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Messages - silverMarie

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Forum Games / Re: Rate the Avatar
« on: September 04, 2012, 06:14:00 am »
7/10 o3o

Species / Re: Vampire Hybrids || Members Needed! || ALL Ranks open!
« on: September 04, 2012, 04:45:41 am »
In-game Username: SilverMarie
Character Name: Katjaa
Nickname: Kat
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Personality: Katjaa is a very kind individual, she tends to be the calmest out of everybody. But she also has a very aggressive, but that side is almost never showed.
History: She doesn't know anything about her past. All she remembers is just waking up with hybrids surrounding her, they don't know what happened to her eiter.

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: September 04, 2012, 01:17:02 am »

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Avatar
« on: September 04, 2012, 01:15:57 am »

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: September 04, 2012, 01:14:14 am »

Forum Games / Re: Paste the last thing you copied!
« on: September 04, 2012, 01:12:18 am »
Meliae woke up and looked at the clock "It's 3am. Ugh." She got up and looked at Frankie and decided it was time to put a collar on her furry friend, she carefully crafted a suitable collar made from animal hide. "There ya go Frankie" She carefully slipped the collar over Frankie's head, she stepped back and grinned, "You look rather ravishing." She said cheerfully. Frankie darted around the room, Meliae giggled, then she remembered something "Oh! I almost forgot." She turned around and dug around in her dresser and pulled out a little charm, she wiped the dust off revealing the engraving, "Frankie", she scooped up her ferret and fiddled around with his collar, she set him don and smiled at her work, "There ya go Frankie. Now hopefully I don't have to worry about someone stealing you." She laughed jokingly. For all she knew no one really every came into this part of the forest, "Now you can go outside, but stay close." With that said Frankie darted through the window and scurried off. "I wonder what he does all day" She asked herself. Meliae decided to make some bacon, she walked to her fridge and pulled out a bag of bacon. She pulled about 3 pieces and put the rest back, she turned on the stove, threw the bacon on and went to the restroom to wash her face. She lifted her face away from the sink and sniffed the air, "The bacon sure does smell great!" She said quite loudly, she hopped to the stove and turned off the burner, she grabbed the bacon and threw them in her mouth swiftly. She sure was hungry, "I wonder if Frankie is hungry." She grabbed a can of cat food and grimaced, she hated the smell, she poured the food into Frankie's bowl and set it outside the door. She went back inside and plopped back onto her bed and fell asleep.

..Lol. I was RPing >.<

Forum Games / Re: Paste the last thing you copied!
« on: September 03, 2012, 05:29:44 am »

Other Games / Re: Howrse Descussion anyone?
« on: September 03, 2012, 05:15:50 am »
Honestly, I don't like the new layout. I have been on Howrse for years and I loved the original layout of the game. But now, I barely even play anymore, all my high skilled friesians are going to waste u.u lol

Game Discussion / Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« on: September 03, 2012, 05:12:52 am »
One time I was in Bonfire and I was minding my own business when this pup came along:
Pup(I don't remember his name x.x): Hi
Me: Hello.
Pup: Wuzzup
Pup: Oh that's cool
Me: Yeah -walks away-
Pup: DONT WALK AWAY FROM MEH!!! -Flies into air and lands on the wolfs back and bites its neck-
Me: -grabs pup and sets him down- Go away, please.
Pup: -Rips head off ad walks away-
Me:... o.0
Then later I heard him RPing with another powerplayer:
Wolf: -Rips pups spine out-
Pup: I'm immortal i cant die
Me: -facepalm- Being immortal doesn't mean you survive everything. You just don't age.
Pup: Shutup! -rips off the wolfs leg and swallows-
Me -walks away-
I was like wtf? o.o Pups are getting more crazy

« on: September 02, 2012, 10:58:20 pm »
In-game user: SilverMarie

Map Name wanted: ShiftersTown

Details: I basically want a Town map. Not too large but not too small, it may lag for some members and myself u.u I basically want some houses(hopefully be able to go inside) and humany stuff. Trash cans, dumpsters, trash piles etc. I hope this won't be too difficult.
Note me on my DA You can do it if you want, but you dont have to.

Reference: I want a map based on a small town

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