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Messages - seopard

Pages: 1 ... 134 135 [136]
what do ya mean by an ending?

rp sample- remembering her leaders words Red Leap ran, not stopping until she had lost her pursurers in a long dark tunnel. "No my name is not Red Leap," she muttered "from now on I shall be known as Blood Tide in honor of how they wanted to spill mine." Digging her claws into the the ground she closed her eyes and was stunned when she opened them to find the waves of the lake were red as blood....

oh srry for the double post

I wanna join!
username- seopard
outlaw name- Bloodtide
outlaw age- 3 years
outlaw gender- female
my gender- female
outlaw bio- escaped from execution when she was a part of the Black Water Alliance. Was supposed to be excecuted for the suposable 'murder' of her brother Orange Fire. Always under estimated, can kill in more than 112 ways.
rp sample- remembering her leaders words Red Leap ran, not stopping until she had lost her pursurers in a long dark tunnel. "No my name is not Red Leap," she muttered "from now on I shall be known as Blood Tide in honor of how they wanted to spill mine."
desired rank- can i be a spy????

I wanna join!
username- seopard
outlaw name- Bloodtide
outlaw age- 3 years
outlaw gender- female
my gender- female
outlaw bio- escaped from execution when she was a part of the Black Water Alliance. Was supposed to be excecuted for the suposable 'murder' of her brother Orange Fire. Always under estimated, can kill in more than 112 ways.
rp sample- remembering her leaders words Red Leap ran, not stopping until she had lost her pursurers in a long dark tunnel. "No my name is not Red Leap," she muttered "from now on I shall be known as Blood Tide in honor of how they wanted to spill mine."
desired rank- can i be a spy????

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Blackwater Alliance
« on: March 19, 2012, 01:18:09 pm »
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Pages: 1 ... 134 135 [136]