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Messages - Dragoneer22

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14]
I'd like to edit on Adam's personality. Adam is afriad of guns. Yes, guns. Heis so afraid of them that he refuses to ackwnoledge their exsitence. When he see's them, he isn't going to be around for long. When a gun is pointed at him, he becomes completely submissive to the one holding the gun.))

Alright then! Now, I need to put in Adam's height. Darn it! How could I forget his height?! I spent like, five seconds trying to remember his height!))

*Is squealing like a fangirl* I IS ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! When we start?))

FINALLY!!!!! AM RP I WANT TO JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Adam Jackson
Age: 19
Species: Fugitive human
Sp. extra: None
Nationality: Asmodeon
Looks: He has a dark skin color and chocolate brown hair. His hair is short like a buzz-cut and his facial expression is loose and laid back, as if he never cares. He wears a brown aviator jacket and a grey tank top under it. He wears brown cargo shorts and beige sneakers. Not particlaurly(Sp.) fashionalbe, I know. His physique is almost nonexsitent, and he is skinny as a toothpick. Stands at 6'7".
Personality: Has a BIG ego. He can be overly dramtic at times, and gets anrgy if you don't laugh at his jokes and puns. Fortunately, he doesn't have any bad jokes yet. He is often selfish but would never admit it. If you ever want him to shut him up, give him candy. He talks alot, but never seems to mind that you tune him out halfway through his rant. More shal be revealed in rp.
Powers: Has enhanced perception. Meaning he can sense large amounts of danger, such as minefields and ambushes. However, it only works if he is in mortal danger, so it won't help him save anyone.
Companion animal: None.
Weapons: A wrench.
Rp sample: It was going to be a hot day, he knew that much. Of course, NOW he didn't have any sunscreen. The old half-filled bottle he had found yesterday was stolen by someone..... or something. He began to walk, not wanting to waste minute of his time as he trudged along the barren wastleland. And then he got the feeling, the instinct, that something really bad was in his way. He crested a large hill to find it. It, was an android, and it had his sunscreen bottle.
Other: None.

Introduction / Hi, im knew. please help me.
« on: February 27, 2012, 08:47:12 pm »
so im knew to the forums. im really intrested in roleplay. if someone could help me figure out how to get into that id be very thankful. i know how to roleplay, i just dont know all the rules for forum roleplay.

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