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Messages - StarrieNova

Pages: 1 ... 131 132 [133] 134 135
Introduction / Re: Heyo
« on: July 14, 2014, 11:14:36 am »
Welcome to the Feral Heart forums, and I hope you enjoy your time in this crazy floofy world! xD

Introduction / Re: hello! i got LUCKY!!!
« on: July 14, 2014, 11:13:45 am »
Welcome to Feral Heart, and I hope you enjoy your stay in this crazy floofy game. ^^

Introduction / Re: It's About Time Introduce Myself
« on: July 14, 2014, 11:12:34 am »
Welcome n the forums is all I can say. I have to admit I am myself new to the forums, and am trying to get used to looking at it everyday. ^^

Introduction / Re: Ahkrin's Return
« on: July 14, 2014, 11:10:33 am »
Welcome back hun, and I hope you enjoy being back. ^^

Introduction / Re: Heyo!
« on: July 14, 2014, 11:06:09 am »
That is a very interesting introduction Flashlight, and I am going to totally question your name! >:D
Anyway welcome to the forum buddy. ^^

Game Discussion / Re: Most Cute/Creative/Funny Characters
« on: July 14, 2014, 10:55:18 am »
I have to admit to me right now in my opinion the cutest characters I have seen so far in the game are:
                                                           ~ Whisper(HidenShadow)

Sadly enough I do not have screenshots of them, but I do know you will see them running around on Feral Heart. ^^

I think it would be a very interesting thing to see happen to Feral Heart. I know for sure I would still play the game, but I do know I would most likely be one of the players that would take a while to figure out everything on how to make a proper role-play happen. ^^

Game Discussion / Re: Neo's Mumbled & Jumbled Thoughts - Literacy
« on: July 14, 2014, 10:31:41 am »
I remember the days I was considered a neon and illiterate. That's when I went silent, and began reading what everyone wanted in a group member.

Characters / Re: Nightcore Queen's Most Used Characters!
« on: July 14, 2014, 09:39:05 am »
Thank you guys. My next two characters are feline characters. ^^ I will be sure to update it in a bit.

Characters / Nightcore Queen's Most Used Characters! ~EDITED~
« on: July 14, 2014, 05:17:16 am »

Age: 5 Years
Voice: Rin Okumura {Blue Exorcist ~ English Voice Actor}
Voice Vid:
Gender: Male
Sexual Likes: Likes Females only
Personality: Ruthless, Strategic, Wise, Aloof, Quiet, Loyal, Loving, Caring, and Mysterious



Sexually Active: Yes?{} or No?{x}
Attracted to: No one
Courting: No one
Mated and Loyal to: No one
Father to: No pups



Father: Sosuke {Wolf}{Unknown}
Mather: Inoue {Nine-tailed Fox}{Deceased Physically and Immortal in the Mortal Minds}
Sibling(s): None



~Pup Life~
As a pup Xavier was loved and cherished by his nine-tailed mother. She was very kind, and loved him very much. His father was a protective male alpha of his own pack that protected his new family. One day though during a raid of their pack Xavier's mother gave her life to protect everyone with her hells fire. Unable to keep herself warm after using too much of her flames to kill the other wolves who raided her pack she passed away form the cold. Hurt that his mate died to protect him Xavier's father looked to his son, and protected his young half-breed son's life.

~Teen Life~
As he grew up Xavier learned new and important things form his father. Xavier was trained to be the next Alpha of the pack, and to one day not need a lead warrior for he would already be trained in combat.  Learning everything he needed Xavier grew to be a tough and lonely young teenaged male while his other pack mates his age ran around having fun with their training. Many females attempted to catch Xavier's attention as a teen, but no one caught his interest. Happy with his life of being a loner he slowly moved on from his pack one night not really caring to take over his father's old, playful, and soft pack. Not looking back Xavier knew his mother in him was all he needed to stay alive.

~Adult Life~
As an adult Xavier had become a wise half-breed. He knew how to hunt on his own, and how to be sure he kept himself protected. Alone he passed by many pack none taking his interest. With each pack came new females who tried to capture his attention, but his dark blue eyes never strayed form the straight path he had laid out for himself to follow to the perfect pack.  Aggrivated he couldn't find the perfect pack Xavier decided to become alpha of his own pack. Making a pack known as the Divine Mortals Xavier declared any half-breeds like him that needed a home were always welcome to his pack.

~Elder Life~
To be lived....


~Pack Loyalty~

Loyal to: Divine Mortals
Rank: Alpha
Loyally Whimpers to: No one



Bad Boy Theme:

Battle Theme:

Psychotic Theme:

Cornered in Battle Theme:

Rememberance of His Mother's Death and Leaving of his Pack:


~Ownership Rights~

(c)Nightcore Queen
Date Created: 7-10-14
Time Created: 1:39am




Age: 4.5 years old
Voice: Saber {Fate/Zero}
Gender: Female
Sexual Likes: Is interested in males only
Personality: Aloof, Skittish, Nervous, Alert, Feisty, Truthful, Snappy, and Curious
Breed: 30% Wolf and 70% Fox



Attracted to: No male
Is Hoping to be Courted by: No male
Mated and Loyal to: No male
Mother to: No kits



~Pup Life~

As a pup Vixy was not very much wanted. Her father was ashamed of the fact that he had allow himself to be overcome by a fox. After time passed Vixy's father went after his mate and pup. Worried for her pup's safety Vixy's mother hid her away swiftly before running to fight her the wolf. Watching the fight form afar Vixy shivered not really sure how to take in the fact of her parents killing each other. Traumatized the young pup passed out in a bush she was hiding in, and woke not remembering what had happened at all.

