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Messages - OnionKnight

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***Bump + Update! ***

We've been slowly growing. c: Congratulations to Chrybi for being given Hollowclan's Deputy position!


Caveclan's Medic position has been claimed by Rudo. c: Congrats!

Wow, this WC roleplay looks awesome!

It's jam packed with juicy information and so clear and well thought out! I also love the clan names!
I'm not much of a WC roleplayer anymore but I wish you great luck on getting members!


Ahh thanks a ton! We spent lots of time on it, and are rather satisfied with the results. :)

Looks really nice and well planned out<33
Wish you luck with getting some members c:

Ahh thank! Appreciate the good wishes! <3 <3


Literate - Sited - Mapped - Realistic -  Triple Clanned - Active - Friendly - Plotted
Welcome one and all to LotS! We are a new community of dedicated members looking to start up a warrior cats roleplay!
Lets take a deeper look at some of those tags, and what they mean to us!

Yep! We consider ourselves to be a literate roleplay. What this means to us is we expect the length of a post in this RP to be between 1 and 1/2 paragraphs, or 1 and 1/2 Feral Heart posts. If you struggle to gain this length, then try describing things in your post. What is your character feeling, or thinking? What do their surroundings look like? Is it rather hot or wet at the moment IC? Mention it and your character's reaction to it! This also means that if you are accepted into the RP, the rest of the staff and roleplay will expect you to keep the quality of the sample you sent to join. If we notice that your roleplaying has become less literate compared to when we allowed you to join, then we have a bit of an issue. Lastly, please keep your "wolfspeak" on a leash. We try to cater to and be friendlier to the side of roleplay which doesn't understand wolfspeak.

We've got a website and registry is required. Why you ask? For communication purposes! Not only do websites serve as a useful tool for you to tell us if you're not gonna be on, they serve as a place for us to bond as a community. Whether it be by sharing art, playing games, reading character bios, chatting in our Meowbox or reading up on announcements it gives us a place to chat outside of the actual game itself. It's a very useful tool!

Regardless of if we are a roleplay in a game or not, we strive for realism in both character creation and roleplay. Please do not make your characters super tiny or insanely massive. Two clicks to the right from default is the highest, and one click to the left from default is the smallest. This also means that no neon colors are allowed on your character, and please only use markings that could be found in real-life. By this we mean spots, stripes, etc etc... Nothing like the "Biohazard" marking or "Triad" marking. Furthering this, obviously wings and full lion manes are not allowed. Items are allowed but only items you may find in nature such as feathers, flowers, leaves, twigs etc.

We consider ourselves to be active. Don't get us wrong we understand real life happens, and the staff themselves will have their days where they won't be on. Active to us means you're online and participating in roleplay or recruitment at least 3-4 times a week. We'd like to get to know you, and we can't do that if you're never around! :)

We do have a plot! However as we are a newer roleplay with ranks still needing to be filled we are putting that plot on hold. The plot will be released in pieces and parts once the roleplay is standing firmly on all four warrior cat feet and we've got members logging in and roleplaying! Basically, we want interest before we start anything up!

We have a private map created by our very own catsoup! They spent quite a bit of time on it and its really great! ;; It is something that needs to be downloaded, and if you cannot do that then I'm afraid this may not be the roleplay for you. However, if you are willing to follow instructions then the other staff and I will happily walk you through the steps!

We strive to foster a friendly and respectful community of roleplayers, bullying by ANYONE OOC regardless of rank is not tolerated. Here are a few points I'd like to bring up before you join, you'll find them in the rules themselves but they should be mentioned here as well:

Dirty jokes are funny. I know that. Yet, if someone asks you to stop due to being uncomfortable, offended, etc. then you must stop. It's a respect thing, laugh about it with people who also find it funny! Don't force it on those who may not have the same sense of humor.
There are topics that should not be discussed, joked about, or even mentioned. This includes molesting, rape, abuse, and suicide. These are very real things, that very real people have gone through. It isn't a joking matter, and joking about it perpetuates the idea that these real situations are the source of humor. It's not. Regardless of if you agree or not, it will not be tolerated in this roleplay. If you are feeling suicidal, or feel like you do need to talk about this topic, please feel free to message a friend or staff.
On the end of that very heavy note, we try and include everyone in your conversations and RPing. Our goal is to make everyone feel welcome, not out-casted!

Now that we've told you a little bit about us let me introduce you to our current staff members and what ranks we happen to have available for application on the website!




High ranks available for application are:
[you apply for these on the website:]

Caveclan Leader
Meadowclan Deputy
Caveclan Deputy
Meadowclan Meddie
Caveclan Med-App
Meadowclan Med-App
Hollowclan Med-App

Whew! Thanks for taking the time to get through all of that with me! Here is the application! Please respond below with it completely filled out, I or another staff member will friend you on FH if you have been accepted. You may also join the website and send the application to one of us there! OR -- Simply wait to catch us online and recruiting, our recruiter account is -Moriarty-!

Code: [Select]
FH Username:
Character Name:
Clan Wanted:
Rank Wanted:
Activity IG 1-5:
Roleplay Sample:

Forum Discussion / Re: Change of Scenery? Why'd ye change y'er username?
« on: January 26, 2017, 01:00:50 am »
First: puppy-girl

Second: CuPcAkEiSyUmMy
Changed Because: I had it for years, and as I grew the username no longer described who I was. Not to mention at the time there were certain people who knew the username, and I wanted a breath of fresh air away from them. I left FH for a year before changing again, and when I returned it was with my new [and current] username.

Third [and final]: OnionKnight
Changed Because: Listed above. I grabbed this username as a joke and to pay homage to my DarkSouls obsession lol. It grew on me, and became something more. I've been away from FH for awhile now, and you won't find me in game at all or as often but thats my user now. xD

Game Discussion / Re: What if I said I could remake Fh if I really tried?
« on: January 21, 2017, 10:24:21 am »
Also I'm really digging that survival aspect you mentioned, gives it a nice twist and a realistic aspect. :)

Game Discussion / Re: What if I said I could remake Fh if I really tried?
« on: January 21, 2017, 10:21:57 am »
Honestly? Yes. 100% yes. So long as there is sufficient space for roleplays, roleplaying availability, a place to advertise, in depth or at least better character customization, and the ability to form groups then a game like this might actually bring me back. I had to leave FH due to inactivity [both on FH and my part - IRL] but something like this piques my curiosity and if something like this happened it would probably drag me back. :) If you do go through with it, good luck!

Leaving / Gonna be gone for awhile...
« on: December 01, 2016, 10:43:01 pm »
Sadly, my time in FeralHeart is over for now. I've made many friends here and will miss all of you, but now that I'm older and facing... Well, what quite frankly is a money and time crisis I no longer have the time to log in, and roleplay... Which, is pretty much the core of my FeralHeart life. Roleplays in FeralHeart demand consistent activity, and it can get stressful for some of our older players who are unable to provide that activity due to whatever reason. I've been here since 2012, but it's time for me to go... At least for now, I don't know how long it will be until I return [if] I ever return. Years, months.. Hopefully someday when things are more stable... But yeah, for now, au revoir! <3 Until we meet again!


Game Discussion / Re: Intense moments in roleplays.
« on: November 29, 2016, 12:47:32 am »
Oh me too! A good roleplay session, plot twist, character devastation etc etc.. Is incredible to roleplay. I love it when characters and writing brings out legitimate emotion and adrenaline ;)

Congrats to our new recruiter staff member; hazel freeze!


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