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Messages - Hooli

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Forum Games / Re: The Last Post Wins!
« on: January 13, 2015, 03:30:04 am »
memes weak, arms spaghetto


Welcome to Umoja, a role play that follows the story of a role play that took place back in October of 2014, Nyumbani.

After a long and hard battle between Nyumbani and their old rival pride, and with more than half of their pride wiped out, Iedael lead her pride far away from their old home within the Eros plains, and began searching for a new, safe place for her pride to thrive.
The Nyumbani lions traveled day and night, stopping every once and a while to eat, but kept walking on otherwise, looking for a new safe haven. They lost lions along the way due to injuries taking their lives while treading the dangerous path to find a new home.
After about a month of traveling, the exhausted Nyumbani comes across a large, almost impossible land. With excited members, they traveled deeper into this land and find a possible new place to call home; it was a very large land known as Hadithi ya Kale, a group of territories including the Savanna, highlands, jungle, wetlands and even deadlands. A fantasy for most of the lions within Nyumbani. Iedael immediately takes up the opportunity to make their home in Hadithi ya Kale, and claims this new land as her own, not yet realizing the consequences.

Four groups live within Umoja's; Upinzani, a lion pride taking refuge in the deadlands - Wawindaji, a ruthless hyena Clan sharing the same territory with Upinzani, Vivuli, a peaceful yet hesitant jungle cat group, and now Nyumbani. The newcomer lions had no idea what they had gotten themselves into by moving into Umoja's strongest lands, and soon learn that this land has a lot more to offer than just shelter.

Before they could make another move, the Vivuli leader decides to visit Nyumbani's lands, and welcomes them into Hadithi ya Kale. Seeing this as a great opportunity to make some friends in this new land, Iedael offers a truce between Vivuli and Nyumbani, and they make a deal that would be an advantage to them both.
Nyumbani can go within Vivuli's lands (only they cannot hunt) for refuge, or if they wanted to enjoy the relaxing surroundings of the jungle, and Vivuli catches Nyumbani food every month so that they can feed the extra mouths around the camp, now that everyone is healing up, physically and emotionally.

For a month or so all four groups lived in harmony, Nyumbani was able to heal themselves up enough to be able to begin hunting and defending once more, and they begun to map out each and every territory within Hadithi ya Kale, devising a plan in case either Wawindaji or Upinzani decided to put any plans they had to action.
Though what was odd to Iedael was that she wasn't sure if either group had a plan devised to wipe out Nyumbani, as they were a bit.. quiet. They hadn't had any intrusions within their territory, or any unfriendly visits.

Though, those confusing behaviors soon went away as three hyenas wound up deep within their territory, harrassing a group of hunting Nyumbani lionesses'. Once Nyumbani was informed of the intrusion, a trio of Sentinels were sent to capture the hyenas as prisoners, holding them captive until they spill the reason they were in Nyumbani territory in the first place. They explain that they were "scoping things out", which sends the already cautious pride into a riot of terrified cubs. Iedael, surprisingly, was very composed, and managed to calm her pride down. They released the trio of hyenas back to their territory and began to set up extra guard posts and patrols, making sure that they were ready in case of an invasion.

The invasion never really happened, in fact, the level of activity coming from Wawindaji had become completely silent, and it was if they weren't even there in the first place.

About a month later, Iedael became very ill, and had been put to bed until further notice. Though the stubborn lioness never listened to anyone, which is why when she had insisted on going out for a walk, she had passed out and ended up dying of heat stroke, seeing as she was so weak in the first place and her heart couldn't really take any stress. It was in the high 90s on the afternoon that she died, which was way too hot for her ill body to handle at that time.
Iedael's son, Madalitso, took over the pride from there. Though he was young, he was the only one for the job, as it was family tradition to take the pride once your parents had passed on.

The plot lifts off Madalitso is just now starting to get back on his feet after his mother's death, and is learning the ropes and hardships of becoming a true leader; Though Wawindaji and Upinzani aren't going to make it very easy for him.

Welcome to the official Umoja FeralHeart forums advertisement!

Hadithi ya Kale is a literate, semi-realistic, mapped, sited, plotted, long-termed, active and rivaled multi-species African animal role play. The main animals in our role play currently consist of;
-Sand Cats
-Black-footed Cats
-Jungle Cats

Though we also accept;
-African Wild Dogs

As loner animals! (We have a separate loner group for these select few)

Want some previews of our map? Fear not!
Now I know what you're thinking: "Long live the king.." That's right! Hadithi ya Kale comes with it's very own Mufasa death zone!

