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Messages - RisingLife

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Game Discussion / Re: Advertising techniques
« on: January 06, 2013, 08:17:48 pm »
I go between 1 & 2 for it depends what I'm advertising for. If its just a random flourite rp (which I join when I don't want to rp serisously) then I use method 2. If it is for a mapped rp then I lean more towards 1. Here are some examples.

When using method 1:

Ad requirments-
-what type of char we could he looking for
-any rp sample
-extra info

Outcome(lets say its for a mapped Warriors rp):

Join .:ExampleClan:.! We are a literate, long-term, realistic, active warriors rp with a great map and forum! ExampleClan is currently looking for apprentices and queens, but will take anyone wanting to join! If your interested come see Leaderstar at the cape portal or whisper MadeUpUsername99! Rp sample required

Now this method usually attracts a decent amount of people, though if not posted at the right time it could be lost in all the other ads in general. So I usually find when using this method I have to wait for the mob of ads to pass by before I send mine. Also, even if posted at a quiet time, the ad can quickly get lost, and therefor people usualky only get to read up to the location to join. That's why I often ask characters who arrive if they want to join my rp. But this method doesn't have all downsides and extra work. It also looks very professional to people looking for a nice rp, and it usually attracts good rpers if worded right.

When using method 2:

Ad requirments-
-not mapped
-any extra info

Outcome (same warrior cat rp):

I WANT YOU TO JOIN EXAMPLE CLAN! Are you semi-literate? Are you realistic? And are you looking for a warrior cats clan? Then come meet the esteemed Leaderstar at the SB or whisper MadeUpUsername99 to join! You get a cookie if you do :3

When using this method different out comes result from it. Usually a fair amount of people join and know which clan to go to, so no asking is needed. And since the ad is usually easy to read, timing of the ad doesn't need to be a problem. It also make your ad unique so even if it gets swept off the chat fast people would be commenting 'LOL nice ad ExampleClan" and things like that. But that is only if there is one or two other clans advertising. If there are many clans sending out ads, a short ad would not be noticed, and very few members will join

Now with the last method I don't have a lot to say. Since I don't usually do it, I can only give my experience from a receiving end of veiw. Personally I never click on the movies unless the publisher is consistent and not spamming. But I usually just block movies to start out with, so movies don't work on me.

Hope this helps or whatever XD

Art Gallery / Re: ThePallasCat's Art Yay
« on: January 06, 2013, 07:01:03 pm »
Dat fur *o* cool drawings, I like them all a lot :3 what program did you use for the digital art? I think I may want to try it out *-*

Art Gallery / Re: Jessiesmith2 entry.
« on: January 06, 2013, 06:40:28 pm »
Awesome drawing >:) I love every aspect of it, the fact that it is and drawn, that it is creepy...I could go on xD great drawing and good luck in the contest!

Art Gallery / Re: BuioUmbra's Entry
« on: January 06, 2013, 06:35:42 pm »
OMG ITS LIKE ZIN!!! I want to snuggle the stuffing out of her too now and she is wearing a hat!! Its like twice as cuter! Great picture, and good luck in the contest!

Art Gallery / Re: AkarVSkage's art entry :3
« on: January 06, 2013, 06:29:54 pm »
Awesome picture >:3 the dogs look kick butt and dangerous. And even though the background is simple, it compliments the mood of the picture. Good luck in the contest!

Art Gallery / Re: RisingLife's Entry
« on: January 06, 2013, 06:15:02 pm »
This is really good! I love the colors and the detailing! Good luck!!
thank you! Yeah I was going to do a background but then the cat stuck out too much for me, so I just made the colors nice XD

Looks cute. :2 I love the eyes, and that marking around it. Lovely job, Rising!
Thanks :3 yeah I'm starting to love that marking too

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Super High Res Textures!
« on: January 06, 2013, 03:20:43 am »
This looks awesome! Not that I dont hate the FH textures but im totally downlading this! +floof for you

Game Discussion / Re: When I first joined I.....
« on: January 06, 2013, 03:06:27 am »
When I first joined:

-made a green emo wolf called "Cello"

-Couldnt figure out how to move (used arrow keys)

- Clicked on the chat box and typed super slow (now i just press enter and type like there is no tomorrow)

-Tried to figure out the plot of the game

-Tried to figure out how to enlist you have a mate or family

-Adopted a pup (not in the adoption center) and just asked her questions about her life (had no idea what to with the pup)

- Was illterate and powerplayed

- only made emo looking pups and sat in the adoption center

-Thought I was super awesome, and sometimes said so

Game Discussion / Re: How did you find out about feralheart?
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:39:16 am »
Well my cousin found it like most of you, from WQ. Then i came over to her house and she got me hooked for eternity and beyond

Presets & Markings / Re: Goldchocobo's Preset Shop~
« on: January 06, 2013, 12:20:19 am »
I would like to request something if it is within your rules

Preset No.: 9
Username: RisingLife

Adittional Details: I was wondering if it was okay if its lips could be cut into a smile (like the jokers) and one eye to be green instead of amber. If not, then just that picture as a preset would be great

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