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Messages - Motoko

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Sabre teeth.
« on: February 12, 2011, 06:43:20 am »
Support. we need sabres.

+ support for ram, dragon, small, etc. horns WE KIND of need them. actually. I have some hellhound characters that would need them.

geez. what about tusks, back spikes, etc.
the more obscure the mutations are the more you can customize, the better the game will be.
+ would also one day support of layering up to 3 markings.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some concerns about the game....
« on: February 10, 2011, 10:21:46 pm »
block them.
The feature exists for a reason. so use it instead of crying over it. It's the internet, People cuss. No, they're not immature. No, They're usually not bad people.

Pointless thread is pointless.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: February 10, 2011, 04:15:42 am »
Again, suggesting 'flight mode' on mapmaker, as to allow/disallow flight. :l it's up to the person who makes the map then.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: January 25, 2011, 02:32:20 am »
Am I the only one here with a possibly working idea?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: January 24, 2011, 07:28:19 pm »
Here's an idea:
on maps, enable a 'flight mode' via checkbox, this will be unchecked by default, so if people want to fly, make a map and go fly around it.

News Archives / Re: Stolen Art (IMPORTANT)
« on: January 17, 2011, 11:29:28 pm »
Posted by: Li-Li the sparkling ninja
Insert Quote
quick recap here;

it doesnt matter if its being posted on the internets and it tempts you! its still stealing!

theres a big difference between using images that are public domain (screen shots from animes movies and comics) and using something that not many people know existed (private artist, professional art, commissioned art etc)

you DONT NEED YOUR SIGNATURE ON SOMETHING FOR IT TO BE COPYRIGHTED. as soon as you make it its officially yours.


if you want to use art thats not your own DONT JUST GIVE CREDIT! some artists dont like it even with credit!

just ask before using someone elses art, its not that hard

btw if this site didnt have a rule like this then it itself can be closed down.

Excuse me? You just kind of said yourself "if this forum doesn't have this rule, it should be closed down completely."

Watch your wording, please. Either stay here and support the forum, or you can just leave. That was rude, either way, especially the way you formatted and worded that statement. to be honest, most of the comments coming from you seem rude, but I suppose that's just me.

News Archives / Re: Stolen Art (IMPORTANT)
« on: January 17, 2011, 07:59:40 pm »
...Come on guys. Anyone who even disagrees that art theft is wrong is silly, how would you like it if you worked on something really hard, spending hours drawing it, for somebody to steal it. Especially if they claim it's their own.

Nobody here is saying it's okay, but BE A BIT CLEARER NEXT TIME. Most sites say;

"Do not use artwork from DeviantArt without the artist's written permission."

Or something like that.

That's a strong deterrent, given if they don't have written permission, then that can be punished. And you need to send a scanned .pdf file in most cases or ask the artist if <name> has permission to use his/her artwork.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Wings-the only thing i ask for
« on: January 16, 2011, 05:41:55 am »
Beware, this post contains excessive rambling.

EXACTLY, a realistic flight system (like in spore minus the flapping limit, so you'd have to MAINTAIN it) would be GREAT with realistic wings, and wing meshes are relatively easy to find and make, too. it'd be nice to have some realistic wings (meaning tucked against the sides, as well, not being constantly held up) absolutely amazing, and i've seen very few games pose wings like that (the only one, actually, being Istaria with it's Dragon wings) the results are beautiful, too. with the right animations, the wings could look amazing. however, please texture bat/dragon and feather wings on SEPARATE meshes, they do not function the same because wing bones on avian wings are far different than bat-like wings, that have individual fingers as to where on Avian wings it's a few bones and the flexibility is limited (not to mention, it'd be harder to fly with the lift from Avian wings because it wouldn't produce enough upward force to sustain flight on a wolf or lion unless the wings were big enough, which would affect balance and maneuverability as well as flight speed.)

Feel free to correct this below, da?

News Archives / Re: Stolen Art (IMPORTANT)
« on: January 16, 2011, 05:31:03 am »
If it's art of a character, or the art has been passed around until there is no possible way of finding and contacting the owner, there's no point, so popular characters and whatnot are usually clipped into avatars, I have yet to see Production I.G, Bandai, or anyone else give much of a hoot about forum avatars. Please be more specific, otherwise, don't at all. YOU can't say what happens with those avatars (I got mine off an internet gallery somewhere, There was no listed owner) ONLY the owner of the artwork can, and if you post it ON THE INTERNET, WITHOUT A watermark, EXPECT your artwork to get passed around if it's good enough.

I'm not claiming I made it, THAT is not art theft, Claiming I made it would be, and i'm not, I give credit to the respectful owner of the image.

You as an individual (or a group, even) can't stop this, so sorry, cruel fact of life, it happens.

Characters / Motoko's characters
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:15:52 pm »
This thread is outdated.

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