Probably my favorite spot in the map - the Jungle! This place is where the Vivuli cats roam, and they even allow the Nyumbani to chill in their territory sometimes!

I'll have to admit, this place is pretty creepy.. but if you like creepy places, Wawindaji and Upinzani are the places for you!

But hey, what's an African map without your Wetlands? Yup! Even though Upinzani is basically a dump, I couldn't let it go without some type of cool specialty. This place is full of dangerous crocodiles and alligators, perfect for a creative character death.


And then finally, Nyumbani! Here we have a dramatic shot of our luxury style home in Eneo Kuu, accompanied by some gazelle, as you can see.

So, did I pull you in yet? No? Well..

In the entire role play, there are four groups.

The Nyumbani
The Nyumbani(Nee-um-bon-ee) is the main pride of the savanna, having the largest and lushest territory of the lands; Eneo Kuu(Enn-ee-oh Koo). They grow large in numbers, very quickly. Though not the most brutal pride around, they can be quite hostile around rogues and others unknown to their pride. They're always up for allies, though they need a persuading enough bargain to get anything out of them as they're a rather greedy bunch of felines.

The Vivuli

Vivuli(Vivv-oo-lee) is the Tribe of wild cats that reside in the Msitu Mnene Jungle. This Tribe consists of leopards, servals, caracals, sand cats, and black foots cats. These felines have always been surprisingly peaceful and calm throughout rivalries of the neighboring Prides. They try to keep a neutral relation to the other groups, but they will always be loyal to Nyumbani.  They have had several disputes with the Wawindaji Cackle and prefer not to be involved with them.
Vivuli is the most low-key and benevolent group among the Plains, in most cases, avoiding conflict and battles as best they can.

The Wawindaji

The Wawindaji(wah-win-dodge-ee) Cackle, is, if you haven't already guessed, a cackle of hyenas residing in the same territory as the Upinzani. These hyenas are a brutal bunch, not really showing any mercy or any signs of innocence. They take whatever they want, and they won't let anyone stand in their way. These hyenas are in alliance with the Upinzani, sharing prey with each other every now and again since the land they live in is so scarce. Wawindaji is the most obnoxious and malevolent group out of the four, enjoying picking fights and starting conflicts whenever they can.

The Upinzani
The Upinzani(you-pin-zahn-ee) is the second pride in the plains, and is in a strict rivalry with Nyumbani. These lions are brutal and are true warriors. They're skilled in fighting, and are best known for their brute force and strength. They mainly consist of dark pelts and scarred bodies, though some still remain innocent and pure. They're often known for taking hostages and prisoners within their camps if anyone either trespasses into their territory or wrongs the pride. These lions are in alliance with Wawindaji, sharing prey with each other every now and again since the land they live in is so scarce.

If you're interested in joining Umoja, please reply down below or visit our site and private message the creator of the role play, hooligans, aka me.   ;)

Here's our site if you'd like to read more about our lovely little role play!;

I hope you found our role play interesting, and I hope to see you in game!

Introduction / Re: Howdy!
« on: January 13, 2015, 01:54:13 am »
Thanks, guys! You make me feel really welcome after completely forgetting about the forums for 3 years. 8D

Game Help / Re: Map Maker Crashing FH
« on: January 13, 2015, 01:46:03 am »
That sometimes happens to me when I make maps. Are you sure your heightmap is set to a grayscaled canvas? Double check that the canvas size is 513 x 513?

Presets & Markings / Re: .:.Rava's Official Preset.:.
« on: January 13, 2015, 12:55:40 am »
Dang, I love it! Definitely gonna have to download it. c:

Characters / Re: Whisper's Magic Character Box
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:36:16 pm »
Nice characters! I love the presets. c: You did a good job!

Characters / Re: Mah Charriez .:.UPDATED.:.
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:30:38 pm »
Arr, Zaheer is very smexy~   ;)

Media / Re: Engrish
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:26:50 pm »
Ah, that website gave me a good laugh.. thanks for sharing! I'll be adding it to the list of one of those website I go to whenever I'm bored or just need some humor. xD

Media / Re: My Photography
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:21:20 pm »
Ah, I love <3 I'm definitely gonna have to watch you on DeviantArt! I've always wanted to get into photography, but never had enough money to buy myself a nice camera to do so. Keep it up!

Media / Re: My SetUp
« on: January 12, 2015, 11:17:53 pm »
Dude I'm in love with your headset. <3 Get me one. Or, like twenty.

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