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Messages - Seam

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14
Anock smiled to herself, psh safe, I've lived on my own since I was a cub... She looked down at the male with curious eyes. She leaned closer, but as she did so her paws slipped on thwart moss that coated thebark and feel clumsily onto the cold hard ground. She gripped her left paw, a sharp pain shot through from her toes to her ankle " great just what I need..." she groaned in frustration, forgetting about the male.

(sorry on my iPhone xD may be a bit short)
Anock lept through the trees trying to get a better vantage of the hunting grounds. Shifting her ears back she listened, the male was following her. She froze on a high up branch hidden by the leaves amber eyes watching for the lion to pass.

"Well i do this every year so i assumed that no one was around, sorry to disturb you." she spat sourly taking affence to what he was saying. "I was calling for my parents that disapeared many moons ago, if you must know." she wiped her face from tears, starting to get flustered. She turned away from him and flicked her tail violently "Im Anock by the way, but what does that matter..." and with her fit of anger over, she lept through the trees to the east of the cliff, making her way to her hunting grounds, trying to outrun her memories of this night.

(hahaha she throws temper tantrums :P)

Anock turned around quickly rising to her feet, hairs standing on end. She looked up at the male, he was quite larger then she was, although, most creatures were since she had not hit her final growth spurt. She flicked her mane into her eyes covering her face from him "Im sorry, i didnt know you were here... I was calling for someone else..." she lied, knowing that her parents were either dead, or long gone. She calmed down, but still left her claws unsheathed, not knowing what the male was planning. She slowly started to circle around the male, sizing him up, smelling his scent, trying to recognize something. "Your like me... Ive never met another of my origin before tonight." she said lightly amber eyes starting show through her thick mane. "Who are you....?" she asked slowly, not trying to sound hostile.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Private Roleplay - The begining
« on: December 14, 2011, 04:36:42 am »
This is a private RolePlay between me ($eamless) and GamerGirl. Please do not post anything unless you are invited by one or both of us, thanks!

Setting: A secluded location hidden amoungst the mountains and isolated by the fjord. This place is covered in lush trees, steep cliffs, and scattered lakes, ponds, and waterfalls. Hidden behind a waterfall lies a cave where one has made a home.

Characters involved so far:
Anock - $eamless
Ragnar - GamerGirl

As the sun slowly set upon the secluded forest, a small lioness awoke from a long nap. Her tan pelt shimmered in the evening light. As she rose to her feet, her bones creaked, preparing themselves for another long night. Although her kind usually prefers to rest at night, she always found herself unable to sleep when the skys were dark and cast shadows upon the walls of her den. As her honey eyes flashed, she sniffed the air, crisp leaves and dew covered grass met her nose, it was time to hunt. She leapt through the waterfall that covered the mouth of her home, beads of water streamed off her dense coat as she ran full speed through the forest. She gracefully dodged trees as they zipped by her in blurs, she leapt over boulders as if they were mere pebbles, it was a game. She enjoyed her evening run, always racing an unknown challenger to the rock face. As the wall of stone came into view her eyes flashed and without a moments notice she leapt on a low hanging branch, climbing up the trees bark like a lizard. Her thick claws dug deep within the trees flesh and aloud her to climb fast and effiecently. Leaping from tree to tree she climbed her  way higher and higher into the sky until THUMP, the dusty earth of the cliff met her pads. With a flick of her main she looked to the rising moon, its golden red appearance marked the aniversary of her parents dissaperance. A haze covered her eyes as she stood staring into the moon. Leaning her head back she let out a roar, it cracked across the sky, low and booming. A tear streaked her face, falling to the dusty ground where she sat.

Art Gallery / Re: Some of my Art :3
« on: December 08, 2011, 04:41:32 am »
hahaha its like a request, although a commission usually means your getting somthing in return for your artwork (although some people do commisions for free! ) hahaha art terms get confusing ^^'

Art Gallery / Re: Animation Artz Corner
« on: December 07, 2011, 04:52:33 pm »
Username(forums): $eamless
Character(Like,who will i animate?): Anock will edit with ref link
Background(if you want a background): Mountains
What do you want your character to do(like swing or lick the screen?):Roar
starting pose(like sitting down or lying down before he swings or licks):
I want her to be standing as her starting pose then work into her roaring

I can wait for the person in front of me to get hers first, no rush whatsoever

Art Gallery / Re: *~Taryn673's Artz~*
« on: December 07, 2011, 04:43:45 pm »
Aww thats sooo cute!!! you did a really good job!

Art Gallery / Re: A bit of art
« on: December 07, 2011, 02:27:04 am »
Hey thanks ^^ yeah it took me a while but i managed to do it :)

I would just like to say that your presets are amazing!!! Once EVERYTHING is done and you have completed everyone before me maybe i will request one but until then keep up the good work :3

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