I wear purple. DEAL WITH IT. >:I Call me 'gay' if you wish, but I will let you know I am bisexual, not homosexual. :I

Hello, peoples! I am Green, the derpy awesomesauce one. ImalsotheoriginalLink.
Name: Link
Nickname: Green
Gender: Imma male.
Likes: PIZZA, Video games, being awesome.
Dislikes: Evil derps.
Other stuff: I wear Green. DERP. I'm the only straight person in this group... LOLOLOL.

Hi!! I'm Red, the happy-go-lucky optimistic one! I like cookies!
Name: Red
Gender: I'm a boy. O3O
Likes: Cookies, my friends, Blue, kittens.
Dislikes: Mean people, people getting mad, fighting. ;w;

I'm Blue. The awesomest one. The hot-headed and overconfident one, you mean.
Shut up Vio.
Name: Link. I AM THE BEST LINK. >:U
Gender: I'm male, you idiot! What else could I be?!
Likes: I hate everything.
Dislikes: Vio, Vaati, Ganondork, EVERYTHING.

Yup... so that's us.. (Blue's hot-headed and mad all the time... don't get in his way.)

Well, Mello has pointed out that this will be peaceful, with no fighting. ~Vio

Game Discussion / Re: Do You Block?
« on: June 26, 2013, 03:31:01 am »
I haven't really needed to block anyone yet. One person I did block because they were getting on my nerves and wouldnt shut up. So honestly, Im all for it. I dont see why let someone who is stressing/annoying you do it when with a simple click of a button *Poof* and there pretty much out of your life, along with the stress. If your in a fight/argument, simple end it with "Hey gues what? BLOCK" and block them. Problem solved.
Ditto, basically. Except I don't even bother giving them the luxury of knowing they're being blocked, although if it appears that, in some odd rare occasion, they're not trying to irritate me and I'm trying to be nice, I'll warn them that I will block them if they continue. After that it just happens whenever my last grain of patience is gone.

Eh. It depends on the situation and how its begin to cause problem. If I see someone just being rude to friends or me, I would quickly faster then a bunny rabbit, block you. Even though, I'm not that kind of rude person, I just have to do what's best and besides saying go away. Yeah. So once again, it depends on the situation and how and player is  behaving.

Really to me, i hate haveing to block people. Because when you do this you are basicly takeing away there abilitie to talk to you later on (I know you can unblock but still), and sometimes they dont even know they are makeing you mad or upset. Normaly i only block people who
A.) know im stressed or upset, and kep doing it
B.)Speak a diff language and it fills up chat
C.)Powerplays a whole lot, and threatens to report me if i don't go along with it.
But normaly when i block them i wait maybe a day or so, then unblock them. On a normal basis, my block list is empty..(But my freinds list is a war zone, so many people..)
So yeah, Im kinda agianst it, but it is usefull at times.

Personally I really don't think it matters if they can't talk to you later on because why would you want to? If they made me upset enough to want to block them I certainly wouldn't want to start a conversation with them. And it's not exactly the brightest idea to tell someone you're blocking them before you do because that tends to only stir up more mess. They probably wouldn't even know if you blocked them or not so it's not going to affect them personally unless you announce to them you're going to block them before you do.

I usually block only if this happens.

1. They yell at me in all caps and try to powerplay me, or even try to cause random drama in RP that's barely even two words. example, "bite" and that's it.
2. They try to stress me out and troll me. However, if they are breaking a rule I report then block.
3. Being unfair and dumb, yelling at me and stalking me, stuff like that. :P

Eh, I don't like blocking but meh. Not trying to be mean about blocking either. However, I think it's a bit odd if people block for these reasons because it's quite useless.

1. Blocking me because I was derping around in a tree, and they block me without warning or saying anything. o3o
2. Blocking me because they were upset for telling me about 'the rules'.
3. Blocking me so I can't report them. .-. Really? I'm glad this has not happened yet. That's why you never say "I'm reporting you," k? XD

I think I said what I was going to say here. But this is supposed to be no offense to anyone, really.
I think it's best not to tell someone you're blocking them because it starts a fuss. Also, you can block someone for any reason in my book. If you want to block someone because they're pink, do it! If you want to block someone because they're standing in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, block them! Ah, but that's just me. ^^

I definitely won't be responding to everything if/when this thread gets filled with a lot of posts, but for now I'm bored and it's late and I am willing to converse about anything.

Thank you for sharing, all of you. ?

I think blocking people for stupid reasons such as color or because they are sitting somewhere is just unfair, and quite cruel... but that's just me.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 26, 2013, 03:19:33 am »
That is quite true, Lady... there will always be trolls. If that was the only reason to remove this chat, to get rid of the trolls, spammers, and all of that... then the removal is quite pointless as trolls will always find new ways to be... trolls. However, I am still rather neutral on this. ~Vio

Does General give cookies? -Red Link

-Facepalm- Red is... speeeeeecccciiiiaaaaaaalll.... ~Vio

Game Discussion / Re: Warriors, OOC, and Whipped Cream.
« on: June 25, 2013, 10:43:18 pm »
Honestly, does it matter whether names are written correctly or not? Some people may be new to roleplaying. And also, please refrain from criticizing people on the excuse 'they don't spell the names right' if you cannot spell right yourself. There is no such word is inliterate, and only the first letter of a warrior name is capitalized. Also I would like to point out that not everyone roleplays. Just because they are playing the game doesn't mean they are there specifically to roleplay. Maybe they are there just to chat, as that is what this game is... a 3-dimensional chat game. Not everyone absolutely has to roleplay all the time. In fact, I am one of those people who rarely roleplays. I usually just sit on my fluffy butt and talk to people out-of-character. ~Vio

Game Help / Re: FeralCity won't connect help???
« on: June 25, 2013, 10:39:14 pm »
You might want to re-download the map. Or, if the map has nobplants, take that out, as that usually causes crashes from what I've heard. Or, restart your computer. ~Vio

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 25, 2013, 10:35:10 pm »
I agree with Silvertide. Yes, movies may not have enough space, but there are hotspots, are there not? It is quite easy to go to this 'stone bridge' or the 'cape' or 'the plus' and advertise that way. Besides, I am quite sure that this will not be permanent. Please, people, be a bit patient, will you? ~Vio

I don't like seeing fighting... ;w; ~Red Link

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: June 25, 2013, 09:04:19 pm »
I ban you because Blue is annoying. ~Vio

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