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Messages - ShimmerMoonStar

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Sorry I've been off. Laptops busted :( so I'm stuck on a slow computer and phone... but I'll resume against! And piss can be used :P no biggie)

He only smirked in enjoyment, "Calm down you puppy. I didn't mean anything by it. Besides, I'm a wolf like you, an allie. I won't attack one of my own, unless its for defense." Hr said no more and began to walk off again. Shade muttered low, "What a creep..."

Ash growled, "We were both omegas. I don't know why you're getting mad at me." He smirked, taunting him, "I'm not the one blamed for our leaders death." Shade flicked her ears, eyes narrowed blankly, not knowing what to think.

Shade was equally confused and Ash growled, "What? So I get banished mysteriously after Ebony becomes leader you think I die? Well hmph... not surprised." He stood up and muttered something inaudible while Shade shook her head, backing slightly away just in case.

Ash side glanced up at the brute on him and growled, "You're that omega! I remember you!" He smirked, "Smutt... Scrut... Scutt's the name right? Why fight me? I was simply protecting myself. Me and you were both half breeds. We shouldn't fight... we're basically brothers." Shade knew Ash had seen what she could do, but he was no longer interested in fighting her.

IOC: me too x3 laptop turned off by accident.

Ash's eyes widened in shock as a weight dropped on him before he could attack. He growled, "Get off me! You can't do this to me!" Shade had turned around, her eyes opened wide as she watched in surprise as well.

Ooc: Lol brothers these days... xP

Shade stared wide eyed at the grey wolf and shook her head in panic "Wh... what are you doing? Ash you were in our pack! C'mon were practically friends..." The grey wolf only bared his teeth, smirking, "Well maybe I can send a bit of  a message to Ebony... through you of course." Shade tried to get up once more but she couldn't. The only way to save herself was to fight. Her pack wasnt there... she could do it. As Ash struck down she shot a blast of light at him and his eyes widened in surprise as he jumped back. That gave Shade the perfect amount of time to get up, though her limbs were shaking. Ash smirked and began to circle her, "So you have tricks huh? Well so do I..." He jumped, disappearing again and appearing right behind Shade, read to strike.

Shade padded slowly and unsure towards the scent. She was curious, though didn't know if it was the right idea. She'd find out eventually. As she made her way closer, the scent suddenly vanished in mid air and she tilted her head, eyes narrowed as she tried to follow it but it stopped in one exact spot. Her ears perked and she opened her eyes as something appeared in front of her, claws digging into her side as a wolf appeared out of nowhere. She let out a gasp of shock as she fell down on her side.

OOC: I see someones back on le computer... at least I think x3 and omg... "Faes. Faes everywhere!"  Made me laugh so hard.

Ebony growled low, about to snap at him for his rude tone but he was already running off. Ebony snorted and got back up, padding back the way to camp, her eyes narrowed in annoyance.

Shade and Margey continued, going slower. Soon, both heard pawsteps, except Shade slipped away at the last second with a smirk on her face as Margey was caught by Birch. Birch seemed not in the mood and growled, "Margey. Back to camp. You're not on patrol and no ones supposed to be out here." Margey scoffed, "Delta or not, you don't have to be so stuck up." Birch snapped at her muzzle, but didn't come in contact and growled, "I won't take disrespect from a mere suburbanite. Back. Now." Margey rolled her eyes and simply turned around, muttering something, though her eyes shone in triumph at the fact that Shade was out of trouble. Shade watched before sneaking off the other way, following the other males scent.

Ebony didn't know whether to believe him or not and simply watched as he padded away. Any wolf that left she figured couldn't be trusted anyway. She watched him pad away but she stopped him with a sharp bark. "Exactly how do you know this anyway? You want my trust then prove it..."

Shade sighed, eyes narrowed and eager as she traveled with another wolf, a dark grey female with a jet black tail. Shade stared at her, "Are you sure they went this way?" The black tipped wolf nodded, "Of course. I heard they were talking about some intruder... I bet Birch needs the help anyway... The alphess probably sent him alone again." Shade rolled her eyes and continued to walk, soon catching the scent of the male that went with Ebony earlier, as well as two other scents, though both going off in different ways. Margey tilted her head, "This ones following Ebony... though the other is the intruder... and they're both those mixed breeds! I remember their scents!" She wagged her tail and Shade only stared in concern in either direction, not feeling Margey's excitement. In the end, both figured Ebony would be Ok, and went after Birch and Ash.

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