~Teen Life~

Wandering about Vixy learned to hunt on her own after having to live off of left over's from other animals' hunts. Never really seeing other foxes in her life she slowly began to not really care for them. Joining many wolf packs she learned to enjoy their company. Becoming more like a wolf than a fox she one day found other foxes, and learned she wasn't very liking of their habits of being tricksters. Growing more bored, and nervous of being in a group Vixy soon became a wander of the plains again.

~Adult Life~

Still wandering about the plains Vixy still searches for a pack that will suit her..

~Elder Life~

Has yet to be lived..



Father: Zaeger(D)
Mother: Verina(D)


Pack Loyalty

Loyal To: No pack
Rank: No rank
Loyally Whimpers to: No Alpha/ess


Ownership Rights

(c)Nightcore Queen




Age: 4.5 years
Voice: Fujiko Mine (Lupine the 3rd: The WOman Called Fujiko Mine)
Gender: Female
Sexual Likes: Is interested in males only.
Personality: Kind, Gentle, Timid, Quiet, Aloof, Motherly, Hesitant, Flirty, Cautious, and often a bit sassy if you become a close friend to her



Sexually Active: Yes?{} or No?{x}
Attracted to: No brute
Hopes to be courted by: No Brute
Mated to: No Brute
Mother to: No cubs



Father: Shekoro
Mother: Ataia
Sister(s): Meru and Tina



~Cub Life~
As a cub Mara was happiest living in her father's pride. He was the dominant male of a proud pride known as the Utaeu Pride. One day though as Mara and her sister's played around in the plains Mara was taken by humans form her family. Not understanding what was going on around her she let out calls for help to her mother or father. Going to her aid the humans shot them swiftly with tranquilizers. Taken to a large house Mara was kept there to be a pet for a young rich child. Locked in the backyard, and chained until the child wished to play with the young cub.

~Teen Life~
As time passed Mara became tired of being the child's toy to play with once in a while. Looking to her chain collar that was nailed to the ground Mara spent each night trying different ways to free herself. Waiting each night she tugged, adn twisted the chain to the best of her ability. One night though she was able to finally free herself, and jump the fence the family had around the house.

~Adult Life~
Finally free form the family Mara attempted to remember where her home was. Walking for a long time she finally reached where her father ruled with his harem, and her sister's yet found a new male had taken control of the pride. Pulling one of the lionesses to the side while she went on a hunt Mara asked about her family only to find they had all tried to rebel, and were killed. Hurt Mara ran off not wishing to stay with the male who killed her family. On her own she is sadly awaiting for a new pride to accept her into their home.

~Elder Life~
Has yet to be lived...


~Pride Loyalty~

Loyal to: No pride
Rank: Rogue
~Loyally bows to: No dominant



Confindence: Man I feel like a woman ~Shania Twain~
Not Amused: Don't Impress me Much ~Shania Twain~


Ownership Rights

(c)Nightcore Queen





Age: 3 years
Voice: "Rock" Okajima (Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail)
Gender: Male
Sexual Likes: Is Bisexual
Personality: Calm, Wise, Gentle, Loyal, Protective, Flirty, Peaceful, Caring, and Outgoing



Sexually Active: Yes? {} or No? {x}
Attracted to: Kitto (Aicosu125)
Courting: Kitto (Aicosu125)
Mated and Loyal to: Kitto (Aicosu125)
Father to: No cubs



Father: Netro
Mother: Zella



~Cub Life~
As a cub Zeke was given a good life. His father helped the dominant male provide for his family, but even though he had a simple, and good life Zeke wanted a little bit more. Always wandering around their territory Zeke constantly got into trouble with rogues One day though his father paid the price when Zeke found an aggressive male. Getting hurt in the battle Zeke was taught to be careful of who he would approach.

~Teen Life~
As he grew Zeke decided to hang out with the dominant male of the pride. The male was around 7 years old at his time, and learned many new things. As the dominant taught Zeke more things everyday he became a very highly respected teen in his age group. Giving advice to other teenagers. One day though Zeke spoke to his leader about the knowledge he had gained. Discussing things over they both decided that when Zeke became an adult he would venture off to share the knowledge he had learned.

~Adult Life~
As spoken about Zeke moved on form his pride, and went on a long journey to spread the knowlegde he had learned. During his journey he came across two males named Paz and Kitto. Falling for Paz the young adult attempted to court Paz, but the brute kindly refused him. Still hurt Zeke decided to continue his journey, but found Kitto had taken a liking to him, and decided to follow Zeke on his journey. As the two males got to know each other Zeke soon began to attempt courting Kitto. Being a shy male Kitto took a while before he was able to also show his attraction to Zeke. Falling for each other the two mates enjoyed their travel together.

~Elder Life~
Yet to be lived...


Pride Loyalty

Loyal to:
No pride
Rank: Rogue
Loyally bows his head to: No dominant



Yet to be decided...


Ownership Rights

(c)Nightcore Queen

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