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Messages - wolfgrrl13

Pages: 1 ... 128 129 [130] 131 132 133
Game Discussion / Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« on: November 16, 2011, 10:06:01 pm »
I agree with Thierry, but I'm only 14.  I mean it's your own decision to play and nobody elses. 

Member Bio & Journals / The Real Britt!(Uperdatedx2)
« on: November 16, 2011, 03:43:22 am »
Name: Brittany O'Neal

Nicknames:  Britt, Possum (my brother calls me this and it just stuck), Beast (got this from the boys track team when I was in the 7th grade), Shy Kid (lol, oh Jenna, how you are my very good frand and the best soccer goalie a high school has...This does not fit me when im not at school)

Age: 14

B-day: July 18, 1997

Height: 5'6"

Weight: Between 100 and 107 pounds

Appearance:  Teehee, you can look at the picture or read this.  I got red hair, I was born with it and not planning on coloring it.  I have green eyes with yellow rings around the pupils, it's really epic.  I'm tall and skinny. Look below. v v v

So now to the real 'bio' part.:  I'm kinda lil health person, but I can eat like the dickens.  One time I eat three whole catfish, some french fries, and like 3 or 4 hush puppies.XD.  And don't make fun of me, I'm from Mississippi*.  I love being a redneck and aint scared to say Ima country girl and don't give a crap wat other ppl think of me.  I hate the colors pink and purple.  I like camoflauge, blue, orange and green.  I listen to alot of country music and like 4 other, which means not country songs.  I play soccer, run track and cross country, played basketball, and im gonna play tennis nxt year.  I make all A's at school, but to me, I'm more of a 'athletic person.'  I love running.  When I'm not at school or on FH, I'm running at home, in the rain, mud, any type of weather really.  I run the mile and the mile relay in track and won 1st place on all of them.  I got MVP track award and dun got people wanting me to run track in college.  My coach told me that if I tried, I can make it to the Olympics, so track is my life.  One day, you might see me, Brittany O'Neal, from W. County, MS, running track in the Olympics.  I play inside defender in soccer, and today, we won our first game.  I tend to be kinda quiet in school, but when I'm anywhere else, I'm a really crazy, hyper girl.  I'm a freshman atm, and is already said to be 'beast' at running.  Teehee makes me laugh alot, I dun no why.  I am mostly a sweet, caring kinda girl, but if I get mad, you might not want to mess with me.  I have been known to punch people in the noses.(:  I might look weak on the outside, but I'm really tough.  I love hunting, fishing, swimming, and trapping.  I love animals, especially wolves and big dogs.  Nothings wrong with little dogs, they are just to -pause- little.  My DA is  My YouTube account is wolfgrrl1311.  Facebook, Brittany O'Neal.  Twitter, wolfgrrl13.  Uhhh, cant think of nuthin else right now, but if I do, Ill post it.  So add me, I like meeting new ppl and making frands.  Oh btw, when I get to hyper, I'm like crazy wild.  Some people call me an angel, but my friends know the real me and say that my red hair shows the devil side of me.  Yes, I have enemies, but you know what?  Let the haters hate.  I dun care what ppl think about me cuz I aint changin me just cuz somebody dont like me.    Ok, so I'm part of the BG Nation.  Yea, if you're wondering what the heck it is, it stands for Brantley Gilbert Nation.  I luffs Brantley Gilbert? so much.  He ish the bestest singer ever.  So yea, if ya got questions about wat I didn't post in this ridiculously long, but epically made bio of mine, just pm me on here, comment below, or use any of the sites I just said.  Also, I tend to use the word 'epic' or 'epically' alot.(:

Goals in life:  
*Run track in the Olympics
*Stay under 110 pounds (over that makes me feel fat)
*Work at the International Wolf Center in Montana
*Become a supermodel

*?BRANTLEY GILBERT?  I luffs him so much.  
*Any country music (I like em all)
*Rolling in the Deep
*Someone Like You
*One and Only
*Party Rock Anthem

Teehee, it's meeeee!!!!^^^

Btw, this picture is really me, and I don't give anyone the permission to edit or use it in any shape, form, or fashion, without asking me first.

Sorry this is a lil late, but no problem at all.

News Archives / Re: It's time something is done about this
« on: November 14, 2011, 01:03:35 am »
After reading Big Black Bullet's post, I just want 2 say I'm sorry if I offended anyone with their beliefs.  People believe what they want.  My post wadnt about updates, cuz I'm pretty patient with those cuz I no it takes a while. It was about the bugs and glitches.  I've read around on the forums and some of them have been in the game unfixed since FH came out.  And yes, Kov could be working on a huge update.  But the FH+ deal, I think he should at least post somethin on the website to let the mods know about it.  And even when I'm really busy, I make the time to come and look for any updates, news, etc.  I mean, I'm not on all day, but when I am, I dont see any posts from Kov.  But dont get me wrong, I thank KovuLKD and all mods for Feral Heart.  It's my favorite game and nowa days, it's the only game I play.

Game Help / Re: Black screen a second time.
« on: November 13, 2011, 11:16:38 pm »
Yea, I found that out yesterday and forgot to put solved.  But thanks for helping anyway. +karma

News Archives / Re: It's time something is done about this
« on: November 13, 2011, 10:24:00 pm »
Definition of community- a group of people with a common background or with shared interests within society

I read every single one of the posts made so far and I agree with every one of them except for one.  "You have abandoned us Kovu."  KovuLKD, if I were you, this message would tear me up.  You got a perfectly good team of horses but nobody to steer them.  I suggest you step up in the wagon and take the reins.  If you really cared about the community, you would stop makin a Facebook game and get busy fixin the real Feral Heart.  Facebook has plenty other games and most of the people that I know don't even play FB games.  There are so many bugs and glitches in FH, but you want to go make another game that might have more bugs/glitches to worry about.  You really need to start carin, cuz you been quieter than a rat peein on cotton round the forums.  And I hope you take the time and read every single one of the posts made by all of these members who actually don't want to see Feral Heart die, because Arokai is all I hear about in-game.  And also, not trying to be mean or nothing, but you really need to stop being so selfish and give others the chance to help out with the game, cuz if you don't, FH will go down the drain.  And I have a website for a pack that has no members AT ALL, but I still go around and check to see if I have any joining applications and edit it to make it better.  That's what you need to do.  But, unlike my site, you have hundreds of members that want to see Feral Heart improve, not die.  You need help.

And lookie here, I took the time to look up some quotes that MIGHT inspire you to get help.  Thanks to   for the quotes btw.

"Many hands make light work." ~John Heywood

"Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success. "
~ Henry Ford

"Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. "
~ Unknown

And here's one that I really think KovuLKD should read, I think it's my favorite. v v v

"It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn't matter who gets the credit. "
~ Unknown

So Kovu, listen to the people, and I'm sorry if I offend you, but you should have fixed these bugs before you even started the FB game.


Game Help / Solved.
« on: November 13, 2011, 12:35:26 pm »
I had this problem when I first downloaded FH+, and I changed the name of the file folder and everything, but today when I got on, the screen was black again.  When I pulled up FH+, Watermill was fine and the character selection background was fine.  It wadn't until I actually got in the game that it was black.  And I have uninstalled it completely and re-downloaded it but it's still a black screen in-game.  Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Edit:  It's solved naow!

Game Help / Re: Log in failure
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:18:07 pm »
Yes, but don't use symbols like @, #, etc.  And make sure your caps lock is off.

Game Help / Re: How to get Fluorite Plains in FH+
« on: November 06, 2011, 05:31:10 pm »
Your welcome.

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